4 min read


If you are a woman hustling through this progressive, yet stereotypical society, especially an entrepreneur, taking a solo trip to the Himalayas won't be an idea to fret over.

And now that we have zeroed down to the apt destination, let's comprehensively analyze, the nature of challenges and tricks you should be equipped for ahead. When you're taking the trek roads to unknown areas, there certain mandatory formalities that should be up to date with.

Usually, at such places, safety isn't the primary concern for women because a lot of female solo travelers, every year choose to trek in the Himalayan region, but preparing for the worst and hoping for the best is the mantra. Here are a few tips that can be kept in mind before you start the journey;

  • Let the baggage go: Traveling with a lot of things in your bag is never a good idea, regardless of where you are traveling. And if it is a solo trip, nothing could be tiring than extra baggage that you would.t be using through your trip. If you are planning a trip to trek in the Himalayas, there are a few basic things that you for sure should carry like trekking boots, sunscreen, a water bottle, a fleece if its winters, walking shoes for non-trekking paths, and minimal clothes.
  • A porter is helpful: Of course, a lot of us feel that we can navigate our way through anywhere if we have the maps, but that's not true. A porter will not just guide to the point you are looking to reach from the right trekking way but also help you with other local things, in case you need them. A finding one is not a task, any trekking expedition in China, Nepal, Bhutan or India would have several around for hire.
  • Don't depend on cards: If you believe that you are going to find an ATM on the way to trek, you're so wrong. You will not find any and the use of these cards is as good as a zero for you. And if you have to immediately buy something from the store or a café, you will have to transact in cash. So on a trekking trip, always remember to carry a decent amount of cash with you and split the cash into different areas for regular and emergency uses.
  • Buy a map: While you are on your trek, there would be no data connection to support you need to look for directions, so get a map. Getting yourself a map would be one of the best things that you'll go on a trip of this nature. It'll keep you on the right track and keep you safe as well.
  • Carry medicines: Keep a reminder to pick your medicines and not keep it somewhere hidden deep inside your bag but in a place where you can reach it immediately at the time of need, like in the out pocket. Altitude sickness is a very common problem, a lot of trekkers face and it has got nothing to do with one being completely fit or not, it can happen to anyone.
  • Extra batteries are a must: Electricity is rare on these trekking adventures, especially the higher you go, the denser the mountains get, and the farther you go from electricity. So carry a power bank and a set of extra batteries for the camera, if you can carry maybe two.
  • You'll need permissions: A number first time travelers do not realize that there are several permits that you need to enter these areas and because the Himalayan range is stretching to 4 different countries, it is an obvious requirement. The journey for you would be far smoother if you already have gotten these permits arranged for you.
  • Menstrual hygiene is a must: As less as we discuss it, this is an important issue on the table. And especially when you are a female solo traveler, this should be one of the primary concerns. Carry whatever necessary hygiene essentials you would need like pads, tampons, toilet papers, menstrual cups, intimate washes, etc.
  • Not all the places are the same: The Himalayan range is not just restricted to adventures, but it also is a hub of people following a massive holy range of religious significances. Know their rituals well, understand what can and cannot be done in these areas. Respect their way of living, as you are in their land, it will only lead you to more interesting conversations with the locals and enrich your experience.
  • Don't be in a hurry: Trekking can be as adventurous as it gets, so keep a few days extra in hand for yourself before you book a return flight. There could be a number of new things you learn, a number of new people you meet, places you'd like to explore, keeping a little extra travel time with you will only help you have a buffer to explore more if you want or you can always rest before you get back to your hustling routine.

So, if you are planning a trip away from your monotonous lifestyle, get up and get going. Take a break, because all work and no play is only going to make jack a dull boy.

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