Using Public Relation for Travel Agency in an Expert Way

Using Public Relation for Travel Agency in an Expert Way

Using Public Relation for Travel Agency in an Expert Way

Using Public Relation for Travel Agency in an Expert Way

3 min read

Using Public Relation for Travel Agency in an Expert Way

In this tough market situation, especially in the travel business, it is important to increase your reliability and knowledge, gain new customers and develop new business strategies to stay ahead of your competitors. 

But if you are struggling to do so and you are not sure from where to start then keep reading as you will get to know an expert way to market your brand without having to spend a penny.

Following are the 12 best practices that you can implement right now to construct a solid reputation as an expert in your travel industry:

Create a list of experts and journalists who regularly cover your travel speciality. Be sure to look at radio, television, newspapers, social media and online blogs.

If you are expert in corporate travel then you need to look for people who constantly feature in that area. Create a list of journalists who covers these types of content regularly as this will be your go-to list. Start developing a relationship with them and establish your credibility.

  1. Become an expert

Don't make it about you; make it about your expertise. You need to record the trips that you have planned, organised and executed for your customers in your niche and collect feedback from them. Feedback can be in any form like text, pictures or videos and you can show them on your website.

  1. Stop writing Press Releases

Press releases are typically meant for new product launches, new business launches and other innovative and newsworthy topics. They are not intended to be written for your business in general. If you do this, the press releases will get lost and probably won't be published.

  1. Create a pitch

Having a solid pitch in your preferred niche to build your business is very essential as it will decide wither you can compete in the market or not. A successful pitch includes:

  • Your introduction and your motive to contact

  • Define who you are: Why are you a good source

  • Articulate your thoughts: What do you have to say about your expertise? What can you offer on the topic that's trending

  • Always include the close: The close must include your mobile number, email address, website and social media handles.

  1. Be a leader

Develop your pitch like you are a thought leader and offer fresh ideas and talk about what others are afraid of talking.

  1. Be flexible

Being a leader means that you need to be flexible as anyone can ask you about a topic that is out of your expert area.

  1. Size doesn't matter

It's all about earning media and credibility. A niche blogger can give you more benefits than any major media publication house. You can also go for social media influencers who have large followings. Take advantage of every opportunity, and remember that smaller opportunities can lead to bigger opportunities.

  1. Create Content

Write an article for your targeted audience with your opinion in it as you can attract a lot of potential clients with it. Create content that will benefit your readers like (things you should check before travel or questions that you should ask your travel advisor before booking etc.)

  1. Expect rejection

Keep at it; if you are working on 10 new media opportunities, you will be lucky to have one "yes" come to fruition. Remember, many people are pitching to media outlets.

  1. Get media trained

If you're serious about being covered on radio and television even if it's local coverage, be sure to invest in proper media training to ensure your credibility comes across on camera and the radio.

  1. Leverage your media coverage

Make sure that you influence your media coverage in everything you do. Have a media page on your website; include a link on your subject line in your email and on your social media channels and in your phone and in-person conversations.

Always publish your pitches on your websites so that journalists can pick them and write article to publish which will be easier for you and them as well. Make sure that your pitch is long enough as it will decrease the gap between you and the journalists while writing the article.

Bottom Line

Using the above-mentioned PR secrets for your travel business can massively boost your business as you will achieve success in media and fresh business opportunities.

It doesn't matter that you are a rookie travel agent who has just opened his business or you are an experienced travel agent working in the industry for years, using media to your power will skyrocket your business.

It will introduce you to new customers and build amazing business opportunities.

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