Essential Skills And Understanding To Be A Hacker


Essential Skills And Understanding To Be A Hacker


Essential Skills And Understanding To Be A Hacker

As the technology is getting advanced the issue of cyber security is becoming important. Due to the vast expansion of the internet, there is a rise in cybercrime as well and in order to tackle this issue, the country needs more and more ethical hackers.

There are vast opportunities in the field of ethical hacking and people are looking to take hacking as a professional career. Some young people are asking "I'm a beginner in hacking, how should I start?" or "I want to be able to hack my friend's Facebook account".  Well, hacking is a skill and this below article you will get technical instructions on how to get started as a hacker and how to develop skills through constant gaining of knowledge. One thing that every young hacker should keep in mind that hacking is not for fun activities like hacking into your friend's Facebook account or email as it will not work. Hacking is something that a person learn because of fascination for technology and the burning desire to be an in computer system.

Why you should choose hacker as a career

A career in Cyber security is almost the same as the career in banking because it's an umbrella term in which many other niches are involved. There is a lot to talk about in cyber security like digital forensics as a career, or malware/ software detecting, auditing, pen testing, social engineering and many other career tracks. Well, every sub-category of cyber security needs to have a separate article but the main purpose of this content is to focus on some vital common requirements that everyone needs to know before starting their career in IT security.

Don't worry if you don't have any knowledge or experience because we all have to start from somewhere. There is none in this world that was born with the required skills. Let's start from the absolute fundamentals.

  1. What is Hacking?

Finding vulnerabilities or lack in any software system and getting hold of it is known as hacking. Hacker gets illegal entrance by targeting system whereas ethical hackers have authorized access lawfully to measure the security position of a target system.

Types of hackers

  • White hat — Ethical hacker.
  • Black hat — Classic hacker who gets illegal access.
  • Grey hat — a person who gets unauthorized access but reveals the weaknesses of the company.
  • Script kiddie — a person with no technical skills just used pre-made tools.
  • Hacktivist — it is a person who hacks for some idea and leaves some messages. For example strike against copyright.

The main aim of ethical hacking is to identify the vulnerabilities of faults in a system of any company so they can fix it.

  1. Skills required being an ethical hacker

In order to be an ethical hacker, one should be willing to gain knowledge constantly as quickly as possible. Another thing that you need to do to build a strong foundation is to learn and understand at least coding/scripting language and some understanding of Network and Web Security.

Steps to begin hacking

  • Learn To Code (Programming).
  • Understand basic concepts of Operating System
  • Fundamentals of Networking and Security
  • Mark-up and as many technologies as you can
  1. Platforms you can code on

It completely depends on the platform that you wish to work on. If you want to work on web application, then you should learn HTML, PHP, JSP, and ASP. For mobile applications, learn Java (Android), Swift (iOS), C# (Windows Phone) and for the desktop, you need to learn Java, C#, C++. Python is also a great language to learn as it is popular, portable and profitable nowadays.

To be an ethical hacker, it is important to learn the fundamentals of programming, concepts like types of data; the manipulation throughout the program at the OS level to the use of subroutines aka functions and many more. If you can learn the fundamentals right then, that's pretty same for every programming language except for some syntax changes.

Bottom Line

To become a master at any programming language, you need to learn the OS level operations of that particular language or to be more generalize, you can also learn assembly language.

Don't lose hopes if you can't achieve what you are looking for in the first attempt because good things take time. So keep the fire inside you alive and keep on learning.

Never misjudge the power of network and system administrators. There is a chance that you can be their slave in a corporate environment.

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