A Guide To Google Blogger, Unlock your Potential

Well, indeed, blogging is a profitable career and Google Blogger is the answer to solutions where you can make blogs for free and earn through various sources. Learn how to earn money through Google Blogger.
Guide To Google Blogger, Unlock Your Potential
Guide To Google Blogger, Unlock Your Potential
3 min read

As you venture into the blogging domain, one of the key questions is “How do I make money through something that I love, writing? Well, indeed, blogging is a profitable career and Google Blogger is the answer to solutions where you can make blogs for free and earn through various sources. Learn how to earn money through Google Blogger.

Yes, this is a place you can find answers to put end to your hustle to make money through blogger for beginners. So, what is Google Blogger?

Google Blogger is an easy to use free Google tool that will allow you to unlock the benefits of a profitable blogging experience. Moreover, it allows you to not only create a blog but also manage your blog with Blogger.

How do I start Blogging with Blogger?

The best part about earning money through Google Blogger is that it is a very simple and easy process

  • To create a blog, sign in to Blogger with your Gmail Id

  • On the left, click the Down arrow.

  • Click New blog.

  • Enter a title for your blog.

  • Click Next.

  • Choose a blog address or URL.

  • Click Save.

  • Once you have created the blog, you can view the blog and you can go to the pencil icon on the upper left corner.

  • Now, you can switch from HTML to normal word conditions and write your blog.

How can I manage your blog on Blogger?

You can manage who can edit and read your blog. Moreover, you can edit the looks of the blog and change the design of your blog. The Google tool can be used on not only Chrome but also other browsers like Firefox, Safari, and MS Edge. Make sure you have an updated version of the browsers.

Is Google Blogger Free?

What’s better than the fact that you can earn money through Google Blogger? Well, it is mind-blowing that the software is free and your investment is only going be an internet connection and a computer system.

Indeed, as your career advances, you can choose to avail the premium memberships inclusive of extra options, but it is entirely optional and is not mandatory for creating a blog,

What are the benefits of Google Blogger?

Google Blogger is one of the original blog platforms which offers a creative space to every versatile leader.

  • Work Seamlessly: Unlike other platforms like WordPress, blogs created on Google Blogger are maintained on Google’s servers. This allows you to work seamlessly on the platform without worrying about the risk of the web host’s server going down and rendering your blog inactive.

  • Design Your Blog: The presentation of blog matters and the importance of the same can be understood through the bounce rate. Yes, any blog or website today will be able to grow only when it can offer the most relevant answers to user’s queries and offer a good user experience. Hence, how your blog looks impacts your revenue. Blogger, unlike WordPress, has limited templates but quite satisfactory for someone who wants to earn money through a blogger as a beginner.

  • Again, the platform doesn’t restrict your productivity as you can easily download a ready-to-use template for your blog.

  • Safety assured: If you don’t know what an SSL certificate is, well, you can understand it through the differentiation of HTTPS:// before a domain in the search bar. This ensures that the webpage or website is safe to open. While the ones without the encryption risk the blogs to be used by a nefarious individual to spam your target audience.

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