How to create a Twitter account?


How to create a Twitter account?


How to create a Twitter account?


How to create a Twitter account?

What is twitter, why do I need it?

Well, today, one of the top 3 most popular social media platforms in the world, Twitter is mostly used by its millions of users including many brands, companies, celebrities and politicians while this Micro-blogging tool bridges the gap between users and the above mentioned.

For newbies, Twitter allows you to post your opinion, links, views in 160 characters and many users connect with many other like-minded people who are a part of the huge user base and it's one of the most popular Social networking sites after Facebook.

While one can use Twitter to connect with many other like-minded people, talk to them and create a relationship with them, professionally, from a marketing perspective, you can use Twitter to market your blog, Twitter video views to drive traffic and create an identity for your brand. We, at the CEO magazine, have curated a list of few points to guide you in this journey of using Twitter as a marketing tool effectively:

First of all, if you wish to create a personal account on Twitter as well, you should create two accounts, one for yourself and one as your 'official twitter account'.

create a personal account on Twitter as well

Find answers to all the "How To" questions related to the basics of Twittering

Sign-Up & Create Your Account

Visit or download the mobile application from google play store/ Apple store. Click signup and fill the required information about your brand as explained. While now, you will end up on the twitter homepage where you can fill information including your Full name, e-mail address and password to create your Twitter account.

It is advised to use your full name as your username if it's available. Even though you can also change it now or later without any problem, sticking to one username from day one for better branding.

Verify your Twitter account

Post filling the details, Twitter will send you a code so you can verify that you entered a correct email account or phone number. You can open your email and check out the mail sent by Twitter with a code so you can verify that you entered a correct email account or phone number.

Next, you have to create your password and remember it.

You will be asked to find followers on Twitter as you would have a few recommended accounts to follow, and you can simply close this window, as my recommendation would follow those twitter accounts, which make sense to you and are relevant to you.

Once you will be logged into your Twitter account, you now have to complete your Twitter Profile.

What so far looks like a blank canvas, your Twitter profile, now will be added with information (images and text). This information will act as a way to enhance your profile online and attract other users.

You will start by filling out important information about your or your brand by clicking on the Settings button. You will be adding your display picture, which can be your brand logo and your bio. Be careful of how you write your Twitter bio. You can add a brief about your brand along with your Website URL in the biofield. It can be beneficial as there are many Web services and Twitter directories, which indexes Twitter profiles, and you get the benefit of the free backlink.

The First Tweet

Well, as you know, you have a certain character limit for your tweets, but before we get into how you can optimise that, we would suggest you make sure that their tweets are visible to the public. It is noticed many times that they protect their Tweets by selecting the checkbox under Twitter privacy. When you use the "Protect my Tweet feature", other users can't see your tweets until you allow them to follow you and you miss out a big opportunity of reaching out to the masses.

How to Use Your Professional Twitter Account?

So far, you have created a profile and started tweeting, so here are some things you should be aware of, like the basic Twitter lingo and abbreviations that might come handy:

Tweet: Twitter status update within 280 characters termed as the tweet. You may create a trail for writing a longer message.

RT (Retweet): When someone retweets a Twitter update.

@reply: As users approach you, and you want to reply to them through a public message, you use @username to write a Tweet.

DM (Direct Message): When you want to send a Private message to someone, you use DM. The other user should be following you, for you to send him/her a direct message.

# Hashtag: Adding a Hash sign before an important keyword in your Tweet message, will help your tweet to be discovered better in the search. The hashtags are detected in the Twitter algorithm as well. The most-tweeted hashtag trends in the social media platform; and users can see these trending according to the geolocation.

We hope you find this article helpful and would like to suggest that like any other social media platform, you spend time on the platform say 1-2 quality hours and understand the basics of Twitter to use Twitter effectively and for your success.

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