Seema Dental College & Hospital

Defining the future of Dental Education, Research and Practice
Seema Dental College & Hospital

Seema Dental College & Hospital

Defining the future of Dental Education, Research and Practice

5 min read

Seema Dental College & Hospital: Defining the future of Dental Education, Research and Practice

Seema Dental College & Hospital, a brainchild of Dr. R.K. Gupta, has been serving the national community since 2002. The institution is a centre of excellence and throughout its history has been a key driver in shaping oral health and dental care in India by delivering dentists with excellence.

SDCH is committed to providing quality dental services and dental education, with a strong mission to be the most preferred choice of students, faculty and patients.

Under the aegis of Dr. B.S. Gupta Medical Charitable Society, SDCH is emerging towards positioning itself as a global leader in human development, excellence in education and healthcare.


SDCH's undergraduate and post-graduate dental program that focuses on teaching dental health with a strong emphasis on clinical skills.

Throughout the different programs, students develop their clinical skills through early patient-based teaching and are given the necessary foundations for independent learning trough simulated exercises at a research hospital.

SDCH, with its state of the art infrastructure and seasoned academicians in its team of faculty, is one of the most preferred institutions in the India. The Institute aims to provide an integrated learning environment to enable students to grow towards their full potential and meet the high expectations of the Industry and the Society.

The institution is with covering area of 3, 50,000sq.ft located amidst woods on one side and holy river Ganga on the other side, the college campus has a breathtaking view with grandeur of the beautiful scenery made up of lush green hills surroundings the snow-white, tall buildings of the hostel and hospital block. It is a wonderful place-beautiful & vibrant; relaxed and engaged.

SDCH Rishikesh with a team of dedicated well qualified and experienced faculty under the guidance of Director Principal, Dr. Himanshu Aeran strives to shape the career of aspirants in such a manner that besides becoming excellent medical professionals they grow up to be good human beings with extra ordinary qualities and thus prove to be very useful members of the society at large.

Under the leadership of Dr. Aeran, SDCH is honing future leaders and entrepreneurs. Its intense academic curriculum is designed to prepare students to deliver their best. Entrepreneurs, mentors, researchers and academicians come together at SDCH to create an inspiring environment for new ideas to contribute to national building.

The Dental outpatient Department dovetails with the teaching facilities of the college. Besides providing oral healthcare to the patients, this facility works in tandem with the college of Dentistry.

The OPD has ultra modern, state-of-the-art equipments, almost all of it painstakingly sourced and imported from the best manufactures across the world and has all the latest equipments i.e. 3Digital radiography, Orthopantomography, X-rays, Dental Laser, Dental Operating Microscopes, Computerized RVG and the latest Dental laboratories with all the necessary attachments.

The OPD periodically organizes free dental check up camps in college, as well as far flung rural areas where expert healthcare is otherwise impossible to come by.

Dr. Himanshu Aeran – Director Principal, in an exclusive interview with The CEO Magazine. He shares his vision, future plan and USP etc.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Seema Dental College &amp; Hospital</p></div>
Questta Learrning: Reshaping the Educational Landscape for a Brighter Tomorrow

Here is the edited excerpt:

How has the value of dental education in India changed in the last 3-5 years? How do you foresee the Dental programme scenario in the coming 1-3 years?

Value of Dental Education:                               

Dental programme scenario has changed in the last 3- 5 years on the positive note. Today, we have about 1, 80,000 registered dental graduates across India, out of which only about 80,000 are actively practicing dentists.

These practicing dentists are primarily in urban and semi urban areas, with the rural areas having a death of this talent.

So, there is a lot scope of Dental Programmes in the upcoming years and If we see, overall market size Indian dental market is app $2 billion (App. 13,000 crore) with market growth rate of 20% YOY. So, in my sense Dental Programme scenario will be better in the next upcoming years.

Seema Dental College has niche Dental programmes. What are the changing industry expectations from graduates with such specialization? What are the key opportunities available for such graduates?

Changing Industries Expectations:

New trends like new material, technologies are well accepted by the patients. This is because of several reasons such as reduction in time and increase in the accuracy of procedures and confluence of the patient's want and needs.

As a result, there is more predictability in treatment outcomes across dental units with reduced errors and better control which is required by every patient in today's scenario.

Key Opportunities available for such graduates:

Yes, thus the newer training programs will need to be tweaked to incorporate training around these new technologies in addition to the basic training that dentists need to perform different procedures.

For this our college conducts various CDE programmes which include lectures from dignitaries of various arenas of dentistry Internationally / Nationally based providing great learning opportunities to students as well as to faculty members.

Our institute is the first institute in Uttarakhand to get ties ups with Indian Dental Association and International College of Dentists.

What is the USP of your Dental program which differentiates it from others?  How do you plan to enrich your Dental programme in next 1-2 year?

USP of Our College:

Spirituality is the one thing which improves mental health improvement and stress reduction in students. Spirituality also encourages people to look within and take inventory. 

Our college not only deals with academic grounds but also on spiritual grounds so conducted spiritual talk by J. Krishnamurti Society of Hardiwar on "Know Your Self" which helped students to broaden their vision of thinking making them mentally and spiritually sound.

Our students also participated in 15th International Yoga Festival in which our Director Principal Dr. Himanshu Aeran presented a talk on " Mouth is the mirror of our body" covering various aspects of oral health care with Ayurveda and modern concept.

There is number of programmes organized in college to make a person not only doctor but human first.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Seema Dental College &amp; Hospital</p></div>
Is SAFe scrum master better than CSM?

Our mission is to promote academic excellence, widen intellectual horizons, and inculcate self discipline and high ideals for the total personality development of individual.

To convert a novice into a competent professional with excellent theoretical knowledge and unsurpassed practical skills and to motivate the interest in the research activities, further education and social services.

What is the class size? When is the best time to apply?

Class Size and Best Time to Apply:

For BDS it is 100 seats and to apply is through NEET Examination only.

How does a student apply to your dental school? How early can he or she apply?

To apply to our college the only mode is through clearing NEET examination and than going through counseling procedures.

Does Seema Dental College allow early admission to dental school?

No, SDCH does not allow early admission.

Does Seema Dental College have a specific program designed for candidates seeking admission, particularly foreign-trained dentists, to the D.D.S. program with advanced standing?

Seema Dental College and Hospital has proved to be capable of providing value based teacher/student exchange programme to broaden the scope of their individual capabilities in the field of education and patient care in which Dr. Himanshu Aeran went to Germany and Dr. Iazzeti from Brazil visited our college under this program.

Dr. Arun Nayyar from USA also visited to our college and delivered an informative lecture. Our institute hosted 5 groups of students from Czech Republic, Egypt, Chelyabinsk Saint Petersburg and Russia and one group of 5 students from SDCH were sent to Armenia in Eastern Europe as a part of International Student Exchange Programme.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Seema Dental College &amp; Hospital</p></div>
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