Pragyan Youth Summit 2018 at NIT Trichy, themed on Moving Towards a Smarter India.

Pragyan Youth Summit 2018 at NIT Trichy, themed on Moving Towards a Smarter India.
1 min read
Chennai on 20th January 2018
What does it mean to be a smart city in the 21st century? Intricate planning, reliable infrastructure and efficient use of technology to support the rise of these sustainable and self-reliant communities, are quintessential steps in moving India foward.
Aiming to formulate innovative solutions to problems that impede the growth of these new-age cities, Pragyan brings together technocrats, entrepreneurs and other visionary leaders.
Pragyan, NIT Trichy and the Confederation of Indian Industry present to you the Pragyan Youth Summit 2018, themed on Moving Towards a Smarter India. Be there at Westin Hotels, Chennai on 20th January 2018 as we find out what it requires to take India to the next dimension. 
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