‘Remembering’ Sushant Singh Rajput

‘Remembering’ Sushant Singh Rajput

‘Remembering’ Sushant Singh Rajput

4 min read

Sushant Singh Rajput was the beloved Indian Bollywood actor who is today remembered for not only his talent as an artist or his achievement reaching the position in the industry but also his interests, his ever-passionate personality.

The actor who believed, acting gave him a chance to showcase emotion which he believed he was unable to express usually, used social media to show the world what his off-screen life looked like. A tour through his Instagram account unfolds many chapters in the life of Sushant.

Be it lists of dreams, achieving those goals, star-gazing, physics problem solving, or even the self-musing captions he wrote, his social media account was a platform for his fans to reach him then and even today as many still leave comments on his memorialised Instagram account.

Amidst his death on July 14, 2020, the case of Sushant Singh Rajput has become complex as many fans mourn for the passed soul and demand justice to understand what actually happened to Sushant Singh Rajput. What looked like a suicide due to depression allegedly has now put authorities and his acquaintances including Rhea Chakraborty, her family, his flatmates, servants and   under fire

Today, we are going to take you through some of these posts and well-written captions to remember the man who inspired many.


Caption: The funny thing about machine learning is that it closely seems to mimic human learning algorithms which when studied closely (by a human:), could help him to learn even more, and that could eventually enable them to make better machine learning algorithms and on and on… nice😊 good morning.

Sushant's interest in technology and his passion for learning was evident by his Instagram account. This post displays both how he viewed the world. It was in a interview where he asserted how technology is rapidly changing and "our ignorance cannot stop what is inevitable."


Caption: "Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding. Find out what you already know and you will see the way to fly." 💫



Another post that puts Sushant Singh Rajput's vision into words. These lines are exactly the legacy Sushant Singh would have wanted to be left behind as he chased his goals by learning just like in the picture he posed in front of an NASA rocket model.


Another #selfmusing post captioned Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum. ("I doubt, therefore I think, I think therefore I am")

~ René Descartes ——

But when you don't doubt, you could still think, even when you don't think, you could already know, what you know is, exactly what you always were and will be.


#waysofseeing #duality #paradoxical #pineal #Dmt #perspectives #feedbackloop #consciousness

#holographic #interpretations

#dynamic #interactive #reality #illusion #parallax #3D #interdimensional #NeoDescartes

Sushant's view of the world was not only focused on future and its nature, but in learning about the core of everything he wanted to learn about. The captions explain a lot as he focuses on ways of seeing, perspectives, feedbackloop, consciousness of thought process, and interpretations.


Caption: Forgetting all I'm lacking

Completely incomplete

I'll take your invitation

You take all of me now

I'm falling even more in love with you

Letting go of all I've held on to

I'm standing here

until you make me move

I'm hanging by a moment here with you…❤️🌪🎶


Have a great day, good morning ☀️ 🙏❤️💫💥✊🦋🌪🚀🌙🌌🍻

With a picture from the opening night of IPL or Indian Premier League where Sushant performed, Sushant captioned the lyrics of a song by Life house that display


Caption: Just goofing around! 🎸 💥

#Onehand 🖐:)

#livingmydreams 🦋

#lovingmydreams 🌪

The caption wins the heart as in simplest goofing around caption, the actor went on to showcase his ambidextrous side and amaze the world as he lived another dream he loved.


Caption: A memory 📸 I took while living my dream of witnessing the spectacular sunrise with a movement controlled ✈️ by me 👨‍✈️ ,but ironically and magically frictionless ⛅️ 🌈 🌌, as if my controlling thoughts 💭 were surrendering willingly to some Majesty ☀️ ..,and of course, pink floyd ❤️ giving company.:)

#incomparable #experiences

#theunbearablelightnessofbeing 🦋

#living/lovingMyDreams ❤️

#ourSundays🥳 #inspiringsundays 🔑

Good morning 😎☀️🌈❤️🔱💥 ———————————————

🎶🎶- #floyd 🎶✈️

"To martyr yourself to caution

Is not going to help at all

'Cause there'll be no safety in numbers

When the right one walks out of the door…"🎶🎶💫


Caption: Perfection resides in the 'next' repetition. Passion lies in the 'present' one.

#selfmusing 💫

Dream 37/50 🌈

Ambidextrous archer 🏹



Sushant is known for his dream list and making them happen, be it buying his favourite car or going to NASA. How? His #selfmusing post showcase exactly how.


Caption: Just like in a hierarchy where every employee tends to rise to his level of 'incompetence', in evolution, systems tend to develop up to the 'limit' of their adaptive competence.

The shape of existence, it seems, is the shape of failure!

Success could be then recognising this shape and still pursue.

The Times They Are a-Changin 🙂 #peterPrinciple #success

Sushant was never defined by one thing, his life had various aspects besides being an actor, building body, getting on the set and acting. His passion for astrophysics, twinkling masses, the new technologies like artificial intelligence, 4D, and others along with his passion to learn defined him.

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