Gxpress Solutions (India) Private Limited, Fastest, Competitive & Dependable Trucking Shipping Solutions


Praveen Vashistha - Founder & MD

Logistics Companies

Gxpress Solutions (India) Private Limited, Fastest, Competitive & Dependable Trucking Shipping Solutions

Kaushal Kumar

"There's no shortage of remarkable ideas, what's missing is the will to execute them."

– Seth Godin

Gxpress Solutions (India) Private Limited, Fastest, Competitive & Dependable Trucking Shipping Solutions

These motivation steering words are beloved by Mr. Praveen Vashistha, Founder and Managing Director, Gxpress Solutions, the man of the moment in the Indian Supply and Logistics Industry who executed his vision to transform an entire industry with his army of trained professionals.

Disrupting the industry with his experience, skills, knowledge, and strategic leadership with his brainchild venture, Praveen shattered the long-established traditional gap between the organized and unorganized sectors in the Indian supply chain industry.

As he transitioned from ex- FedEx professional in Sales department with a solid corporate experience into a veteran entrepreneur, his inspiring story has been crafted piece by piece by the visionary himself.

Gxpress's founder looked beyond the personal goals of a professional working in the corporate world and focused on something bigger than himself during his days at Fed-ex. Soon, the exposure, understanding of the industry, and experience made him realize that customers could be served better if they were offered customized solutions.

An entrepreneurial seed was sowed in Praveen Vashistha's mind as he took it upon himself to fill the gap in the logistics industry. With tremendous passion, he began further research which cleared the air about the core of the problem.

He realized delivery business players in India catered to two kinds of clients including large and organized corporate and small and unorganized businesses.

Praveen devoted his precious time to an exclusive dialogue with The CEO Magazine and imparted various unheard and unfiltered parts of his journey, challenges, learning, leadership, and his action plan in an exclusive dialogue:

The CEO: After you discovered the major gap in the industry, what followed your vision to establish Gxpress?

Praveen: There was a huge gap between the organized and unorganized sectors of the supply chain in India. Once I had the problem figured out, I eventually established a company that meets the increasingly sophisticated needs of International Trade by offering customized solutions seamlessly.

I believe, each individual is different and possesses unlimited potentials. I have been enjoying my role as a mentor to young talents of our country especially the ones looking to service international clients, needed better support from delivery partners.

Again, this helped me take another step closer to my mission of bridging a vital gap in the industry as the organized sector has been equipped with the resources trained with skills to manage the various delivery-related processes in a planned manner.

However, on the other hand, exporters from the unorganized sector face several issues, particularly related to documentation and custom clearances.

Gradually, as we initiated and engaged with our initial customers, Gxpress picked its pace towards growth with positive word-of-mouth eventually leading to more clients. The company's revenues grew exponentially and it plans to fuel its growth in terms of technology and warehousing.

The CEO: How would you describe yourself and the high-level team structure?

Praveen: I am an experienced professional who owns a wealth of varied experience in logistics and e-commerce. My journey to entrepreneurship began when I realized that e-commerce sellers and SMEs face a lot of challenges when they endeavor to ship their products overseas.

I noticed how the giant logistics players usually end up ignoring the small sellers due to the less volume they have to offer. They face a lot of issues in the import-export regulations, customs clearance, and last-mile deliveries overseas.

Having experienced the industry, I reflected on the issues and came to a solution that consulting and helping such sellers is the need of the hour, which sourced my motivation to start my blog assisting interaction with the sellers on weekly basis. I am also actively involved in conducting regular webinars for the sellers to share their knowledge about cross-border trading.

The CEO: What are the value-adding services that your brand delivers to the clientele?

Praveen: Gxpress started with a "small is important" philosophy to tap the segment of small sellers aspiring to go global and showcase their products overseas. In India, the logistics sector is divided into an organized and unorganized segment, where the large logistics players preferred large corporate as they provided higher revenues and steady business.

I found this gap thought-provoking and focused on providing customized tailor-made solutions for small sellers, thus building a successful business with these segments.

The CEO: What are the biggest challenges during the success-worthy idea into reality?

Praveen: Currently, the logistics sector in India has either unorganized local small players or organized large international players. The former has no credibility while the latter ones are not used by SMEs as they don't have bulk orders.

We are helping the MSMEs and the exporters to go global and showcase their products overseas. E-commerce sellers and MSMEs face issues in documentation and custom clearances cost, warehousing, distribution.

The CEO: As a logistics company, what has been the turning point in your journey so far?

Praveen: Since the company's inception in 2016, the overall journey has been adventurous, challenging yet exciting. At the onset of the brand, the most challenging part was to compete with the big logistic players like FedEx, DHL, etc.

However, the turning point has been my visit to various two-tier cities like Moradabad, Roorkee, Jodhpur, and Saharanpur. I came across manufacturers and artisans who were willing to showcase their products to the international market. But they were can't due to a lack of knowledge about exporting products and handling various e-commerce platforms. I was highly inspired by their aspirations to showcase their talents internationally.

The CEO: How did you cope with the COVID-19 virus outbreak in 2020? What were the major learnings from the global health crisis?

Praveen: During the early stages of the unprecedented pandemic, the logistics market, among various other industries came almost to a standstill. Back then, the companies were profoundly impacted as supply chains were totally disrupted and new regulations were rapidly introduced.

Today, when many countries have removed lockdown and its restrictions, the journey to recovery has started to begin. The logistics market has exploded as people in lockdown turned to the internet to make their purchases. Not only did volumes grow but the profile of goods being shipped changed, with more consumers ordering on the various online platforms increased.

Major corporations have fast-tracked their growth and development plans, growing rapidly and making substantial investments to cope with demand in e-commerce, people, and properties.

The CEO:  What are the company's values followed by our team? What are some of the new ideas you would implement in this position?

Praveen: We, as a team, are connected through the company values like integrity, professionalism, efficiency, and teamwork. In the upcoming days, Gxpress plans to add fuel to its growth in terms of technology, workforce, and number of offices worldwide.

We plan to start e-commerce express and open operational branches in 25+ cities in India by 2025 supporting all the business lines. There are also efforts deployed towards the goal of expanding the workforce to 200+ employees and on boarding clientele to about 4000+ sellers in India.

Paced towards our US expansion goals, we have plans to open warehouses in all major cities across the US including NJ, Chicago, LA, and Houston. It also plans to add nomination shipments and onboard 75+ nomination clients and increase operational capacity to 3M small parcel last-mile delivery across the US.

The CEO: Given the extensive responsibilities as a leader in this industry, how do you keep yourself motivated? The CEO: What would you advise a young leader?

Praveen: My motivation sources from my vision to support other entrepreneurs who have been aspiring to grow internationally and showcase their talents overseas. I and my team have been focusing to find such sellers and guiding them through the process for the same.

As a young leader, I have always stepped up and steered my team's motivation to always think out of the box and widen their horizons in terms of knowledge and skills. 

The CEO: Do you believe in giving back to society, if yes, how?

Praveen: Yes! I have been always very deeply associated with society. We focus on conducting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities every month, as a team.

As Tony Hsieh rightly said, "Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you." We at Gxpress, focus on providing the best-customized solutions to our customers and expanding their business in the international markets.

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