5 Technological Advancements in Pharmaceutical Industry that will change Healthcare

5 Technological Advancements in Pharmaceutical Industry that will change Healthcare

5 Technological Advancements in Pharmaceutical Industry that will change Healthcare

4 min read

5 Technological Advancement in Pharmaceutical Industry that will change Healthcare.

Digitalization and technology are creating fields that are changing the way we think of this world, people are getting attracted to the latest and helpful technology. This technology boom has affected every industry including the Pharmaceutical industry. As biology and technology are coming together, interesting opportunities are appearing to enhance healthcare with the help of innovations in this age of digitalization.


Founder, CEO of Apple Steve Jobs said that "biology and technology coming together will be the biggest innovation of 21st century", he pointed to digital health or mobile health. Well, his prediction was true because technology like mobile and wearable devices are getting famous among youth already. A number of these technologies are already helping Pharmacy companies to develop new medicines for the betterment of the human body.

The pharmacy industry invests the highest in its research and development (R&D) department when compared to any other industry; they invest about 15% in it. They are very conscious of their medicines to ensure that it is safe to consume. Almost every pharmacy company is against the sharing of data with outsiders as this is strictly prohibited.

Below is a list of a 5 of the many inventions that are going to help healthcare.

  1. Precision Medicine

It is the method to understand the biological base of disease by fusing clinical and molecular information. This will be done by converting DNA to data with the help of genomic sequencing. This data will help the companies to find the exact problem by identifying specific gene flaw. This will help researchers to understand what will be the most effective drug for the patient. This advancement of technology will lead to making a new targeted medication.

This medication will be known as genetic make-up for each patient, genomic testing is vital for effective medicines. This new relationship of individual genes and drugs will lead doctors to predict the exact drug for each person and their dosage too. This will result in a better outcome with minimum effects.

The research has already started for precision medicine in the UK. Soon this technology will be available in the market and a revolution will begin.

  1. M-Health

This technology is already available and institutes have already begun to take advantage of this by researching it. Smart phones and smart wearable having fast processors and improved sensors are keeping a track of our movements and measurement and recording them. As more and more people will contribute their data, the more useful it will become.

There are many applications developed by Apple, to have deep research on them. There are already applications those targets

  • Parkinson's disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Asthma and
  • Breast cancer

Well, the sensor of m-health is limited to smart phones and smart wearable devices like smart watches and fitness bands. As they only have accelerometers and global positioning (GPS) and a sensor that takes biometric readings, with the advancement in this technology the sensor is getting more and more accurate.

The available sensors in current smart wearable can already track your temperature, heart rate, stress level and many more.

With the help of the internet, your data will be synced with other of your devices and will be stored in the database. This technology will allow people to monitor themselves without visiting any clinic.

  1. 3D printing

3D printing will bring a revolution in the pharmacy industry. There will be 3D printing of drugs; this will allow manufacturers to build a layout of medicine with the right dose.

Printing of drugs can be done in any size and shape you want and you even can choose the amount of dose to put in. This will completely change how we manufacture drugs; doctors can also adjust the dose according to the need of the patient.

  1. Nanotech

Nanotech is as it sounds, it refers to a kind of microscopic technology, and they are very small. Due to their size, particles can easily travel inside of a human body. This technology will allow doctors and researchers to track the disease, once the patient consumes the nanoparticles they will send signals that diagnosed have been completed and all this can be done from an application.

The research for microscopic robot bots is also under development by researchers, which can allow a human to pre-program the tasks which he is going to perform. The way we see healthcare will completely change once this technology is used on a full scale.

  1. AI (Artificial intelligence)

Advancement of AI is not only an advantage for the pharmacy industry but to every industry. Computers and robots are learning new and advanced techniques from the given data and helping companies in the development of new and improved drugs.

AI like Watson is already assisting scientist and large pharmacy corporations in making medicines. An AI can learn and remember everything at the given time and while researching it can be a very good help for the companies. This also reduces the cost we can have more improved medicines.

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