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In the last few years, technology has been used to create opportunities and solve challenges of healthcare including availability, access, affordability, tech optimisation, and data management. With the constant rise in population and chronic diseases along with high labour costs, the healthcare sector has to be ready for the future where it has to adopt technology to ensure early prevention of the disease rather than the treatment itself.


Having mentioned that, the industry is about the witness significant challenges in the upcoming years as many leading healthcare companies are set to offer revolutionised services that will impact the lives of many individuals in different countries across the world. The industry aims to be meeting with the growing demand for delivering better patient care. The health tech trends in 2020 are a representation of the role of technology in upcoming healthcare solutions.


AI, the health tech trend in 2020, has proved to be efficient when it comes to handling a large amount of data and performing tasks that would take hours or days for humans to perform. The already hyped technology is becoming the core of various technology-based innovations that are taking place in the healthcare industry today. With the increasing world population, different sets of people are entering different age-groups, artificial intelligence and machine learning offer new and better ways to identify the diseases, diagnose conditions, develop treatment plans and ensure that humans are ready to meet situations like health epidemics and create efficiencies in medical research.

The increased number of data will be leaning on big data as well as artificial intelligence algorithms to process it and predict the probability of a condition to help doctors provide a diagnosis and treatment plans.


The much-debated technology has been offering solutions in the healthcare industry in the form of robotic surgeries which are less invasive than traditional surgeries. However, the question that is debated by various professionals, experts and doctors in the field is when it comes to life and death, can a robot be trusted?

The robots have been assisting various surgeries in the operating rooms, but the potential of these technologies is much beyond surgeries. The leading health tech trend, robotics, is used in healthcare to conduct a varied range of tasks based on their modification. Solving various issues faced related to healthcare, the robots have already been carrying task like treating patients in rural areas via telepresence, transporting medical supplies, disinfecting hospital rooms, helping patients with rehabilitation or with prosthetics, and automating labs and packaging medical devices, etc.


Yes, machines with vision are the next on the list of health tech trends in 2020. Training the machines to see the world and process the visual input is an accomplishment in itself. The significant progress in technology with machine vision can be used in more than one way in medicine including diagnostics, viewing scans and medical images, surgery, and more.

This technology can be useful in assisting doctors with information like how much blood did the patient loses during childbirth to ensure that appropriate care can be given to them to prevent postpartum haemorrhage. This is a simple example of how technology can increase the mortality rate of new moms, and the insight can help save other sets of patients as well.

The applications equipped with this technology offer relevant information which is leading to their increased numbers as computers are being used to view CT scans to detect neurological and cardiovascular illnesses and spot tumours in X-ray images are growing rapidly.


Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are the core components of advanced genomic medicine. The genomic medicine is created when a person's genetic information is used to determine personalized treatment plans and clinical care. The medicine has been creating impactful results in various studies of medicine including pharmacology, oncology, infectious diseases, and more.

Genes and gene mutations are analysed by computers which are causing medical conditions much quicker. This helps the medical community to be proactive with a better understanding of how diseases occur and can be treated or even eradicated. The major areas where genomics has been useful are research projects in places covering medical conditions as organ transplant rejection, cystic fibrosis, and cancers to determine how best to treat these conditions.

Unlimited Opportunities: 

Some of these technologies have become known in the past couple of years, while some are still in the process of being accepted and acknowledged as revolutionising the healthcare industry. The health tech trends in 2020 with these technologies will enable democratized access to information, treatment and innovation. With significant growth opportunities for healthcare organizations as well as the companies providing these technologies, 2020 is a year of unlimited opportunities that can be a crucial part of the applications of these technologies and invention of new technologies in the long-term.

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