Eswar Constructions

Real Estate

Eswar Constructions

Kaushal Kumar

Affordable housing built in a sustainable manner is of utmost importance in Bangalore. The rapid urbanization and population influx have led to an increased demand of affordable homes.

Over the last 20 years Eswar Constructions has been focusing on sustainable affordable housing initiatives, across the emerging areas in Bangalore, ranging from GM Palaya to Kothanur, From Mylasandra to Jakkur.

All our projects focus on the following core aspects.

  1. Environmental conservation: by incorporating energy-efficient designs, renewable energy sources, water conservation measures, and waste management systems. In order to minimize resource consumption, and lower carbon footprint to the extent possible.

  2. Lower utility and maintenance costs: Integrating energy-efficient technologies in our projects results in lower utility and maintenance costs for residents. Features like efficient insulation, solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, appropriately sized energy-saving appliances reduce energy and water bills, minimising facility and security personnel requirement through design, thereby making housing more affordable in the long run.

  3. Health and well-being: By emphasizing on natural lighting, proper ventilation, and the use of non-toxic materials, which contribute to better indoor air quality and overall occupant comfort. Access to green spaces, pedestrian-friendly designs, and community amenities also enhance physical and mental well-being.

  4. Long-term cost savings: by ensuring Lower energy and maintenance costs, coupled with reduced strain on infrastructure and services through choice of vendors and products that believe in longevity rather than only form or only function.

  5. Space Saving Features: In the new construct post CoVid work from home and health and fitness have become integral aspects of our life style. Towards this, we have integrated all these as part of the design to ensure that the resident's work or lifestyle does not get restricted despite living in compact homes.

In the past 20 years and 21 projects, Eswar Constructions has always focussed on ensuring that affordable living can be achieved in a sustainable manner. We firmly believe that Affordable Sustainable Lving homes can be provided not at the behest of Quality but by streamlining the supply chain and effective usage of cashflow on time every time.

Every aspect of our project from choice of land, design, vendors, commercial terms for purchase of raw material and Financial modelling is focussed on ensuring the customer gets best quality long lasting homes at an affordable price point.


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