Public Relations


Changing the Ways of ‘Public Relations’


Changing the Ways of 'Public Relations', Technological Reiteration of Internet

The Internet has transformed PR completely. Social media has expanded the channels we use to engage with new audiences. Related changes include the reduction of print media and the widespread availability of Internet content that anyone can publish and access, including:

  • Blogs
  • E-Books and e-Newsletters
  • Social media
  • Video

None of those platforms require you to hire a middleman or woman to navigate them. Professional writers, editors and digital content managers often play an important role, but many have succeeded without them. Strategically publishing content on one or more digital platforms is the fastest route to becoming a recognised personality. The benefits to your reputation and career can be huge.

Content creation is the key to building a well-established profile in the mainstream media. If you run an organization, are pursuing charitable or fund-raising goals or are a specialist in a particular area or industry and you do not have a content publishing strategy, you are missing out on many of the opportunities that PR can provide. This strategy can begin as simply as publishing text, videos or images on a social media site like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Strategic Content-Building

Let's assume that you want to publish a piece of content in a daily newspaper that reaches the area you aim to connect with but your submission isn't used. As an alternative way to reach readers, you could publish the piece as an article on your personal or organization's blog or website, or on a high-ranking public blog platform like Medium. When it is life, you can share it with your connections on LinkedIn, tweet it to your followers, publish it on Facebook and email it with a personal note to the journalists who cover the topic you are writing about. From there, it will almost assuredly reach an audience. If any journalist likes your content then they might publish it in respective media. Another important thing is that Google will index your content so more people can read it online. That increases the likelihood that it will be shared even more widely and found by more journalists who cover that topic.

Developing A Content Publishing Strategy

The above-discussed strategy is known as a content publishing strategy. It is a grassroots way to build PR from the ground up using digital media. Everyone is doing it including industry leaders. Unless you are an excellent writer, you need a professional writer or copyeditor to ensure your text is flawless. Such strategies can be used to build a strong, effective image that differentiates you or your organization from your peers. It can help you build an audience, attract more clients or supporters and attain goals like becoming a public speaker or publishing a book.

Strategic Public Relations

The consolidation of print media has made it far more competitive to gain coverage in this sought-after space. Monthly magazines now have fewer pages, less advertising and fewer younger readers. But TV, including national news broadcasts, is featuring more grassroots and local news because of the ease of accessing videos that are taken by everyday citizens like us. Despite this, many people choose the same old way of public relations. First and foremost you gain credibility by being featured in a major media outlet. That credibility and the enormous audiences that mainstream media platforms reach explain why public relations experts and consultants continue to be in great demand. Here's what you need to know if you seek fresh, new or larger media visibility. To get a great public relation, you need to focus on three aspects:

  • Identify your goals – Where do you want to attain publicity?
  • Specify your targeted audience – Who do you want to reach?
  • Select your media targets – What media outlets does your audience read/watch/connect with?

Once those goals are established, create a strategic plan and timetable for the action steps necessary to implement the campaign. Then you need a compelling pitch. The pitch is the 10-second, three sentences, or quick paragraph that publicists use to interest a journalist in a potential story. Understanding what interests of different writers and producers is essential. A well-experienced publicist can sell any content with well-structured pith.

Try Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a kind of marketing which is done by top bloggers, social media celebrities and content experts who work on a specific niche and mainstream subjects. If you have a product or service which has the potential of getting popular among youth then you should go for influencer marketing. These influencers have large genuine following and their audience trusts them so, if you rope in them to promote your content then they can be a real asset for your brand.

Bottom Line

Public relation has changed over the years because of the introduction of the internet. There are more new platforms on which one can promote their content and it has better reach than most of the traditional media. This digitization has completely disrupted the way companies do their PR.

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