Suburban Diagnostics


Excellence in Diagnostics

Best Place to work

Excellence in Diagnostics


Excellence in Diagnostics

Happy Employees result in Happy Customers is the mantra followed by Suburban Diagnostics 

In today's day and age, every industry is going through rapid change and upgradations. The healthcare industry is no exception. Technological advancements, newer drugs, newer diagnostic tests and new research findings have shaped the way; the healthcare industry has scaled up in the past few decades.

However, while healthcare organizations are trying their best to keep abreast with the pace of the fast-growing industry, these organizations are also dealing with the challenges of ensuring effective human resource management.

Healthcare organizations are driven by the spirit of adding value to someone's life. This impact felt in healthcare is unmatched in any other industry. This forms the core of a good healthcare organization.

At "The CEO Magazine -Great Place to Work", we have listed "Suburban Diagnostics", as a healthcare organization centred around patient service, where happy employees is a focus with the common goal of bringing joy to  the lives of patients and healthy individuals alike.

Suburban Diagnostics is a leading chain of multi-specialty medical diagnostic laboratories with an expansive network of comprehensive diagnostic centers in Mumbai, Pune and Goa.

With a mission to deliver precise testing and healthier living for Indians, Suburban Diagnostics has emerged as a name to reckon with  in the diagnostics domain, under leadership of an alumnus of Grant Medical College, Mumbai – Dr. Sanjay Arora, who has specialized in Cytopathology from Tata Memorial Hospital and Johns Hopkins and Henry Ford Hospital, USA.

Accurate and precise diagnosis, stringent quality checks at every stage, national and international accreditations in the field of diagnostics are features that speak volumes about the standard of care that patients receive at Suburban Diagnostics.

Founded in 1994, Suburban Diagnostics was a humble beginning by Dr. Sanjay Arora that has over the last 25 years grown into an organization of 1000+ employees with around two thirds of the workforce being medical and paramedical in nature; comprising qualified pathologists, radiologists, cardiologists, physicians, phlebotomists and lab technicians.

Over the years, the company has continuously invested in ergonomically designed lab spaces and advance diagnostic systems sourced from world leaders in diagnostic technology.

Not to mention, its timely investments in advanced IT systems which facilitate across the board access to patient data and test results, for easy online reporting, retrieval, warehousing and archival.

The centers have well trained customer interface teams who lay ample stress on empathy and hand holding, making patients feel comfortable and at ease right from the reception desk to getting their final test reports.

Today, after 10 million tests and serving over 3 million patients, Suburban Diagnostics continues to raise the bar to achieve optimum accuracy and precision, besides constantly endeavouring to propagate wellness and preventive healthcare through a series of health check-up packages and patient care initiatives.

However, what sets Suburban Diagnostics apart from other organizations in this segment is the fact that in addition to offering best-in-class state of the art infrastructure and services, Suburban Diagnostics has also maintained a high level of work satisfaction among its employees.

As an organization we foster complete transparency. Our employee engagement initiatives understand the psychological factors of job satisfaction which includes all round achievements, feedback, flexibility and recognition.

Spearheading the company's rapid growth at the current stage, is the leader of Suburban Diagnostics, Dr. Sanjay Arora. With extensive global experience across domains, he is a successful and versatile healthcare leader.

In the lounge with Abhishek Dubey – Senior Editor, The CEO Magazine, he shares his vision of creating a transformation in the world of emerging healthcare and making a difference to the lives of people throughout the country.

Here is the edited excerpt of an exclusive interview:

How does the organization support   its employees' professional develop-ment and career growth?

Suburban conducts training session for employees at regular intervals keeping employees and organization interest in mind.

We encourage employees to participate in knowledge/skill based programs right from entry level to middle management level. Employees are also sent for external training program to sharpen their competencies.

How would you characterize the company's overall management style?

