Description For YouTube Channel


YouTube Basics


Description For YouTube Channel: YouTube Basics


Description For YouTube Channel: YouTube Basics

YouTube description, if done right, can boost SEO, subscriptions, views, and watch time on your channel.

If you are targeting Youtube marketing, YouTube description can be your top weapon. YouTube description is the place for people to know about their favourite YouTube creators, more like your formal introduction. And it's tricky, we know that and that's how you have brought a guide to a perfect YouTube description.

And we know, since you are here, you must have various questions you would like us to answer from; what is a YouTube Description to how to write it perfectly. So, let's get started:

What is A YouTube description?

On your YouTube Channel, you can introduce yourself, link accounts, and even other website's page links through the description. You can view this in the last tab in a row of options, along with Home, Videos, Playlists, Community, and Channels.

This text below your videos helps viewers isn't only restricted to mere "About" page. It can be a real deal-breaker and if done right, with some strategies you can help your video views shoot up.

How Long Is The YouTube Description?

While you can enter a wide range of content on YouTube description, there is a limit of characters. You can write including the spaces, and that is 1,000 characters or less than 200 words. Yes, you have only these number of words to communicate everything about yourself and create one that stands out.

Where is the YouTube description?

A YouTube channel description is a place where YouTube creators can write down about themselves, their brand, and their products. It is usually the information below your videos that users can read. It is also viewed as the information along with the YouTube channel name on the search engine's result.

What makes a YouTube description great?

Now, to the part which you have been waiting for, how to make a great YouTube channel description.

First, let us go through the most important features of your channel description. And then, you can adjust to your personal preferences and your channel's focus.


This deceptively simple feature, for that matter, is where most creator's mess up. So, making YouTube description complicated is the worst mistake you can do and keeping it simple is the best thing you can do to your YouTube description.

Now, when it comes to being simple, it doesn't mean you can lack clarity. Be specific in terms of long-tail keywords that would make her miss out on highly interested viewers.


Focus on the first 125 characters out of the 1,000 characters available. Starting with the most important facts and moving to the less important ones allows readers to become more engaged in the story. Also coming to the YouTube SEO, these 125 characters hold a lot of importance, given, they can contribute to increased reach as they are the part that is displayed in YouTube's search results.

Thus, making these 125 characters of your channel description makes sense. Use it well, and as the rule of organic SEO suggests include keywords that your ideal viewers search which is essentially your niche.

Here are some examples of long tail keywords that are niche based:

  • WEIGHT LOSS NICHE YOUTUBE CHANNEL: The keywords that you should focus to include in your long-tail keyword should be weight loss workouts, diet, tips, motivation, meditations, exercises at home, and more.

  • VOCAL DEVELOPMENT: The long-tail keywords that should focus on are vocal lessons for beginners, for men, women, head voice, kids, and high notes.

  • HOME RENOVATION TIPS: YouTube users are likely searching for home renovation tips and tricks, before and afters, tools, for small spaces, on a budget, and more.

In other words, use this super easy research tactic to benefit from organic keywords. And focus on hyper-relevant ideas that you aren't covering on your channel yet!

When you optimize your channel keywords the right way, you can boost the rankings of all individual videos and even use this to create small yet significant impacts through higher YouTube rankings. Have you wondered how you can see all those recommendation videos, well, the channel keywords allows YouTube in promoting related content?

The post you have conducted proper keyword research to figure out which keyword suits your niche best and act as a huge driver of video discovery on Internet, not just on YouTube, you should focus on ensuring that you continue to give value to description. Yes, Youtube video description is also an important part of your Youtube Channel.

And then, there is YouTube Video Description

This can be designed every time you add a new video. You can add links to your brand's funnel and add hashtags, however, you can also make sure that some information remains common like a brief introduction about your YouTube page.

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