Acharya Panchakarma: Rediscovering Traditional Ayurveda

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Acharya Panchakarma: Rediscovering Traditional Ayurveda

Kaushal Kumar

In today’s world, people are accustomed to the modern ways of life that are much easier than the kind of life led centuries ago but following such a lifestyle has also brought up its fair share of problems. Despite modern medicine curing all sorts of afflictions and sicknesses, the underlying problem with such medicine is its side effects. 

To solve such a problem, what if we were able to go back in time and bring back medicines that were procured from natural pharmacies? Acharya Panchakarma does exactly this by incorporating 5000-year-old Ayurvedic methods to create cures for physical discomforts and skin conditions. 

Acharya sets itself apart by not concentrating too much on mass production but rather on small batches that are produced with quality in mind. At the heart of Acharya lies a commitment to all things natural and every one of their products is a testament to the brand's dedication to purity. 

When such claims are made, the first question to arise is; How is this possible in today’s age? The answer to that lies in the backbone of the company which is a 65-year-old woman named Radhamony.

Based out of Trivandrum, Kerala, Radhamony has successfully been able to create a brand that is recognized for its miraculous healing abilities. Radhamony hand makes these products on a small scale offering it to people on a first come first serve basis. 

The brand started with its first product called ‘Kanaka Prabha Oil’ which is a wonderous oil that alleviates all sorts of bodily discomforts and pains. There have been many claims of this oil having cured problems like knee pain, even allowing a few people to avoid an entire knee surgery.

The list of problems this oil has solved is noncustomers all of these are claimed by real-world customers who are grateful to the creation of it.

Now, Acharya has branched into a few more products offering their customer solutions to hair and skin problems.

These are their Hair oil, Glow oil, and Face pack that has received a cult sort of following after it has cured several people’s dandruff, scalp, acne, and pigmentation issues. Just like their pain oil, these too are made in small batches leaving people waiting quite a while to receive their orders. 

Despite having low production and a very small number of products, the brand has gained a massive following on Instagram as well which goes to show the effectiveness of their products.

Acharya is more than a brand; it’s a return to the heart of well-being, where nature is the truest friend of all.

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