VotaryTech: Transforming the World Through Comprehensive Mobile Technology Masterliness



Transforming world through comprehensive mobile technology masterliness

5 min read

VotaryTech: transforming world through comprehensive mobile technology masterliness


Mobile technology industry saw a steep rise during the technology boom in India, surprisingly immediately after the 2008 global financial crisis. Under this spectrum, packed with new opportunities, young energy and innovation, some change makers are unwinding the blockheads.

It requires audacity to fly high and get beyond the limits of the sky and that's what we learned from the professional endeavour of Sanjay Kamtam, Founder & Chief Executive Office, VotaryTech. Despite a challenging and changing industry landscape, his focus and determination have been driving every facet of the firm's day-to-day operation.

Sanjay started his association with technology as a software engineer at Motorola and developed SMS and Cell broadcast stacks on GSM technology and gradually moved up the corporate ladder, taking additional responsibilities.

In continuation of his success stories & apart from his popularity as a veteran technologist and an Entrepreneur, he possesses a strong track record of driving digital solutions for enterprises and executing business operations.

Sanjay exemplifies VotaryTech's commitment to helping its clients achieve high performance. He is a proven leader, with deep expertise in developing strong client relationships, a passion for building outstanding client teams and a disciplined focus on operations and execution.

Prior to VotaryTech, as strong technology mindset, Sanjay started his career with developing laser printer driver's software followed by GSM protocol stack, Sanjay played several leadership roles in bringing several firsts to market technologies (Dual band, Tri-band, GPRS, UMTS, Internet browser, MMS, Multimedia and many more).

Sanjay took up the leadership role in bringing the first Motorola product with Multimedia (Video capture, Audio) and Mobile Internet browser. Just before moving back to India, Sanjay worked as a Section Manager for Multimedia Group.

The genesis of his entrepreneurial success was written as a start-up company called Fortuna Technologies, specializing in Mobile Platforms, which was later acquired by Tieto. Sanjay worked as Engineering Manager for Mobile Applications division at Motorola, India.

Prior to taking a transfer to Motorola, India, Sanjay spent over 9 years at Motorola's Mobile Division headquartered in Libertyville, Illinois, U.S.A.

Sanjay holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of South Alabama and a B.Tech degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Nagarjuna University.

The Sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and Sprint retrospectives conducted regularly exhibits few management initiative Sanjay has engrained in Votarytech's DNA to make it an agile and cutting edge technology company .

<div class="paragraphs"><p>VotaryTech </p></div>
How is Business Affected by Technology?

What is the business problem Votary Tech hopes to solve with its solutions and offerings? The CEO Magazine asked Sanjay.

Tell us about what your role at Votary Tech.

We are creating and leading an ecosystem for designing and manufacturing the most complex communication and consumer devices in India.

As the CEO, my role at VotaryTech primarily involves overseeing all operations and business activities as well as developing high-quality business strategies and direction. Building trusting relations with key partners, stakeholders and modelling the company's culture, value and behaviour. Most importantly being available for the organisation at all times. 

What were you doing before this, and is this your first business?

Yes, this is my first Business. Prior to VT, I have spent considerable amount of time with product companies like Motorola, both in the US, India and headed Tieto a Sweden-Finland software services company. 

How did you come up with your business idea?

After around a decade long stint with Motorola and gaining a valuable insight in mobile technology space. My ambitious persona, patriotic soul, a dream and wish to contribute for the youth of India, encouraged me to start my entrepreneurial stint, leading to birth of VotaryTech.

And one of the primary objectives of starting VotaryTech is to develop an Indian based organisation with world-class design capabilities.

Indian mobile handset players are on the verge of bringing global transformations. What is the role of Votary Tech in line with the same?

VotaryTech has deep expertise in Embedded Software related to smart devices including Smartphones. Coupled with our overall Platform offerings in various Smart Wireless devices (Smart Phones, IoT, Wearables, Set Top Boxes, Infotainment etc.), we make it possible for Indian OEM companies to design and manufacture Smart Devices in India. 

What is the relationship between Votary Tech, IoT and Innovation?

Votarytech has innovation as DNA. VotaryTech allocates 50% of investments towards innovation and R&D. VotaryTech designed and developed its own IoT SW Stack (VITA).

Several solutions including Smart Transport, Smart Security, and Smart Campus are already deployed in various markets. Smart Transport and Smart Security solutions are being used by Telangana Government Police Department and by thousands of employees of more than 160 companies. 

VotaryTech is currently involved in innovation of several platforms in the areas of various smart devices. 

Brief us over the portfolio of the company.

VotaryTech portfolio mainly consists of Platform Solutions in the areas of 4G LTE Handset, Smart Phone, Tablets, Wearables, IoT, Set Top Box and Automotive Infotainment. For all these platforms VotaryTech provides Hardware Design Services, Software Design Services and ODM Services. 

<div class="paragraphs"><p>VotaryTech </p></div>
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What have you done that has been very effective in helping to grow the business?

Understand the industry trend in advance has been very helpful in growing the business. In high technology domains, it is very important to plan for future growth by very accurately predicting the shape of things to come in future. 

Finding employees to work in a new and growing business can be a challenge. How did you find your employees?

VotaryTech provides a world-class work environment with respect to HR policies, Infrastructure and individual employee-oriented career plans. This coupled with Cutting edge technology projects, Compensation on par with industry standards and company's growth plans is what attracts talent to VotaryTech. Our extremely low attrition rate is proof of our excellent employee-oriented policies.

How has your experience in running the business been different from what you expected?

Fortunately, due to my background in Motorola, USA, I have been firmly rooted into technology and quality. As a result, I could slowly and steadily build VotaryTech without any major surprises. Also, the domains were familiar and hence confidence level in execution was high.

Brief us over the milestones earned by the firm.

 Company has just completed a successful 9 years of operations and it has more than 400 employees and several MNC customers and ODCs to its credit.

What's in store for Votary Tech in 2019? Any new plans to look forward to?

VotaryTech has big plans for 2019 through its platform-based approach. This will be a boon for Indian OEM companies who want to launch products in cutting edge technologies like wearables, IoT etc. VotaryTech as a service company through its offerings can make its customer's conceptual products into real volume produced products at internationally competitive prices.

What advice would you give to somebody else who wanted to start a similar business?

There are ample opportunities in the market. Please do your homework well before jumping into the business. Also, to achieve bigger results, one should have discipline and patience.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>VotaryTech </p></div>
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