Gurprit Singh, Co-Founder & Director, Umbrella Infocare Pvt. Ltd. 

Continues Succeeding with Core Focus on Helping Customers Achieve their Goals with Transformation.

Tech Companies

Umbrella Infocare Pvt Ltd Continues Succeeding with Core Focus on Helping Customers Achieve their Goals with Transformation.

Purnima Narang
“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Winston S Churchill

Umbrella Infocare Pvt Ltd Continues Succeeding with Core Focus on Helping Customers Achieve their Goals with Transformation.

Personifying Churchill’s quote throughout his journey with Umbrella Infocare, visionary Gurprit Singh leads his 2013 founded brand as Co-Founder & Director.

Gurprit Singh is a serial entrepreneur, who also co-founded his previous venture Momentum Infocare with Sanjay Agarwal to help companies with on-premise tech solutions.

They identified that companies were facing big challenges with provisioning, scalability, upgrades, and sourcing. While this led to a lack of innovation, growth and faster reach to the market, the leaders aimed to address a large and significant need.

They knew they had to fill the gap with cloud and digital transformation and the “Born in the Cloud” company was conceived.

They identified four distinct pillars that lay a strong foundation for business success in the cloud. Initially, they focused on cloud adoption as more and more companies realized the need for scalability and agility. Once they migrated to the cloud, customers needed help with support, optimization, cost savings, and governance. Hence, they added managed services as a key offering.

DevOps, they realised it is crucial for streamlining processes, ensuring scalability, faster development, testing and delivery. Then followed the Big Data Analytics boom. Suddenly, data became the new oil and leveraging data at speed, scale and volume became a compelling need.

Many customers wanted the advantage of the cloud’s analytical capability, agility, and on-demand cost model. They began cloud data analytics practice in 2019 and today have already successfully delivered multiple projects around the data pipeline.

To ensure that customers leverage the real power of the cloud for their application architecture, they added Application Modernization using Cloud Native Architecture, Microservices, Serverless and Container services.

These enable faster go to market, better security, cost optimization and high-quality delivery.

Exclusively talking to The CEO Magazine, Gurprit Singh shared a brief on his journey, venture, future, etc:

TCM: In your entrepreneurial journey, how did you overcome the challenges?

Gurprit: Entrepreneurs from multiple organizations face similar challenges. The first and foremost is understanding changing customer needs and determining what to sell.

This is a constant question that occurs every year, and by closely observing customer trends, and market changes, we have been able to address this challenge, and the understanding has also helped us evolve our business.

The next big challenge that we face constantly is getting a good team. Hiring the right expertise, ensuring quality, and maintaining high standards while identifying the appropriate resources can be an uphill task. But by setting standards and establishing a very methodical hiring process, we have been able to achieve our hiring goals.

The third hurdle we have been facing is communicating value to existing customers. It has been difficult for us to put together processes and automation for staying in touch with customers about our updates, achievements, and new capabilities.

We are however learning to leverage sales and marketing tools and strategies to address this gap and are working on improving communication.

Last, but very important, and in a way, this includes previous challenges, is constantly ensuring business growth. All entrepreneurs as a rule of thumb are aware that the business must grow, for the well-being of customers and employees, and that is the only way forward.

By putting in processes and frameworks, facilitating the right tools, training, and thorough planning, partnering with industry leaders, and establishing best practices and standards, Umbrella has achieved remarkable growth so far.

TCM: What do you think your firm’s mission and vision are?

Gurprit: Our mission is to remain customer-centric and empower our clients on the cloud through superior performance and quality, solutions that work for their goals, achieving results that match their business goals, and ensuring continuous success on the cloud.

Our vision is to be among the top layer in technology in the country and expand our high-quality services through meaningful interactions in global markets. We aim at becoming a key partner for transformation both at home and across the international arena.

TCM: How does your firm differ from the biggest competitors?

Gurprit: We have a clear and complete focus on Cloud. We are a Born in the Cloud company about a decade ago and have not wavered from enabling business growth and success through cloud transformation.

Focus also includes our long-standing partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS), which has remained an industry leader across the globe. The partnership enables us to offer cutting-edge AWS capabilities with cost efficiency to our customers.

Our customers recognize the value we bring, and we have been cherry-picked by global brands for our expertise and competencies in AWS solutions. Our high performing team that comes with wide experience, skillset, certifications, and talent along with our open and supportive culture have helped us stand out as a company.

TCM: In this journey, what were the failures the team rebounded and learned from?

Gurprit: For some of our deployments, we enter the scenario with very little knowledge of what needs to be done. But once we are in, we understand the need and match it with our solutions. While doing this, we might not be able to meet all the parameters in some cases. But we keep learning from these experiences.

TCM: How would you define success for the firm? What are the recognitions it has earned over the years?

Gurprit: I believe we have made a strong imprint in the tech industry within a short span of 8 years. Success for us means wading through challenges and overcoming them as a team. We have built a team-oriented culture and any success that Umbrella is recognized for reflects combined effort and contribution.

We have won several recognitions and awards; we were recognized as AWS Premier Consulting Partner in 2019 and hold five AWS competencies including Cloud Migration and DevOps. Our recent awards include ET Best Tech Brands of 2021, Best Players in Digital Tech by Channel World Premier 100, 2021, and Cloud Partner of the Year, 2021 by SME Channels.

TCM: What is your role in the organisation today? Tell us about your dynamic team?

Gurprit: As Director at Umbrella, I am responsible for strategic direction, and ensuring that teams are aligned with resources and delivering exceptional services, contributing to business growth. I also work closely with the leadership team to build a culture of continuous learning, customer and employee-centric focus and encourage teams to take ownership.

We have a very dynamic and passionate team, fast learners, some of them have great leadership skills, some have solid dedication, and others shine with new ideas and execution. But in my view, the team is bound together by mutual respect and strong support for each other.

TCM: What are the fundamental values of the firm that remained constant over the years?

Gurprit: Our fundamental values are a customer-centric approach, transparency with open communication, a passion-driven attitude, and a technology-obsessed outlook to stay future-ready.

TCM: 2020 has created hostile situations for many brands. What are the challenges you are facing and how do you aim to overcome them?

Gurprit: Like all other companies, we initially had the rug pulled out from under our feet when we had to switch over to remote working. But being a cloud company gave us a major advantage and setting up and functioning smoothly was not a major roadblock for us.

We had some challenges with hiring, and engaging employees and customers virtually, but we quickly anticipated changing needs and stepped up with several webinars and virtual partner events as well as employee engagement activities that helped us cross this mountain.

TCM: What does the future hold for the company in the next five years?

Gurprit: As I mentioned earlier, we have built and established a strong presence in India and it’s time we started expanding our boundaries. We are laying the foundation for exploring business expansion into the US, UK and other global markets and are focusing our marketing efforts on this goal.

We are looking to establish visibility and offer value globally within the next five years and improve our services at home as well.

“Find a challenge that is big enough, go after it with severe focus and planning and work with your team to stay innovative and creative,”
Gurprit Singh

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