Changing the face of ISP industry in India; putting smile on faces


jOKER fiBER: Changing the face of ISP industry in India; putting smile on faces

Kaushal Kumar

jOKER fiBER: Changing the face of ISP industry in India; putting smile on faces

With the World Wide Web morphing into its next generation – Web 2.0, high speed internet connectivity is set to play an integral role in helping the country to become more globalized and in facilitating growth for it. However, the actual plight of Internet connectivity in India surprises. Several official surveys conducted recently suggest that only twenty eight percent of Indian population has access to internet which is very less as compared to the population accessing high speed internet in developed countries. India ranks 97th globally with average peak connection speed of 5.6 Mbps yet most of the areas receive below 512kbps. Not only India, most of the developing nations have been enduring similar crisis which obstructs their growth. Immediate efforts towards bridging this digital divide grab utmost concern in order to spread the Web worldwide. Realizing this gap, a group of visionaries and experts decided to initiate the metamorphosis in their hometown, Tamil Nadu, where 28 million Internet Consumers were struggling everyday with an average internet speed of 1.15 Mbps.

The team established jOKER fiBER targeting to take this average speed to as high as 1Gbps.jOKER fiBER is the brainchild of Bass Jokernet Private Limited founded in 2015 at Tiruchirappalli. Within a few months of inception, jOKER fiBERwas able to position itself strongly in the market having provided ultrafast internet services through FTTH (Fiber to the home) which assure infinite streaming and connectivity.  The company is the First fiber based ISP (Internet Service Provider) in Tiruchirappalli and the First ISP with IPV6 based network in India. In line with PMO's Digital India project, jOKER fiBER aims to deliver faster internet connectivity with economical pricing to every home to make Digital India a reality.

Unique Portfolio

The company's rich portfolio includes lucrative Residential, Business as well as Internet Leased Line plans which are called 'Tickets'. Residential and Business tickets are categorized as Jack, Queen, King and Ace and all of them are power-packed with very interesting features. Internet Leased Line ticket provides dedicated one to one Internet though fiber as a prime service offering and is supplied with more features such as Symmetric bandwidth, low latency and low packet loss. The unique features of Joker's portfolio that makes its services unparalleled are:

  • Self monitoring web interface portal for the customer
  • Near perfect End to End SLA
  • End to End fiber network
  • Dedicated 24×7 Consumer Support team
  • Best resources for DDoS attacks
  • Ipv6 network for the extensible address space
  • Dedicated 24×7 Antivirus monitoring
  • Multiple backhaul connectivity
  • Digitalized payment process

The landscape of ISP industry in India has always lacked in competent customer support services and robust network infrastructure. The founders of jOKER fiBER stepped into entrepreneurial journey in this sector after a rigorous research and analysation of the underlying root causes as well as having figured out the best possible solutions. Since its establishment, the company has been following a clear strategy to provide highest standard of services. The company has taken a calculated risk by investing in creating a world class network infrastructure that has huge growth opportunities. jOKER fiBER's services speak of their peerless quality; a fact which has empowered the company to obtain a strong foothold in the market and emerge as a leader. It stands as a revolutionary brand, which is being noticed by more and more customers as well as by several private investors.

There are many factors that have enabled the company to differentiate its service offerings from others and shine more among them. These services majorly include excellent customer service, easy installation within stipulated time and assured reliability on speed and data with accuracy on speed hitting 99.99%.

Speaking of the achievements of the company since its incorporation, Mr. Antony B Adaikalam, Founder, jOKER fiBER shares, "We have successfully setup Greenfield infrastructure in a major region of Trichy, which in itself is a huge achievement and we are looking forward to expand to more cities in Tamil Nadu, for which the ground work has already begun. Also, we have been investing our resources for the development of process automation through software technologies by developing our own Automated Device Installation software, FTTH Design Software, Automated Support through bot, Frequent follow up on feedback, suggestion and latest technologies on the FTTH field." Throwing light on the future plans of the company, he informed us that the company is all set to expand its footprints in 5 Tier II and 10 Tier III cities before end of 2018. Conjointly, planning for further expansion in entire Tamil Nadu by 2025 is in process.

The Inspiration behind the Success

Antony B Adaikalam –Founder, jOKER fiBER comes with a huge managerial experience which has been instrumental in evolving an efficient corporate structure. He has the ability to learn and make effective decisions based on the problem at hand. He enjoys guiding youngsters to become experts in their field.

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