Must-Know Tips For Heatwave in Delhi

Heatwave seems to be yet another “wave” that is impacting the world and become threatening day by day. News from around the world is surrounding us, be it Antarctica hitting 18.3 degrees Celsius of record temperature or Canada recording temperatures near 49.6C (121.28F). The capital of India, Delhi is also issued with heatwave warning for NW India in a few days. Here are some must-know tips for Heatwave.
Must Know Tips For Heatwave in Delhi
Must Know Tips For Heatwave in Delhi

Must-Know Tips For Heatwave in Delhi

4 min read

Must-Know Tips For Heatwave in Delhi

Heatwave seems to be yet another “wave” which is impacting the world and become threatening day by day. News from around the world are surrounding us, be it Antarctica hitting 18.3 degree Celsius of record temperature or Canada recording temperatures near 49.6C (121.28F).

The capital of India, Delhi is also issued with heatwave warning for NW India in a few days. Here’s some must know tips for Heatwave.

Over the past few days, west Rajasthan, Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi are reported with maximum temperatures of more than 40°C. According to Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), heatwave conditions are likely to prevail over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, north Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and northwest Madhya Pradesh during the next two days.


What is causing heatwave?

The source of heatwave in India is likely the dry westerly/southwesterly winds blowing from Pakistan to northwest India at lower levels.

How to survive heatwave?

To beat the abnormally high temperatures which can lead to exhaustion, confusion or even heart attacks, and can exacerbate existing health conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, here are some must know tips for heatwave:

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Promote Air Circulation Throughout The Home At Right Time:

If you are located in these areas, it is essential to ensure that you place is ventilated. Yes, ensuring that there is enough air circulation throughout your home is great. However this practice should be done in the earlty morning or after the sun sets.

But when the sun rises and there are high impact of heatwave, you must close all doors and windows, making sure to close curtains and blinds as well, to keep the indoors cool for as long as possible.

Dress To The Weather

It may be seem obvious that you will be dressing in casual summer attire. However, keeping the abnormality of the heat wave, you have to dress appropriately. So, what should I wear from my wardrobe? Well, loose, light coloured UV protective and moisture wicking clothes if you are stepping out for work or leasure.

It would be lifesaver for your skin which can be saved from sunburn and absorb sweat to keep you a little cooler. It is also important to protect your hands, face and other exposed skin areas with sunscreen.

Let Water Become Your Savour:

It is a no brainer that hydration can be the heat, but at the same time, you can benefit from the cooling power of water externally as well. You can soak your feet to lower your body’s temperature by filling buckets or basins with water.

While you should be ensuring enough fluid intake in your body, the eet towels and bandannas can be worn on the shoulders or head to offer the cooling affect. At the time when you can fill the air cooler with ice cold water, one should avoid super-cold drinks. Ice-cold water can actually cause stomach cramps.

Eliminate Extra Heat Sources

While you cannot control the natural causes of heat, as a step to protrect yourself against the heatwave reactions, you can simple eliminate the heat increasing elements like incandescent light bulbs and computers or appliances left running. You can also avoid using ovens and stoves and consume more fresh foods and fruits.

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Hydration with plenty of water

Even when you are not thirsty, it is important to ensure you consume plenty of water and maintain an adequate level of hydration. Heatwave may imply that you'll need to consume more water than you usually do when it's hot and even when you are nit thirsty.

It is the natural way to keep yourself cool during the heatwave. You can replace electrolytes with a small amount of food with water or specially-formulated electrolyte replacement drinks to replenish the lost fluids

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Another essential step to avoid dehydration, apart from keeping a water of bottle handy, is avoiding alcoholic beverages and caffeine. Both of them are substances which can act as diuretics and promote dehydration. This includes alcohol, sugary soda, coffee, energy drinks, or other caffeinated beverages.

Take accurate steps for your Pets

It is to note that your pets will get affected from the rising temperature. You must not leave them alone in hot vehicles, give them a cool bath or shower to keep their body temperature down. Lay down a cool towel on a tile floor for them or place a cool towel or washcloth over the skin next to a fan to help cool the animal.

Make sure they are not dehydrated and have plenty of cool water to drink as well. You should call you vet if you notice any of these heat stroke symptoms for pets which includes rapid panting, wide eyes, lots of drooling, hot skin, twitching muscles, vomiting and, a dazed look.

Stay safe, stay healthy

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