Naresh i Technologies : Transforming Every Individual IT Aspirant Into A Professional


NNV Naresh, MD - Naresh i Technologies

Company of The Year

Naresh i Technologies

Shweta Singh

India has the largest percentage of young population in the world. If we are to take advantage of this demography, then skill development is the only option.

Skill development is the need of the hour; hence Government and Private Enterprises are investing heavily in skill development. In India IT Industry is the most sought-after industry by the youth.

Naresh i Technologies started its journey in the year 2003 in Hyderabad with a gracious ambition of providing Quality Training at Affordable Prices to all the aspirants with a dream to make it big in the prestigious IT Industry.

They started small but soon expanded their horizons to an unmarkable extent in the software training and development industry within a short span of time by providing quality training at extremely affordable prices.

Their core strength lies in understanding the areas where the students are weak and enhancing their skill sets to the expectations of the industry.

Naresh i Technologies’ success dwells in Capturing, Nurturing and “Motivating” students from the basic level to the professional level. Over their two-decades-long journey, NareshIT has provided corporate training to more than 200 IT companies, and more than 1000 companies have hired fresh talent from them.

Mr NNV Naresh, Managing Director, Naresh i Technologies

Mr Naresh, the driving force, is spearheading the top management at NareshIT towards their victorious journey. A first-generation IT post-graduate, Mr NNV Naresh has more than 2.5 decades of experience in Skill Development.

An entrepreneur armed with a noble vision to make a difference in the career aspirations of generations of students, Mr Naresh founded Naresh i Technologies. Truly a pioneer and most respected, Mr Naresh has played the most pivotal role in creating the IT training ecosystem in Ameerpet.

Ameerpet, Hyderabad, is renowned for churning out the highest number of skilled Fresh IT aspirants in the world and is the major hotspot for all the latest IT trainings. As described by The Economic Times, “The United States of Ameerpet....the most intense, intricate and ingenious IT ECO System in the country.”

The Inception Story

When Mr Naresh began his career around 1996, there were hardly a handful of training organisations in IT, and they were charging exorbitant prices beyond the reach of the common man.

Mr Naresh identified the growth potential of the IT industry when it just begun spreading. With a huge number of unemployed graduates in India, he made it his life’s mission to bring quality IT training at affordable prices well within the reach of every aspirant.

NareshIT also acts as a launchpad for graduates from rural background to enter the IT Industry by providing the necessary soft skills along with the IT Skills, especially for graduates from non-computer science educational background.

The team at NareshIT delivers dynamic and industry-relevant curriculum on all the latest Programming Languages, Tools, Platforms, Frameworks and Technologies. They are providing all the courses, from basic programming skills to advanced courses and digital skills required by the aspirants to prepare themselves for Industry 4.0

Training & Courses Offered By Naresh i Technologies

The 200+ highly qualified experts team at NareshIT delivers more than 50 courses, including Full Stack Web Developer (Java / MS.NET / MEAN / MERN), Full Stack DataScience & AI Developer, Selenium Test Engineer, AWS, DevOps, among many others. They offer four different training programmes to suit different aspirants’ needs

1. NareshIT Campus Training

Renowned around the world, in the campus training, every aspirant shall attend technical sessions discussing every facet of the subject with excruciating detail on varied technologies.

Every aspirant will be provided with hands-on experience through a number of lab assignments and case studies, thereby making them more employable. These training programs are designed to suit aspirants from different educational backgrounds and demographies.

2. VILT (Virtual Instructor Lead Training) or Online Training

The sole maxim in introducing Online Technical Training Sessions is to cater to the Training Requirements of the Aspirants who, due to various reasons, cannot travel physically to the training centre.

In the VILT training program, the training sessions shall be conducted over the internet using the latest state-of-the-art software tools and hands-on experience at the convenience of the participant.

Students from more than 14 countries are availing of this service, with the bulk of them coming from the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia. These training sessions pretty much will be delivered around the clock to suit the time zone of the learners.

3. College Campus Training

This training program is for educational organisations like Colleges and Universities. The objective of this training program is to bridge the gap between academic standards and industry requirements while the student is still on campus, thereby enhancing the employability of the students.

4. Corporate Training

This training program is tailor-made to suit working professionals. The course structure is customised to meet the project requirements of the client and the experience level of the participants, thereby enhancing productivity.

The training sessions will be either at the Client Location or on campus, depending upon the need of the client. Training and Development of the Technical expertise of the employees have become the most integral sub-system of any organisation operating in the IT industry.

