UshtaTe, Independent Human Resource Recruitment Combatants Triumphing the Talent Game for Companies

UshtaTe, Independent Human Resource Recruitment Combatants Triumphing the Talent Game for Companies

UshtaTe, Independent Human Resource Recruitment Combatants Triumphing the Talent Game for Companies

Malcolm Mistry - Director

4 min read

“Our strength lies at the intersection of media, technology, and human resources. A unique marriage of these three pillars stitches the fabric of UshtaTe solutions for its dignified clientele.”

Malcolm Mistry

UshtaTe, Independent Human Resource Recruitment Combatants Triumphing the Talent Game for Companies

Reigning the realm of the human resource industry in India with his valued experience and uncanny visionary insight, Malcolm Mistry founded his brainchild venture UshtaTe in 2012.

Today, years down the line, UshtaTe, which translates into great awakening and ‘happiness unto you’, is an organization that embodies the vision of its founder to create tailor-made experiences for the clients with media, technology, and human resources.

Boasting ISO 27001 and ISO 20000 certifications and functioning on a sound set of procedures in place, UshtaTe is poised with a reverent stance in the contract and permanent staffing domain.

The UshtaTe team is a family of individuals who join forces to work with proven methods to bridge the gap between the talent seekers and the existing talent pool.

Malcolm, the man behind UshtaTe, is a robust believer in possessing a strong vision as a leader. A leader’s vision forms the mental compass on which a team navigates to reach a goal.

A team demands inspiration, motivation, guidance, and direction which the leader fulfils to ensure that they jump out of the bed wanting to win each day.

Having mentioned that, Malcolm spared a few minutes from the suitcase of his busy schedule to converse with Purnima Narang, Editor, The CEO Magazine to share about his team, motivation, success, and other aspects of his journey as a leader at UshtaTe. Here are the edited excerpts:

The CEO: Malcolm, first of all, thanks for your time. Why don’t you tell us about your current role as a leader?

Malcolm: Honestly, from a leadership point of view, we can comprehend that the past one and half year has been challenging. The major reason is due to lack of physical contact with the team members owing to the pandemic.

Normally, when we are in the office, you can transfer positive energy to your team members. But today, we are working remotely and as a leader, you comprehend the different challenges your team is witnessing in their personal lives.

Amidst working at home and taking care of their loved ones, to be motivated and wake in the morning with affirmation that “Hey, I am going to win today!” is extremely difficult.

As a leader, I believe, my role revolves around finding out how to inspire and bring out the best in the team, not only in the good times but also in the challenging ones. At the same time, syncing the organization and personal goals is equally essential.

The CEO: On the same lines, as a leader, what motivates you?

Malcolm: This is an interesting question to answer to. Well, I believe that while this positive transfer of energy takes place from the leader to the team, the role of a team is equally vital for a leader’s motivation.

A leader can't wake every day with the same energy level, motivated and ready to go. Leaders are also humans and have their fair share of lows and highs.

As a leader, there are days when you don’t have adequate energy. On days like such, a good team comes into the picture. As I mentioned earlier, it is all about energy.

On various days, the leader is passing on energy to the team members, but you won’t believe that there are countless times, when you feel the blues and the team dynamics change everything.

A good team, which we are blessed to have, can lift spirits, offer you a sense of optimism and purpose, like a rising tide that lifts all the boats, when the energy is positive, it transfers. At the same time, it is transparent.

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Editor's Note: Syncing Goals, Key To Successful HR Solutions

The CEO: What are the values that your team has imbibed in their DNA?

Malcolm: Values encompasses a broad spectrum. There are two key elements of a smoothly functioning organization. One is the certifications like ISO 27001 and ISO 20000 and GDPR compliance which ensures that the company works on predetermined parameters.

However, values will determine how your company and people will work even in a situation where there are no defined rules. A value simply tells you the difference between right and wrong.

And we are proud that our team gets this right as they understand this. At most points of time, we follow, what we believe is the right thing to do or the good thing to do. And the moment this is defined, there is no need to define values as it encompasses everything.

The CEO: What is success for you? Whom would you like to credit your success?

Malcolm: To answer the question of "what is success?", we ask the question “Whether we have managed to positively impact the life of people who work with us?”.

This is a good parameter for defining success. When we think that we have managed to create a meaningful difference in someone’s life, I believe, at that moment, we would believe that we are successful.

We are currently navigating through an adventurous journey to reach the same goal as a young company. For us, success is not a number, it is the added value in the skills and lives of themselves and their families through the efforts at UshtaTe.

The UshtaTe team consists of individuals who work hard, work smart, and take ownership of UshtaTe, sometimes evidently more than me. I believe success is a result of the ownership of each team member, manager, and the key person has.

The CEO: What would you like our readers to take away from this interview?

Malcolm: Don’t look out to get yourself a job, you should be looking to be a part of a team where you believe that the role you are playing is significant and you believe that tomorrow will be better than today is an advice that I would like to share with The CEO Magazine’s readers.

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