Unimech Healthcare

Translating Curveballs thrown by the Covid-19 Pandemic into Opportunity
Mr. Ramkrishna Kamojala, CEO Unimech Healthcare.
Mr. Ramkrishna Kamojala, CEO Unimech Healthcare.
5 min read

Unimech Healthcare, Translating Curveballs thrown by the Covid-19 Pandemic into Opportunity

The Company of the Year 2021, India’s leading air disinfection solution provider, an arm of Unimech Aerospace & Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd, Unimech Healthcare is completely reimagining a category of advanced chemical-free disinfection to ensure Indians seamlessly return to the “new normal” without worrying about the risk of infection and spurring economic growth.


With a vision to curate solutions for the need of the hour healthcare industry, integrated with the aerospace quality, world-class manufacturing and global design experience for smart disinfection systems, ventilators, and more.

Driven by the passion to find answers to the covid related safety questions, the Unimech Healthcare team developed a range of solutions that uses multiple technologies like UVGI (Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation), PMEE (Photon Mediated Electron Emission), Ionization, Ozonization mounted on advanced technologies like IoT based smart sensors and cloud-based technology to ensure end to end monitoring of disinfection levels. The inception story of the brand can be summed up in the adage, “necessity is the mother of invention.”

The Unimech Healthcare Inception Story

Unimech Aerospace has successfully supplied the aerospace industry with engine tooling, large mechanical sub-assembly, and rapid prototype parts to its clientele in the US, Europe, and the Middle East. Since late 2019 they have also diversified into non-aerospace markets including energy, nuclear power, semiconductor, and defence.

When the pandemic struck Unimech Aerospace, being a manufacturing company with a global customer base including aerospace OEMs had to maintain operations, a challenge surmounted through working and living in the factory for 2 months. However, during this time the novel Coronavirus guidelines of wearing masks, social distancing, and basic sanitization seemed to be to rudimentary to the Unimech directors.

With the focus on employee safety and delivery of orders-in hand, they started researching from sources such as the WHO and CDC and focused on the research from the WHO that air is the primary medium for the virus to spread. They observed a gap in the disinfection industry which was only focused on surface disinfection and not on protecting people against airborne transmission, which was a major gap.

The directors then decided to take on the challenge of providing their employees and India with an opportunity to be safe from air borne transmission by forming a team of PhD physicists, PhD microbiologists, electronic engineers along with their existing team of aerospace-grade engineers and designers. Followed by extensive research, the team developed an array of advanced tech-enabled products focused on air & surface disinfection.

Revolutionary pioneers

The Unimech Healthcare team has curated a one-of-its-kind solution. The brand has carved its unique niche as a pioneer in smart disinfection solutions which were developed in close collaboration with experienced experts with ingenuity, and adaptability to deliver excellence to the Unimech Healthcare clientele.

The brand follows international standard processes to maintain the edge of high quality promised to every client; it has international and national certifications and accreditations from CE ISO 9001, IAPMO-I Disinfection Mark (from the US), OTABU (from the UK), ISO 45001, etc.

Mr. Ramkrishna Kamojala, CEO Unimech Healthcare.

Unimech Healthcare Solutions

As human beings, we take vaccines. At Unimech Healthcare, the question the team asked, “Is your facility vaccinated?” Companies are now starting to get their employees & customers back to the office; malls, restaurants, gyms are reopening, and travel is going full scale. Despite disinfecting surfaces to make workplaces safe Unimech Healthcare, backed by the WHO research know that this approach is not enough.

They believe this myth of safety through surface disinfection is mostly due to the awareness gap of how the infection spreads. Offering a comprehensive range of solutions that are a chemical-free fumigation and disinfection systems, they cater to the new business continuity risk.

While the virus and its variants have been deadly across the globe, the realisation that the virus will remain a part of our lives the need of the hour is for indoor infection spread control devices. CleanAir is an initiative curated to address this need for a safe environment for employees, students, customers who are entering offices, schools, markets etc. to assure their safety.

Certified by laboratories & top international accreditation bodies, their solutions ensure that 99.99% of the virus is disinfected from the air, along with any form of microbes including bacterial and fungal. It also reduces air contamination caused by air pollutants.

Smart Disinfection Solutions

From surface to air transmission, Unimech Healthcare solutions cater not only to the workspace but also other important areas such as washrooms, HVAC systems, elevators, etc where there is an increased potential for infection. These solutions include CleanAir (AC/HVAC/AHU Systems), UV-Clean smart UVG solutions, and Complete Disinfection Solutions.

UV-Clean smart UVGI solutions

UV-Clean smart UVGI solutions are designed for indoor or closed spaces. Smart sterile solutions from Unimech Healthcare decontaminate these areas easily by killing 99.9%of germs in just 2-5 minutes. Unimech Healthcare’s Unsterile UVC solution encompasses a comprehensive range of disinfecting and sterilizing solutions for closets, washrooms, medical equipment, restaurant utensils, and other closed spaces.

With advanced technology, UVC kits and sterilizing units are designed for the elimination of bacteria/viruses and other germs using powerful UV light to ensure contamination-free spaces.

CleanAir (AC/HVAC/AHU Systems)

As the name suggests, CleanAir filters and disinfects airflow at the workplace and are designed for purifying and disinfecting within the air ducts at hospitals, corporations, plazas, and other commercial establishments.

Unimech Healthcare’s CleanAir initiative is targeted to decontaminate the filter and coil of AC’s which over time can become significantly contaminated with microorganisms, increasing the chances of infection propagation. The CleanAir solution for decontaminating air conditioning and other airflow systems includes UV for coil sterilization, damper, split AC, and closet areas.

This allows the air to be free of germicides suspended from pollutants, dust, pollen, smoke, and even diseases, including mould, bacteria, and viruses (including COVID SARS-CoV-2 viruses). The microbiological decline in the air causing a clean and safe environment can significantly impact the overall health of individuals working long hours in enclosed settings without ventilation. It also eliminates bad odours while preventing’s microbes from multiplying, providing long term health benefits.

Complete Disinfection Solutions

The Unimech Healthcare’s UV- Clean Complete Disinfection Solutions comprehensively disinfects air and surfaces in large spaces like hospitals, malls, corporate offices to provide healthy and safe air indoors. A Complete Disinfection Management system encompasses the establishment of a continuous disinfection system for all transmissible regions and 24-hour monitoring of indoor air quality and device performance.

Each smart device is managed via the IoT and is pro-actively replaced when lights are damaged. With proven results, this guaranteed 99.99% effectiveness of disinfection offering a competitive advantage to enhance operations and scale business with round-the-clock clean air as systems and devices activate continuously during the day.

Mr. Ramkrishna Kamojala, CEO Unimech Healthcare.
Mr. Ramkrishna Kamojala, CEO Unimech Healthcare.
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