Interweaving fun with work: The defining principle for Everymedia Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


Gautam B Thakker- CEO

Best Place to work

Interweaving fun with work: The defining principle for Everymedia Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Kaushal Kumar

Interweaving fun with work: The defining principle for Everymedia Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

From making the story of NeerjaBhanot viral, to being the ingenious mind behind the loud and proud 'No Means No' campaign for Pink and making Hyundai one of the most loved brands in the country, Everymedia Technologies Pvt. Ltd is one of the leading media tech companies in the country. Founded in 2009 in Mumbai, ​the company has branches in Delhi, Hyderabad, Kochi, Dubai and London. EveryMedia boasts of a variety of clients across brands, films, studios, production houses and celebrities.

Catering to the best of the best through serviceslike content management, web hosting, mobile app development, branding, SEO, SMO and much more, EveryMedia works closely with brand and media owners to create out of the box 360 degree campaigns, molding them into possible innovations from start to finish.

Their strategic approach is an intelligent merger of process and results going hand in hand for achieving goals and organizational targets. The company received top recognition at prestigious industry platformslike GoafestCreative Abby, Asian Customer Engagement Award, Digital Marketing Conclave, DMAi, Digital Media Award and Campaign India Digital Crest Awards.

We had the opportunity of speaking with their CEO, Gautam B Thakker recently, who gave us an insight into building, maintaining and growing a successful media tech company!

A happy family of 300

Considering the amount of time their employees spend at work, Everymedia tries it's best to create an environment of a home away from home. A great deal of this comes from behaving like family with each other – being transparent, empathetic, supportive, motivating and looking out for each other instead of working in silos. Gautam, personally spends a lot of time walking around the floor, talking to people across levels, not just about their current project but in general about the company, the industry and trends. Something, he says has given him an insight into not just the required policy changes but also how the company can stay ahead of the curve. With more than 300 employees, the company constantly keeps an eye out to ensure that people are tolerant and accepting of other's working styles and perspective as well.

Whether it is through flexible work hours in the case of high stress projects, compensatory offs in lieu of working weekends, work from home or vacation time, their policies and culture are designed to encourage and assist individuals in finding the work-life balance which is very important in today's fast paced life. Everymedia has been conscious of creating a positive, creative, fun and motivating work environment for its people. The top management follows an open door policy so people know that their opinions and feedback are heard and valued. These conversations are not limited to current projects or the work at hand but are also about larger topics like how to achieve company goals. This inculcates a feeling of belongingness and encourages people to be more invested in the company's growth and vision.

In an industry where work is so dynamic in nature, they believe that the growth and development of its people is directly related to the growth and development of the company. For that reason, Everymedia Technologies has consciously made recognition and career development the foundation of people development.

The company empowers its employees proactively than waiting for the annual promotions or appraisal process. From an informal 'pat on the back' e-mail, peer to peer recognition through verbal and written evaluation to a formal annual awards and recognition program, the company makes sure that its people feel valued and appreciated. On an everyday basis, regular team huddles and little words of encouragement go a long way in maintaining a positive work environment.

Development wise, the management ensures that the team receives ample opportunities for professional growth and to explore their interest areas through regular training and development programs. As a company, Everymedia has set aside a budget to financially back an employee if a course or a program, offered externally, is going to be beneficial to their function.

The company also has a very positive outlook towards failures gives their employees the freedom to learn from their mistakes. A safety net is always provided to the team in case they want to try out something new. After all, you have to take a little bit of risk if you want to break barriers!

So, what is the company looking for amongst future leaders they want to shape?

A winning combination of eagerness and dedication! Eagerness to learn and explore new things without the fear of failing and dedication to the job at hand. They strongly believe that skills, domain knowledge, tools and everything else can be learnt on the job, which is why a portion of the budget is allocated to training and development, team building activities and recreation. 

Never a dull moment!

When asked about the work environment at Everymedia Technologies, Gautam said, "We completely go by the old adage, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'. Being glued to one's desk staring at the computer all day is not going to get us out-of-the-box ideas. We have created a recreational zone for our people so they can move around, have some fun and take a breather when needed. After all a little bit of fun never hurt anyone!"

The company hosts regular inter-company football and cricket league, pool tournament, carom tournament amongst other things to encourage team building and healthy competition. What more? They sure love their food! Everymedia Technologies manages a full stocked cafeteria with a range of meal options.

The company also hosts various festival celebrations that include games, gifts and of course a big fat company lunch.

They also ensure that they pay attention to the important things like health, which the employees often end up neglecting. Recently, Everymedia held a medical camp at work where everyone could get their basic health check-upsand doctor's consultation. The companyheld a spa dayat work to give everyone a sweet escape from their deadlines and presentations!

Gautam stresses that outings and events have proven to be a wonderful tool for team building and bonding exercises with a visible increase in productivity, employee satisfaction and improvement in the overall camaraderie among team members. 

Success snapshots and roadmap for future destination

Transforming a small boutique agency to a 300-member strong media tech company takesblood, toil, tears and sweat. Reaching to this new height, the Company proudly wears the following badges:

  • Being one of the largest independent media tech companies in the country with global presenceand the only company to work around multiple sectors (media & entertainment, brands and politics). .
  • Everymedia Technologies has been listed among the top 40 market research and marketing companies by Silicon India.
  • The company has bagged several prestigious awards for excellence in digital marketing, consumer engagement, and technical innovation.

Furthermore, the company wants to expand its operations and product portfolio globally through selective acquisitions. Through all of this, their crowning focus is to maintain unparalleled service offering​s and to do bigger-better state of art work in the arena of digital marketing, branding and more.

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