Digital Marketing: Major Changes in Digital Marketing and its Future 
Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing: Major Changes in Digital Marketing and its Future

Jaya Tanwar

Digital Marketing: Major Changes of Digital Marketing and its Future

The art of enticing customers is an old technique. What’s different in it is its medium. The development of technology combined with the globalization of commerce has led to the rise of digital marketing or the practice of enticing customers through various innovative methods. This industry is a rapidly growing one. Over the past three decades, marketing had transformed and changed rapidly.

Here there are some major innovations happened in the last three decades in digital marketing:

1. Search Engines Revolution is the biggest and most important thing in digital marketing. It was started by Yahoo and then Google superseded it and transformed the dynamics of the way people search for information.

2. The responsive design completely innovated the digital world and website design.

3. In the year 2016, first-time mobile searches overtook desktop searches. From now, online marketers started working to optimize their website and marketing parts for mobile devices.

4. The concept “Content is King” was given by Bill Gates, but this quote was not applicable until Google released Google Panda in 2011.

5. After the universal search update, Google started indexing videos, images, pdf, files like the text in search engine result pages.

6. During 2015-16, data-driven marketing was introduced when digital marketers started creating content after analyzing their previous data and reports.

7. In 2006, Amazon claimed they saw a 1 percent of increment in total revenue with a mere 100-million second with a 100-millisecond increase in their page speed. And the concept of page speed came into limelight.

8. Google Ads words are also known as Google Ads was launched in the year 2000. Since inception, this concept is ruling the online advertising world.

9. Rank Brain algorithm was introduced in 2015 by Google to provide relevant search results.

10. PayPal revolutionized the way transactions have been done online. It helped businesses to accept cross border transactions.

11. With the appearance of different social sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, digital marketing took a unique turn. Social media came as a strong threat to Google and marketing experts started to think beyond Google to market their brand. Rise of Omni-channel marketing.

12. At the initial phase, Social Media started to connect people but, after a few years, it becomes one of the best channels for marketing any product or service.

13. The traditional word-of-mouth is not as effective as it was earlier. Present-day, influencer marketing is on-trend and most of the companies are taking advantage of it.

14. In recent times, building and maintaining an online reputation has become vital. According to the stats now, over 85 perfects of customers take help from the internet to read reviews of a brand before buying any product or service.

15. In the last few years, email multi-channel marketing started becoming ineffective with the

16. With the evolution of Chatbots, the long contact forms in many organizations have been replaced by these Chatbots.

The Future of Digital marketing

As technology continues to flourish and grows, it will be a major part of marketing. From what we know of the present marketplace, we can predict where the future of the industry might lead:

· There will be an increased emphasis on integrated global marketing. It will allow consumers to establish a connection between different sources of content like a blog and an email about different facets of the same topic.

· In the coming days, we will see the use of cohesive remitting technology stacks. According to the present situation, digital marketing is poised to integrate different technologies in a more unified and consistent fashion.

· Companies will increase their use of data mining and give more focus on deep analytics to maximize coordinated exposure in as many digital channels as possible. This is known as an Omni-channel marketing strategy.

· We will see an increased focus on account-based marketing.

· To develop in the upcoming digital marketing era, companies need a workforce with the education and skills to tackle these future challenges and stay at the forefront of the industry.


While the emergence of digital marketing has brought a great revolution, it is worth remembering that the old forms of marketing still carry weight. Despite the rapid development in online advertising, TV is still in the right position for ad spending in the US and continues to flourish, albeit at a slower raw.

Developing digital trends does not mean discarding the traditional marketing approach. Keep up with the latest trends while integrating the old for perfect and successful marketing.

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