Nandan Mall - Founder & MD - Hulladek Recycling Pvt Ltd

E-Waste Management

Hulladek Recycling Pvt Ltd

Shweta Singh
The CEO Magazine - Hulladek Recycling Pvt Ltd.pdf
“If life gives you lemonade, make lemons. That’s Recycling!”

Every year, millions of electrical and electronic devices reach the end of their life cycle, contributing to the growing global problem of electronic waste or e-waste. These discarded devices, from smartphones to home appliances, pose a huge risk to the environment and health if not managed responsibly. Improper disposal methods, such as dumping, burning or unsafe recycling practices, release hazardous chemicals such as lead and mercury into the environment, threatening both ecosystems and human populations. As the world grapples with the far-reaching repercussions of unchecked electronic waste, addressing this grave problem becomes a shared responsibility of governments and individual organisations alike. Hulladek Recycling Pvt Ltd, spearheaded by Nandan Mall, is one such organisation that is stepping up to tackle this pressing issue.

Delivering Comprehensive e-Waste Management Services

Hulladek Recycling is one of India’s leading waste management companies. Authorised by the Central Pollution Control Board, it operates in 22 states and union territories in India. Headquartered in Kolkata, Hulladek extends its reach through franchises and collection partners in other states.

Hulladek offers comprehensive waste management services, including procurement, consultancy, channelisation, awareness campaigns, reverse logistics, documentation, and certification for electronic, battery, and plastic waste, all in compliance with the regulations set by the Central Pollution Control Board under the Ministry of Environment.

As a service-oriented organisation, Hulladek offers three primary services— material pick-up, environmental or waste consultancy and awareness creation. Firstly, they operate a robust collection mechanism, facilitating the pick-up of electronic and electrical waste from corporates, educational institutes, government bodies, households, and more. This collected material then undergoes segregation and dismantling at Hulladek’s Material Recovery Facility before being channelled to recyclers for final disposal and recovery of raw materials, including precious metals.

Secondly, Hulladek provides end-to-end consultancy on electronic, plastic, and battery waste management. This service targets producers, manufacturers, importers, and brand owners, guiding them to adhere to environmental compliances essential for their operations. Finally, Hulladek focuses on raising awareness about proper waste management and disposal practices through various educational initiatives and tools.

By implementing innovative recycling techniques and advocating for sustainable practices, the organisation exemplifies how dedicated entities can effectively mitigate the adverse impacts of e-waste while promoting resource recovery.

A Decade of Dedication, Hardwork and Perseverance Behind Every ‘Overnight’ Success

Nandan Mall, the founder and managing director of Hulladek Recycling Pvt. Ltd., is a third-generation entrepreneur from a family with a diverse business portfolio. He chose to forge his own path early in his career. “At a young age, I was certain that I didn’t want to enter a conventional family-run business but start my own venture,” he recalls.

His passion for environmental conservation has been evident since his school and college days when he volunteered in activities raising awareness on climate change and global warming. “When I got the opportunity to intern in a waste management company, I was certain that this is what I want to do,” Nandan reflects. However, like many family-run businesses, his ideas faced scepticism and were often dismissed as mere hobbies. “Despite the backlash and being called the ‘black sheep,’ I continued to work towards my dream,” he affirms. Ten years since its inception, Hulladek stands as a testament to Nandan’s determination. “Today, my family couldn’t be happier,” he says proudly. “I am happy that not only do I make money but also serve the planet like I always wanted to!”

The Genesis of Hulladek Recycling

The inception of Hulladek traces back to Nandan’s college days in 2010 when he and his team at St. Xavier’s College proposed an e-waste management company during an annual fest. “We were asked to present a plan for a business of the future,” Nandan recalls. “We won the competition and represented our college nationally, though we didn’t win the international round.” Following this experience, he accepted an internship at E-Parisaraa Pvt Ltd, one of India’s pioneering e-waste recyclers, where he gained invaluable insights into the industry.

“After completing my internship, I pursued further experience abroad,” Nandan explains. He spent two years in Bilbao, Spain, working at InduMetal, one of the country’s largest waste management firms. “During my time there, I worked in various departments, from business development to supply chain management and more,” he reflects. In 2014, armed with international expertise and a deepened passion for sustainability, Nandan returned to Kolkata and founded Hulladek Recycling Pvt Ltd. Talking about the company’s name, Nandan says,

"Hulladek’ is a Hungarian word for ‘waste’. Our tagline, ‘Hungry for Waste,’ captures the true essence of our organisation.” He explains, “It signifies our insatiable hunger for waste and is also a pun on the word ‘hungry’ or ‘Hungary’.”