Suburban management is very transparent and revolves around our 8 core values

  • Genuine Care

  • Enthusiasm

  • Building Great Relationships

  • Don't Settle (What's Next) Innovate & Evolve

  • Display Diligence

  • Attention to Details

  • Strive Towards Zero Error

  • Lead by Example

Suburban conducts Town hall- 'Preparing for Breakthrough Performance' – Direct Dil se once in six months, where Dr Sanjay Arora, himself takes the team through yearly result  & key developments, our future business strategy and give us some insights on the aforementioned points.

Town hall gives Suburbanites platform to share ideas and also seek clarification on relevant issues directly with MD. The company also follows open door policy for employees at every level.

What is your company's approach to team building and career development?

At Suburban 70% of our employees are at an entry level. This is the team which directly interacts with our customers.

We pay special emphasis with Initiatives like Yoga Day, Zumba, Pot luck, English Training, Excel Training, skill upgradation session, continuous sales training and many more. Even for middle and senior management team lunch, training program and various other engagement activities are organised.

At Suburban Diagnostics we have a career development plan for each individual, as per the employee's hierarchical band and functional role.

We try to map organization needs with individual needs, we showcase career options to our employees by examining their interests, skills and values through goal setting and a self-assessment process.

How does your company respond to and overcome failures?

Suburban understands and believes that failures are a stepping stone to success. Therefore we practice the thought "Do it once, Do it right". Even in a case of failure, we ensure corrective action is promptly taken keeping in mind the employee morale. However Suburban does not tolerate failures based on integrity issues.

How are employees recognized for their efforts?

At Suburban Diagnostics, employees are not only recognized at the spur of the moment for the good job done but also by sharing an email to all suburbanites in a daily newsletter called "Aaj Ki Achi Khabar".

We believe recognition and acknowledgement of efforts at an organizational level are the best drivers of employee motivation.

Suburban also celebrates "Appreciation Day" every month, where HR collects all the appreciation notes and the person with the 'Highest Appreciation Notes' is felicitated with an 'Appreciation Certificate'.

We also run a robust reward and recognition policy to engage our employee base

GEM Awards (Go Extra Mile Award) employees are nominated based on 8 core values of our company

JOSH Awards (Inter centre competition)

Sales Performance Frontier Awards

Also read:Get a glimpse

What is the work-life balance like here?

There is no perfect, one-size fits all, balance you can be striving for. The best work-life balance is different for each of us because we all have different priorities and different lives.

Suburban Diagnostics always gives preference to the employees first, and also believes employees are truly assets to our organization. Therefore, our centers operate from Mon to Sat in 2 shifts and corporate office operates Mon to Sat with alternate weekly offs on Saturdays.

Does the company host social outings or events for employees?

Suburban hosts below programs on a grand scale where the entire Suburban family is invited:

  • Jallosh( Annual Event )

  • Suburban Premier League ( Cricket)

  • Trekking

  • Team Lunch

  • Chairman and MD's Birthday Celebration

  • Dinner with MD

Founders Day Celebration (Suburban Anniversary)

Host of CSR initiatives like child education, blood donation camp etc.

Do the company's different depart- ments ever collaborate with one another? What kinds of people seem to succeed in this company/ department?

We have continuous cross functional discussion between Heads of Departments and subsequently percolating down  to the managerial level for effective execution. Every head of a department is aligned with cross functional and organizational strategy. These are

  1. Clinical excellence and creating a strong medical brand

  2. Engaged workforce, training and organization development

  3. Revenue growth and profitability

  4. Customer experience standardi-zation


1994 – 2004:'The Beginning' – Suburban emerged as the largest diagnostic player in the western suburbs of Mumbai

2005 – 2011: 'Emerging Phase' – Emerged as high quality multi-location diagnostic network

2012 – 2015: 'Expansion Phase' – Suburban became a western India brand with 100+ customer touch points and 40%+ revenue CAGR

2016 – 2018- 'Consolidation Phase' – Emerged as the most efficiently run diagnostic Lab

2019 onwards:  – High Growth Phase'- Emerge as one of the top 3 diagnostic players in the country

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