Overcoming An Addiction

Overcoming An Addiction

Overcoming An Addiction

6 min read

Change is difficult regardless of the fact how big or small it is. Any change is difficult, whether developing a new skill, food habits or abandoning a bad habit.

And when it comes to quitting an addiction, it can get even more challenging. However, with the right guide, it is definitely possible. You would be surprised to know that a more number of people succeed at beating addiction than those who fail.


How Do You Overcome Addiction?

Overcoming an addiction is not easy, but it is definitely possible.

Admitting You Have An Addiction

The first step to concurring your addiction is admittance. Addiction affects your brain to justify your use of addiction. First, admit to yourself that you have an addiction and you are willing to work on the process of quitting it.

Make A Decision To Quit

The process of overcoming your addiction starts with prioritizing what is important in your life. Take your time to reflect on how your life and future will look after quitting the addiction.

Decide on a goal that you want to achieve after overcoming addiction. It can be anything from focusing on your career, having a better relationship with your family or anything else and making it your mantra.

Plan Your Sobriety

Quitting an addiction is a long process, and you can not just wake up one morning and say-” I quit.” I am not saying that it won’t work because there are people who have done so. But it is not feasible for everyone to do so, and the chances of you relapsing or having withdrawal symptoms are extremely high.

Instead, what you can do is plan your sobriety. Decide on a date or within how many weeks or months you want to get rid of your addiction. Let’s say you fixed a date that is three weeks from now; then you get three weeks to lower your consumption and mentally and physically prepare yourself to quit. For better motivation, you can also choose a date that is more meaningful for you; it can be your anniversary or someone’s birthday.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Overcoming An Addiction</p></div>
The CEO Magazine India Interacts with Abraham George, Board Director at Ennoventure Inc, on the World Health Day
<div class="paragraphs"><p><strong>Get Enough Support</strong></p></div>

Get Enough Support

Get Enough Support

Overcoming your addiction will not be easy unless you have the proper support system. Take your friends and family into your confidence and tell them about your decision to quit, for they will be there for you when things get too difficult for you.

Apart from it, join a support group of like-minded people who will help you get going on difficult days and be there to celebrate your success.

For someone with severe addiction, seeking professional help is very important. Seeing a therapist or a counsellor is worth a try if you want to give yourself the best possible chance to quit an addiction. There are also rehabilitation centres to help people quit addiction when it starts affecting their well-being.

When you create your support group, ask your friends and family not to use the substance in your presence.

Why Is It So Difficult To Overcome Addiction?

  • There are certain reasons why overcoming addiction can get too difficult for some people.

  • People looking to overcome addiction have trouble doing so because addiction alters their brain reward system, which results in an increased desire for the substance or activity. These alterations in the brain cause an effect on the judgement and impulse control of the person, making quitting even more difficult.

  • Physical, psychological or emotional withdrawal symptoms are another reason why quitting addiction becomes challenging. People experiencing withdrawal symptoms feel extreme distress, and the only thing that can make them feel better is the substance or habit they are addicted to.

  • Relapse can happen if you start detouring from your way to quit the addiction. Overconfidence that you are past your addiction and engaging in the same activities again can also lead to a relapse. There can be other factors leading to relapse, including stressful life events.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Overcoming An Addiction</p></div>
<div class="paragraphs"><p><strong>Identify Your Triggers</strong></p></div>

Identify Your Triggers

Identify Your Triggers

Every one of us has triggers that make us react in a negative way, and for people that are indulging in their addiction.

For example, someone with an addiction to alcohol may have trouble attending a party where they are serving alcohol. Understanding what your triggers are will help you on your path to overcoming your addiction.

A trigger can be anything, stress, certain people, social gatherings or anything else. Identify those and make sure that they don’t affect your sobriety.

<div class="paragraphs"><p><strong>Make Changes In Your Environment</strong></p></div>

Make Changes In Your Environment

Make Changes In Your Environment

The environment you live in has a big impact on you and your habits. If you continue with your same old habits, there is a high chance of you relapsing.

When you start on your path to quitting your addiction, go through the space you live in and remove anything, or everything that you may feel is a trigger to you or remind you of your addiction. For example, if you want to quit eating junk food, then remove every junk food out of your pantry.

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<div class="paragraphs"><p><strong>Decide On A Healthy Habit</strong></p></div>

Decide On A Healthy Habit

Decide On A Healthy Habit

Quitting your addiction leaves you with a lot of free time. Having some positive distractions will help you remain occupied and leave lesser room for relapse.

Focus on things that make you feel happy. If you have any creative hobbies, enrol in them to keep yourself busy. It can include taking dance classes, cooking, exercising, meeting new friends or playing a sport. However, make sure that you are not replacing one addiction with another.

<div class="paragraphs"><p><strong>Recovery Is A Long Process</strong></p></div>

Recovery Is A Long Process

Recovery Is A Long Process

It takes time to develop an addiction, and it takes even more time to overcome it. You have to believe that recovery is a long and difficult process.

Take it one day at a time and celebrate every single milestone you achieve, no matter how small it is. Sometimes, you can not avoid a relapse. If it happens, instead of beating yourself over it, learn to forgive yourself and get back on track again.

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<div class="paragraphs"><p><strong>Don’t Be Afraid To Get Help</strong></p></div>

Don’t Be Afraid To Get Help

Don’t Be Afraid To Get Help

If you feel like you can not do it on your own, then don’t hesitate to ask for help. There are several foundations that are working to help people overcome addiction. While it is possible to overcome addiction all on your own but it is better to work with a doctor or therapist.

The path to overcoming addiction is long and definitely not easy. However, with the right mindset and determination, it is not impossible. There is a possibility that some of your relationships will change.

You may have to distance yourself from friends who are a trigger to your addiction or separate yourself from certain places. In the end, it is all worth it. Just remember that you are changing your life for the better.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Overcoming An Addiction</p></div>
The CEO Magazine India Interacts with Abraham George, Board Director at Ennoventure Inc, on the World Health Day

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