Over the years, Hulladek has had the opportunity to assist several prominent organisations in disposing of their e-waste, including Mondelez International, Nestle India, Hindustan Unilever, Tata Group, Red Bull, IndusInd Bank, Punjab National Bank, and many more.

Now, as Hulladek celebrates its 10th anniversary, Nandan reflects on a decade of relentless effort and innovation in the waste management industry. “It has been a phenomenal 10 years, and we look forward to many more,” he adds.

A Journey of Resilience

Building a business has its fair share of challenges, and the journey was no different for Nandan Mall. One of the major challenges Hulladek faces is the widespread lack of awareness about e-waste management and its hazards.

“With increasing dependency on technology, the generation of electronic and electrical waste will only rise,” Nandan notes. India currently ranks as the world’s third largest generator of e-waste, following the USA and China, yet it recycles only about 5% of this waste. The limited knowledge of the E-waste Management Rules established by the Central Pollution Control Board under the Ministry of Environment adds to these challenges.

“As an organisation, we are actively engaged in bridging this awareness gap through extensive nationwide campaigns,” states Nandan. Apart from these external challenges, Hulladek faced its own internal crisis in 2019 when the team underwent a drastic downsizing, reducing from 25 members to just 5 due to internal disputes, incompetence, and a toxic work culture. “It was a trying period for me as a leader,” admits Nandan.

“I knew we had to continue growing as an organisation despite limited resources and cash flows. At the same time, I had to ensure that the remaining members of my team remained motivated and believed in my vision.” “We persevered by staying true to our core values of transparency, freedom, creativity, inclusivity, innovation, and positive drive,” Nandan reflects.

"We emerged stronger from this adversity. The first thing I did was hire an experienced Human Resource Manager to define policies and bridge the gap between employer and employee expectations. Secondly,” he adds, “We formulated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and streamlined workflows to ensure that new manpower could be trained through a well-defined process.”

Hulladek’s Competitive Edge

Hulladek focuses on establishing a strong procurement network across diverse sources to ensure a consistent flow of materials for supply to recyclers throughout India. The company aims to create a value chain that meets the specific requirements of every stakeholder involved.

Setting itself apart in the industry, Hulladek prioritises door-to-door collection, a unique approach that values waste collected from households alongside bulk quantities sought by others in the field. This strategy enhances accessibility and inclusivity in e-waste management, reinforcing Hulladek’s position in the market.

Driving Sustainable Change

As a leader in the e-waste recycling industry, Nandan takes immense pride in the multifaceted impact of Hulladek’s initiatives. “Our actions not only impact our organisation’s growth but also significantly contribute to environmental health, waste reduction, and increased recycling,” he asserts. “We’ve successfully influenced consumer behaviour towards adopting recycling habits, which is a major achievement.”

“Success for Hulladek Recycling would be when we reach 100 million people in India, achieve a turnover of USD 8 million by 2027-28, and have an increased impact on reducing carbon emissions, establishing waste management infrastructure, and enabling positive changes in consumer mindset,” Nandan reflects.

Another source of pride for Nandan is his young, dynamic team. With approximately 75 employees, predominantly between 28 and 30, he finds great satisfaction in witnessing these young professionals take on leadership roles and make impactful decisions daily, directly shaping the company’s future. “Training them and watching them flourish professionally is incredibly rewarding,” he concludes.

What Lies Ahead for Hulladek

The waste management industry, particularly e-waste management, is poised for substantial growth, driven by increased government support and stricter regulations. Projections suggest the sector could reach 15,000 crores by 2028, attracting significant interest from angel investors and venture capitalists.

Hulladek has positioned itself as a formalised waste aggregator over the past decade, procuring electronic and electrical waste from various sources like industries, educational institutions, government bodies, and households. “Our focus has been on establishing a robust supply chain to channel this waste to recyclers across India,” Nandan explains.

Moving forward, Hulladek’s primary focus is on establishing its own recycling unit for electronic and battery waste. “This initiative has been our top priority over the past year, and we aim to turn this vision into reality within the next 1-2 years,” Nandan continues. “By integrating recycling capabilities into our operations, we aim to strengthen our market position as a comprehensive solution provider.”

Leadership Mantra

Advising newcomers in the industry, Nandan shares, “My first and foremost advice would be that ‘material is king’. It is imperative to have a diverse and strong network for sourcing material. A good collection mechanism is key to generating steady income in this industry.” He adds, “Other than that, as an entrepreneur, it is essential to be consistent and honest with your work. Also, building your team is equally important because you can’t do everything alone!”

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