
Your One Stop Solution to Talent and Outsource Services
UshtaTe: Your One Stop Solution to Talent and Outsource Services

UshtaTe: Your One Stop Solution to Talent and Outsource Services

MALCOLM MISTRY - Director -UshtaTe

5 min read

UshtaTe Consultancy Services LLP provides talent and offers a plethora of outsource solutions to leading global organisations. Their clientele includes some of the prominent global technology and media companies.

Talking about their client list, Malcolm Mistry, the man behind UshtaTe, mentions that top companies are particular about their requirements and have a very high standard. To deliver as per their expectations, UshtaTe ensures its standards are at par with global standards.

Ushtate: A Peek Into Their Initial Years

Malcolm Mistry founded UshtaTe in 2012. Talking about his early career, Malcolm mentions his time in the media industry. He spent two decades in the media and handled the publications of some of the top magazines like IndiaToday, Business Today, Reader's Digest, Harvard Business Review, etc.

While working in media, he realized he would like to do something on his own at some point, shaping up UshtaTe.

At first, the company was more into human resources. After setting their roots in the human resources sector, they gradually shifted to managed and outsourced services.

Initial Hurdles Ushtate Faced

While recalling their initial days, Malcolm Mistry says that setting up a startup was difficult. Resources that were readily available to the top players, they had to bring together and build from scratch. They even had to figure out resources like lawyers and technicians who are taken for granted in a concrete world.

Although they have had their share of challenges during their initial days, Malcolm Mistry mentions that the journey so far has been a great one. They overcame all hurdles and grew over the years to reach where they are today - India's leading contingent workforce provider.

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Ushtate During Covid

Although covid had been hard for many, UshtaTe managed to stay afloat even during the pandemic. The platforms they were working with skyrocketed with the onset of covid. They even managed to gain two new international accounts. Malcolm Mistry says, "the pandemic was not good for us, or anybody, but we have seen a good growth despite the pandemic."

What Led To Shaping Up UshtaTe

Being from a media background, Malcolm Mistry himself was on the client's side for a while. The main problem he encountered was the lack of understanding of the skills and talent required for a certain position.

The gap between the type of skill and talent available to what is required is huge. According to Malcolm, this gap is because the people in charge of hiring talents are human resource professionals.

In reality, you need someone who understands the industry. When a person with no prior history or understanding of the industry is hiring for it, they may be unable to find the right candidate.

Malcolm Mistry considers themselves the domain expert who understands the position and requirements, which is the reason behind their success.

Key Services Provided ByUshtaTe

Speaking about key services offered by UshtaTe, Malcolm mentions the standards and regulations they follow to maintain the quality of their services. They are GDPR compliant, ISO 20000 and ISO 27001 certified and GEE BEC (Business Excellence Criteria) 1100:2022 certified for diversity and inclusion. Here are some of the key services offered by UshtaTe:

  • Outsourced language services which include translation, transcription, inverse text normalization, and text normalization

  • Neural Text To Speech Services on outsourced basis

  • AI-based chatbot targeted at youth

  • Content writing for global enterprise collaboration platform

  • Technical writing for global enterprise collaboration platform

  • Contingent Manpower & Staff Augmentation

  • Permanent Staffing

  • Consulting Solutions

How UshtaTe Differentiates From Its Competitors

The main difference between UshtaTe and its competitors lies in the fact that they are multi-domain specialists. UshtaTe has the resources to provide talent for human resources, technology, and media companies. It is what makes them the top contingent workforce supplier in India.

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Mission And Vision Of The Company

When talking about the mission and vision of their company, Malcolm Mistry says that they are quite selective of the clients they work with. They work only with lead industries and lead clients, including top global brands.

They are already using cutting-edge technology in managed and outsourced services. As they go ahead, they want to add to their value and grow along with their customers.

UshtaTe has no plans of venturing into the blue-collar space. However, they will continue their work in the white-collar space of tech and non-tech sectors in which they have expertise and knowledge.

How Would You Define Success?

In the words of Malcolm Mistry, "When the people working for you prosper, the company will prosper." Success, in his terms, is changing the lives of people who work with us.

Milestones That They Have Achieved Along The Way So Far?

According to Malcolm Mistry, a company's success does not depend on milestones, as they are constantly changing. The fact that UshtaTe managed to grow and flourish even during, and post-pandemic is a sign of their success.

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What Are The Upcoming Trends In The Industry, And How Are You Preparing For Them?

A contingent workforce is an emerging trend in India. Malcolm Mistry says, "contingent manpower planning is not as well prevalent in India as it is in the USA.'' He mentions that people in India are used to having a career, and not many of them understand the concept of contingent working.

However, this mindset is slowly changing, and so is their company's growth. UshtaTe works with several techs and digital media leaders as either their largest contingent manpower supplier or their preferred manpower supplier.

While offering outsourced and managed services, they spend a lot of time talking to their clients and understanding their needs and endpoints. With their consultative approach, they put together programs that help their business grow and reach its endpoints.

Malcolm mentions that they get projects because they talk to their clients to understand their industry, requirements, and endpoints in a better way.

Where Do We See The Company Five Years Down The Line?

When talking about their plan, Malcolm Mistry mentions that they already have some amazing clients in India. Down the line, they expect a lot of growth with their existing clients. The clients they have work on a global level. In the next five years, apart from being a known name in India, UshtaTe would also like to have a significant global footprint.

He also mentions India's shifting market trends and how India will always be on their radar. But with their background, they are willing to take advantage of the global opportunities opening up.

A Piece Of Advice For Young Enthusiasts From Malcolm

To succeed, having deep domain knowledge and subject matter expertise is important. Companies these days are looking for expert advice, guidance, and specialization in a specific domain and are willing to pay only for that. Unless someone has that, they will not last long.

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