It also requires regular enhancements and updating of the training programs in accordance with the advancements in the technological outset, which poses a major difficulty for the IT organisations. This is the key juncture where the team at NareshIT share their expertise in reducing the training over-heads to the corporate sector.

Their Differentiators

The team at NareshIT ensure every training program they deliver is inculcated with the 3E’s.

  • Education: Theory Sessions & Self Learning Training Material

  • Experience: Hands-On Learning - Lab Sessions, POCs & Project Development

  • Exposure: Awareness Generating - Technical, HR and Management – Industry Interaction Sessions.

With POC and Project Development, they emphasise Self Learning and Applicative knowledge to solve real world problems by the aspirants.

Fundamental Values

Students always comes first approach and doing what is right for the learner rather than what the learner likes, this is the value system that remained constant for NareshIT. The team constantly focuses on delivering only industry-relevant curricula.

NareshIT Milestones Along The Journey

  • Trained over 15 Lakh+ students.

  • Around 9000 daily attendance.

  • Train students from 1800 colleges yearly.

  • Train students from 16 states yearly.

  • More than 1000 companies have hired from them.

  • Students from 14 Countries and 200 Global Universities availing their Virtual Training Sessions.

  • Ten lakh subscribers and around 10 Crore cumulative views on the NareshIT Youtube channel.

Mr Naresh proudly states, “We achieved all these milestones without a Marketing division. Our students are our brand ambassadors, and we continue to grow through word of mouth because of our consistent top-quality training delivered at affordable cost.”

Challenges Along The Journey

The challenges Naresh i Technologies had to go through were immense. They had to go through 3 recessions and numerous poaching incidents from competitors across the country.

In 2008, more than half of the training organisations were shut down in Hyderabad, Chennai & Bangalore. It is under the expert guidance of Mr Naresh that the team at NareshIT was able to steer through all these hurdles. Going by the maxim, “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.”

The team at NareshIT provides quality education with a focus on creating skilled resources who will be able to get a job in any market scenario whether the industry is in recession or not.

Impact Of The Pandemic

Initially, the entire industry had given a knee-jerk reaction, and many of the training organisations have also reacted by downsizing. NareshIT was fortunate to absorb the initial shock by providing an Online/VILT mode of learning to its students.

They started Online Training sessions way back in 2009. However, they have confined online sessions to learners from out of India or Hyderabad primarily till the pandemic hit. With more than a decade of virtual training experience, they set up the business process in no time to provide VILT training to all their students in India too.

After a couple of quarters of the pandemic, the world understood the importance of IT in the new order of business; hence IT organisations started hiring even more. Mr Naresh shares, “We can say 2021 was the best year for resources in IT Industry, both freshers and veterans, in more than a decade.

VILT mode of training has gained a lot of acceptance post-pandemic and is here to stay forever. Leveraging this acceptance, NareshIT managed to increase their learner base without the need to invest a lot in the Physical Infrastructure.

They are able to cater to even more students to learn industry-relevant skills while they are still pursuing their academics in the colleges/universities through VILT mode. Earlier, the students had to travel to the campus in Hyderabad during a semester break, but now they get continuous learning programs using online learning.

In 2021, NareshIT partnered with Nasscom Future Skills PRIME – an initiative by Nasscom SSC and MEITy (Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology), Government of India.

With this partnership, learners from selected courses of NareshIT will be certified by Nasscom Future Skills PRIME. Additionally, they will get a Government of India Incentive of 50%* of the fees paid.

Future Scenarios

Artificial Intelligence, DataScience, BlockChain, IoT and Cybersecurity are some of the upcoming trends in the industry. Seeing the increased demand for resources in these trends, Naresh i Technologies is already offering courses in many of them.

In the upcoming years, Mr Naresh plans to collaborate in foreign countries and participate more actively in Digital Literacy and Deep Skilling Training Projects across developing countries. Down the road, he also plans to open a Skill university.

Words Of Wisdom

The visionary advises fresh IT aspirants, “Believe in organic growth. Having strong fundamentals is the key to a strong and long career. Don’t look for shortcuts everywhere; nothing worthy comes easy.”

“In IT Industry, the learning continues forever - Your career growth curve follows your learning curve. When companies give the opportunity for upskilling/reskilling to their employees, most of them take it easy, but it is the best opportunity for the employees to accelerate their career growth as whatever they learn will be with them, but the employees may not be with the sponsoring company forever. There’s more to a career than salary hikes.”
Advising IT professionals, Mr Naresh shares

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