Mr. D. Kishore Reddy, Founder & CMD at Mana Projects Pvt Ltd

Real Estate

Find out how the real estate industry is responding to protecting Mother Earth

Kaushal Kumar

Due to fast adaption to modern technologies, and rapid urbanization, the threat towards Mother Earth grows grave every passing second. The real estate sector is one of the core industries responsible for the increasing urbanization.

However, thanks to the recent global adaption of the “Go Green” concept, several industries are contributing to sustainable measures that would help reduce the seriousness of the crisis. The real estate industry is no exception either.

What sustainable measures is the real estate industry adopting?

Green architecture is one of the sole measures that is being adopted by the real estate industry. This philosophy is basically constituted of using sustainable measures designed for protecting Mother Nature.

It focuses on minimizing energy consumption, using sustainable products for construction, and much more so as to work for developing a better future.

MANA’s take as a real estate industry to protect Mother Nature

Picture this.

A world where you get to enjoy a stay in your dream residence and all the modern facilities while also being close to nature. Sounds like a dream? Well, that is everything we are about.

The primary aim of our company is to focus on the Earth’s biodiversity. One gets to enjoy a transformative experience of green living in these spaces. Our philosophy strengthens the idea of manmade environments working together to protect natural ones.

So, how exactly do we work?

We are not just another real estate developer, we continuously strive to preserve the greens. From planting trees in bare spaces, preserving the ones already existing in the land parcel, adopting sustainable measures, and creating green architecture, Mana does it all. We make sure the modern generation enjoys both worlds.

Measures adopted

The development of any real estate project goes through several stages. We strive to focus on every single one of them.

Land evaluation

The primary focus point in this step would be a deep evaluation of how to retain the existing Flora and Fauna and accommodate the future envisioned development.

Sourcing Fresh Water

We source our water from the groundwater table. Now, how does that work?

We use modern-day technology in identifying active aquifers that supply the required amount of water and also helps us identify recharge points that help replenish the used water.

Thus, our measures encourage minimum water loss and also focus on recharging the existing groundwater table after usage.

Water use

We all know that freshwater is a basic demand when it comes to settlements. But there are several areas where a lot of fresh water is wasted. Our aim is to change that.

Imagine the amount of water used in toilet flushes. With each flush, we use a significant amount of freshwater. Now the question is how to use this opportunity to our benefit.

We all agree that freshwater is not necessary for flushes, as it can easily work with recycled water. Thus, To put this to use, we have modified every flush to use recycled water.

The same idea goes for gardening, car, and bike wash. Does one need freshwater for these purposes? No, they don’t. Changing all these water usage opportunities to make use of recycled water is a wonderful opportunity to save and reuse water.

In addition to the above measures, we have started using low-water consumption fixtures to minimize water usage and also make sure that the users have the same experience.

Green Architecture

The next major step is architecture design & construction. This is where the main focus is.

To start with, we do a lot of research on the climatic conditions (Sun & Wind Path) of that land parcel and then we start designing the architecture of the building in accordance with that.

The architecture is designed in such a way that natural light gets into every nook and corner of the house and thus reduces the dependency on the usage of artificial lighting, also making sure that there is enough cross ventilation to let the fresh air pass through houses, maintaining the room temperature and reducing the dependency on air conditioning.

Private planter boxes on the balconies and vertical creepers act as air, sound, and temperature filters and help in maintaining the room temperature inside the house throughout the day.

Also, these green pockets act as mini-forests of every house. Also, we make sure the solar panels are installed on the terraces to generate solar power and utilize that for water heating.

Some of the projects where these sustainable ideas have been put to life are Mana Foresta, Mana Tropicale, Mana Verdant, and more.

Wrap up

The climate changes caused by the rising population turn out to be a constant danger for all creatures and not just for Mother Nature because of several issues including deforestation, pollution, etc.

With the rising concern about the need to protect Nature, the real estate industry is responding well to it.

The real estate industry has started focusing on building homes where humans can co-exist with nature without disturbing it.

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