What is PCOS? Natural Remedies to treat PCOS

According to a 2019 study, one in five Indian Women suffered from PCOS. PCOS has become a common disorder for a prominent amount of the population in India. So, what is PCOS? What are the natural remedies to treat PCOS?
What is PCOS? Natural Remedies To Treat PCOS
What is PCOS? Natural Remedies To Treat PCOS

What is PCOS? Natural Remedies to treat PCOS

3 min read

What is PCOS? Natural Remedies to treat PCOS

PCOS is a “syndrome” or group of symptoms in which the “ovary” or the female reproductive organ responsible for producing eggs is unable to do so due to “polycystic” or multiple cysts. This makes Polycystic Ovary Syndrome which results in disrupted development and release of the eggs. While some of the eggs develop into cysts, which are the little sacs filled with liquid.


Difference Between PCOD AND PCOS

  1. PCOS is a disease and PCOD is a lifestyle disorder.

  2. PCOS is a disorder of the endocrine system and PCOD is caused by hormonal imbalance.

  3. PCOS is a metabolic disorder and hence it is less common than PCOD.

  4. PCOS is the most common reason for infertility in women when PCOD does not lead to infertility.

The connection between PCOS and pregnancy?

PCOS is responsible for irregular periods which can cause infertility and difficulty in conceiving. The process involves more risk for complications during pregnancy and delivery.

PCOS is a serious condition and a metabolic disorder. Women with PCOS, during pregnancy, have three times more chances of miscarriage. Mothers to be with this disorder are likely to develop preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and have a larger baby and premature delivery. There is also a higher chance to face difficulties during delivery or cesarean delivery.

PCOS and Medical Complications

Women with PCOS are likely to develop several medical complications through life including:

  • insulin resistance

  • type 2 diabetes

  • high cholesterol

  • high blood pressure

  • heart disease

  • stroke

  • sleep apnea

  • possibly an increased risk of endometrial cancer

The hormonal imbalances and genetics play an essential role in both PCOD and PCOS. The high levels of hormones prevent the ovaries from producing hormones and producing eggs normally. Excess androgen production causes insulin resistance and inflammation. The cases of PCOS are lower than the cases of PCOD.

Natural Remedies to treat PCOS

Even though both PCOD and PCOS are different, their timely diagnosis and the appropriate steps at the right time can help overcome the syndrome. And maintaining good health is essential to prevent as well as treat hormonal disturbances and conditions.

As the root cause of these disorders is still unknown, there is no cure for the same. However, since they are found to be rooting from unhealthy lifestyle and pollution, a step towards healthier choices is the best.

Thus, natural remedies to treat PCOS come into the picture. Have a look:

  1. Weight Loss: You must manage your PCOS by starting your weight loss journey. Again, this is a natural remedy only if you make slow but prominent changes in your lifestyle. From sleeping to eating healthy at right time and amount is essential. But at the same time, Doctors do not know whether PCOS makes it difficult to lose weight or whether being overweight worsens PCOS symptoms.

  2. Dietary Changes:You are what you eat”, the quote is also the reality. And doctors would agree that changing the diet is the most effective route to managing PCOS naturally. PCOS patients tend to have higher levels of insulin which is a hormone that the body uses to lower high blood sugar.

Eliminate simple carbohydrates and sugar from the diet inclusive of white bread, white pasta, white rice, cereal, cookies, chips, soda, juice, and granola bars.

Complex Carbs is fibre rich and other nutrients which do not raise blood sugar levels as high as simple carbs profiling whole grains, whole-wheat bread and pasta, and brown rice.

Another natural remedy for PCOS is adding lots of fruits and vegetables and lean proteins.

Exercise: Regular exercise is a life-altering decision you can make for PCOS which assists lower insulin levels and keep blood sugar levels low. Another implication of PCOS is health issues, exercise will also help you with the same, improve mood and help regulate sleep patterns.

If hitting the gym is not your cup of tea, you must know that the most effective workout is an enjoyable one. Take up a sport or a hobby that makes you fit.

Supplements: Deficiency of some nutrients in your body like Omega-3 fish oil, chromium, selenium, vitamin D, vitamin D plus calcium, vitamin B complex, and inositol have been proved to safe to consume to help with PCOS.


PCOS is a complicated syndrome with no cure and several alternative treatments. However, the most natural process of managing the disorder is small but steady steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

Along with these solutions, you must make sure that you ensure a good sleep, yoga exercises, and therapy for mental health stability as PCOS and depression are co-related.

What is PCOS? Natural Remedies To Treat PCOS
Importance of health in business
What is PCOS? Natural Remedies To Treat PCOS
What is PCOS? Natural Remedies To Treat PCOS

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