Learning and Development


Definition, Importance and More……

learning and development

Learning and Development: Fueling Organisational Progress

Anjali Sharma

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, Learning & Development (L&D) has become a cornerstone of organisational success. Companies that invest in the growth and development of their employees not only enhance their workforce's capabilities but also drive innovation, improve employee engagement, and maintain a competitive edge.

This article explores the importance and strategies of effective Learning & Development.

What is learning and development?

Learning and Development (L&D) is a systematic process focused on enhancing employees' skills, knowledge, and competencies to improve their work performance. As a core function of Human Resources (HR), L&D plays a crucial role in an organisation’s strategy for developing its people. It helps to attract and retain talent, enriches company culture, and keeps employees engaged.

L&D includes various initiatives like online courses, in-person training, and mentorship programs, all aimed at fostering employee growth and driving organisational success. Whether organised centrally or spread across different business units, L&D is essential for equipping employees with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their roles and support the company's growth.

Moreover, there isn't a single learning method or technique that fits everyone or every organisation perfectly. People learn in various ways, and organisations have unique learning goals. However, the 70-20-10 model is a popular framework for understanding how learning occurs in an organisational context.

70-20-10 Model

According to this model:

  • 70% of learning happens informally on the job through new tasks, challenging assignments, and feedback from supervisors or casual conversations with colleagues. 

  • Another 20% comes from social interactions and developmental relationships, like learning from peers and mentors. 

  • The remaining 10% of learning is through formal education, such as traditional coursework and training programs.

While the 70/20/10 model provides a useful guideline, it’s not a universal solution. Different businesses and roles may require different proportions of learning methods, emphasising the need for a flexible approach to accommodate diverse learning styles and objectives.

Why is learning and development important?

Most organisational leaders recognise the importance of enhancing employees' skills and knowledge, prompting them to invest in Learning and Development (L&D) programs. This investment yields numerous benefits, including:

Enhancing Employee Experience and Engagement

Employees build confidence in their abilities and are motivated to take initiative and pursue their career goals. This results in increased morale, job satisfaction, and overall engagement.

Bridging Skills Gaps

In order to stay abreast of technological advancements and ever-evolving business paradigms, organisations must ensure their employees are prepared to tackle new challenges.

Bridging Skills Gaps

This involves reskilling and upskilling individuals for specialised technical roles while also enhancing their soft skills. By doing so, the workforce becomes better equipped to adapt to changes, foster innovation, and fulfil the organisation's future labour requirements.

Attracting and Retaining Talent

Today, individuals seek employment opportunities that align with their current interests and future aspirations. They anticipate employers offering career-enriching growth and development opportunities. According to a survey, 65% of workers assess job prospects considering the availability of employer-provided upskilling. Moreover, another survey indicated that 76% of employees are inclined to remain with a company that offers continuous learning and development opportunities.

Enhances Brand Reputation

Enhances Brand Reputation

Implementing L&D initiatives can establish your company as a frontrunner in your industry, providing a competitive advantage and strengthening the brand's reputation. By investing in your employees, you're ultimately investing in the success of your business.

Enhancing Work Consistency

By prioritising soft skills and communication training, organisations foster a strong work ethic among employees. This emphasis on improved communication and dedication leads to consistent work outputs, ultimately boosting organisational productivity while simultaneously decreasing the need for constant supervision. As a result, managers can redirect their focus towards strategic planning initiatives, empowered by the reduced necessity for hands-on oversight.

Nurturing Future Leaders

Nurturing Future Leaders

Offering learning and development opportunities equips employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to assume additional responsibilities and leadership positions. Numerous organisations establish their own management training initiatives, providing employees with tangible pathways to realise their career aspirations.

Overall, learning and development play a crucial role in driving organisational growth, fostering a positive work culture, and staying competitive in today's business landscape.

How to create a learning and development strategy?

Each organisation has unique learning and development needs, but a robust strategy is essential for the success of any L&D program. The following steps outline how to build a strong learning and development strategy tailored to your organisation's requirements:

Aligning L&D with Business Strategy

It is crucial to align your organisation's Learning and Development (L&D) strategy with its business strategy. Before developing your L&D plan, consider key factors such as your employees' skills and those vital for business priorities. Assess your business's offerings and competitive edge, anticipate evolving customer needs, and be aware of potential shifts like technological advancements and economic changes.

Aligning L&D with Business Strategy

Ensure your organisation is agile enough to adapt to both expected and unexpected changes effectively. This alignment ensures that your L&D strategy supports the overall goals and direction of the organisation.

Engage with Business Leaders

Collaborating with business leaders is vital for crafting a tailored Learning and Development (L&D) strategy. Start by involving stakeholders in shaping the strategy, utilising surveys for a broad overview of learning needs. Deepen understanding through one-on-one meetings for detailed feedback and support building. Encourage collaborative input opportunities for department heads and senior management to endorse and model the L&D plans company-wide. This ensures alignment with departmental objectives and fosters a culture of engagement and ownership throughout the organisation.

Strategic Competency Assessment and Gap Analysis

Begin by defining the essential competencies required for each role to align with the company's business objectives. Conduct a skills audit to evaluate existing competencies and knowledge across the organisation.

Strategic Competency Assessment and Gap Analysis

Perform a skills gap analysis to identify areas for improvement and employee development opportunities, thereby determining the priorities for L&D initiatives.

Creating Personalised Learning Paths

Designing learning journeys is pivotal for fostering continuous learning within the organisation. Tailor these journeys to help individuals acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for their specific job roles. Determine the capabilities required for each role and select appropriate learning methods. Engage focus groups to gather insights on preferred learning experiences and tools, facilitating the design of effective learning journeys.

Implementing L&D Initiatives

Implementing L&D Initiatives

Implementing Learning and Development (L&D) initiatives involves several key stages:

  1. Clearly articulate the initiative's purpose.

  2. Conduct a SWOT analysis to determine the most suitable learning program.

  3. Establish a well-defined budget covering all associated costs.

  4. Provide detailed information on the program's benefits and alignment with business goals.

  5. Conduct a trial run with pilot classes to identify and address any weaknesses or areas for improvement before full implementation.

Monitor Progress

Monitor the effectiveness of L&D programs by tracking key metrics such as training completion rate, assessment pass rate, and training dropout rate. Analysing these metrics helps in measuring employee engagement and the success of L&D initiatives.

Assessing Efficiency and Implementing Changes

Evaluate the impact of training programs beyond traditional L&D metrics by collecting feedback from learners. Assess the alignment of learning strategies with organisational priorities, the addressing of skills gaps, improvements in employee performance and engagement, enhanced business processes efficiency, and the overall impact on company culture.

Assessing Efficiency and Implementing Changes

Use this analysis to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to L&D strategies.

By following these steps, you can develop a robust learning and development strategy that aligns with your organisation's goals and effectively addresses the needs of your employees.


In conclusion, Learning and development are not just a support function but a strategic imperative for organisational success. By investing in employee growth and development, organisations can build a resilient workforce, foster innovation, and stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.

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