Building your startup dream team: a step-by-step guide to hiring

Building your startup dream team

Building your startup dream team

Building your startup dream team: a step-by-step guide to hiring

3 min read

Building your startup dream team: a step-by-step guide to hiring

Many youngsters aspire for their own startups these days. They try to give wings to the vision they had during their college or internship days. But most of them are not able to taste the success. There are certain steps which if executed well can take a failed entrepreneur to new heights of success.

Startups demand a team of skilled, dynamic, vibrant and most importantly ready to work with a not-so-handsome salary. There can be testing times when due to research and development work the startup won't even have money to give salaries.

The team members might even think of quitting the place. So what is it that makes them work with a fighting spirit along with the entrepreneur? There are certain traits of a good entrepreneur which transforms into leadership skills later on in his career.

The traits of leading from the front, persuasion, perseverance, recognition and unwavering attitude is what makes him different from any other entrepreneur.

But before that the foremost thing to understand here is that why would a skilled person leave his job where he is already being paid a handsome salary. The answer lies in the vision of the entrepreneur which he has shown his team.

A futuristic vision has the power to transform the way people live. For instance, take an example of late Steve Jobs. He is said to be an inspiration for many budding entrepreneurs across the globe.

A decade back he brought a dramatic change in the mobile phones industry. He led his team with a vision seen by him long back. His team stood firmly with him and today we can see where his vision of Apple phones has taken this company to.

It's been more than half a decade since he left this world and his successors bequeathed the traits left by him. The company is still ruling the mobile phones industry and is on its way to become the first trillion dollar company by the end of this year.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Building your startup dream team</p></div>
Ageing Gracefully

So in order to build startup dream team there are certain steps often suggested by market leaders which can be followed by prospective entrepreneurs:-

  1. The noteworthy step is to look for those people who have entrepreneurial skills. Individuals must be having a trait which makes him different from other colleagues. A startup can't afford multiple persons having not much of difference.

  1. They must look for passionate people who are willing to work on a limited salary. Those people should be passionate about the startup's product and features.

  1. One way to check whether a person is passionate about the work or not is to let him go through a tough interview process. While making hiring decisions it is advisable to bring the whole team on a table. It is said to be one of the dynamic way to build a startup team.

  1. The company work culture should be strictly taught to every individual. This is the guiding soul of any company which is usually influenced by the founders. From time to time it should be checked if everything is taking place in accordance with the set form of work culture.

  1. It is necessary to communicate the vision and mission to every new hire. It will bring clarity to them that what are the long term aspects of their hiring in the company.

  1. Entrepreneurs should empathize with their team members whenever required. It will let the members feel that they mean a lot to you and you care for their well being. It will evoke a feeling in them to work with more dedication.

So these are some of those helpful steps which can be followed for a strong foundation of the startup.

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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Building your startup dream team</p></div>
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