Selecting The Best Cryptocurrencies for Handsome Returns 

Selecting The Best Cryptocurrencies for Handsome Returns


Selecting The Best Cryptocurrencies for Handsome Returns

Kaushal Kumar

Selecting The Best Cryptocurrencies for Handsome Returns

Since its inception, the prices of many cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, have increased very few little falls. Initially, cryptocurrencies did not create much interest in investors. However, as their price started growing, giving handsome returns, more and more people began investing in them.

Today, many people, including the wealthiest of the world, have investments in cryptocurrencies, buying them in volumes or planning to milk this popular source of growing their bounty. Cryptocurrencies can change the fortune either way, depending on their selection. If they are not selected judiciously, one can multiply their wealth to many folds or be on the docks within minutes. For more queries visit the following site

Selecting The Best Cryptocurrencies

Selecting the right cryptocurrencies needs some study of their price movements, the geopolitical conditions of the world, the legality of a particular currency in the state, the risk involved in investing in them, and many other factors. It is time to dig a bit deep to look for the factors in selecting the right cryptos.

  • The Market Share - Before one invests in a particular cryptocurrency, one should look at its overall market share vis-à-vis others. The cryptocurrency supplies and their circulation in the market are some of the significant factors in selecting the best cryptocurrencies. Thus, if the coins are available in unlimited quantities, there is less demand for those particular coins, and one should avoid buying them. Following the demand and supply theory, one can easily understand that those coins will not command a reasonable price in the future as the demand is less. One should buy a cryptocurrency with huge market demand and command high prices and returns. Bitcoin tops the chart, followed by Ethereum and very few others.

  • Observe The Price Movement - One should observe the price movement of a particular coin over a period. There may be ups and downs in the graph but look at its overall returns in a time frame. Some percentage down sometimes may not matter, but look at the vertical climb the graph or the chart has that overcomes the dives.

  • Go Through The White Paper - White paper of cryptocurrencies includes all details of the coin since inception. One can read the purposes of floating the coin, the issues it will solve, the technology behind the coin, does it has its blockchain or share with others, and the vision statement of the creator.

    If you cannot get or understand the white paper, it is best to open a cryptocurrency trading account on the best platform like Bitcoin Era and get all the details. One can also gauge if the vision of a particular cryptocurrency reflects the real world or is hype and plan the investments accordingly.

  • Look At The Use Cases - Study the use cases of the particular cryptocurrency of your choice before investing in it. With every increase in use cases, the coin is supposed to get acceptance and investors' confidence. The main driving factor behind every cryptocurrency is the use cases—the more, the merrier. If the use cases dive down, it is to be assumed that the price of that coin will fall soon, and one can stay alert in avoiding selecting and buying such coins.

    At this moment, if we look at the white paper of various coins apart from Bitcoin, the goliath in the crypto market, we find Ethereum has the best use cases for the technology it uses. So one can consider buying Ethereum now and some other time. Everything is noted on the white paper, and one should learn the tips of studying it and follow the market trends in selecting the best cryptocurrencies within their budget.

  • Look At The Community – The success of any cryptocurrency also depends on the community. Look who and how many people follow a specific cryptocurrency and support it. It reflects the trust, reliability of the coin. It also reflects that if the community is large, the risk in investing in that cryptocurrency is less.


Investments in cryptocurrencies are always a more risky affair than traditional investment instruments. However, selecting the right cryptocurrency and withstanding the risks can give high astronomical returns. Balancing the portfolio judiciously and investing by choosing the right cryptocurrency following the above tips can give good returns to those who can go with the storm.

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