Yespal Veeragoni, Applaudable Entrepreneur Magnificently Driving Life-Altering Ventures 

Yespal Veeragoni, Applaudable Entrepreneur Magnificently Driving Life-Altering Ventures

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Yespal Veeragoni, Applaudable Entrepreneur Magnificently Driving Life-Altering Ventures

Kaushal Kumar

"I owe all my success in life to always arriving a quarter of an hour before time."

– Yash Veeragoni

Yespal Veeragoni, Applaudable Entrepreneur Magnificently Driving Life-Altering Ventures

Yash Veeragoni is a man of many hats; enjoying the status of an outcast visionary entrepreneur, a business expert, a professional Clinical Data Scientist, a cricketer, and an ardent leader behind the country's emerging overseas consultancy, Fly High Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

Owing to his invaluable life experiences, Yash Veeragoni has travelled and transitioned from a young Indian student abroad to an established successful entrepreneur leading various life-altering solutions targeted brands in his own right.

A recent expansion of his first entrepreneurial venture Fly High Consultants Pvt. Ltd is the wind under the wings of the aspirants floated by the fearless, ardent, and action-oriented leader.

Apart from guiding students, Yash Veeragoni has left no stone unturned when it comes to successfully directing more than forty brands towards success in the distinct verticals of education, real estate, political, health care, food & fashion.


A serial entrepreneur, by nature, is someone who aims at transforming lives from their own experiences and learnings. Today, Yash Veeragoni attempts to achieve the same by wielding more and more power on both sides of the business transaction.

After cracking the formulae of success as an entrepreneur with his 2010 founded Fly High Consultants, Yash endeavoured to turn the tables around for other brands with his venture, Iconvix Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. He has effectively syncopated his more than six years of industry experience globally to guide 40 clients under this role.

Indians have a deep emotional connection with authentic Indian food. Yash turned his passion for the food industry by adopting the roles of Founder and Director of Dawat Restaurants, New Hampshire, USA.

Along with fiercely facing curveballs in life, Yash also possesses talent in Cricket. Earlier in his life, the cricketer played for Hyderabad Under-16 cricket team in the 2000-2002 season.

He currently plays for Merrimack Valley Cricket Club in Massachusetts State Cricket League, USA. In 2019, Yash also played with West Indies International cricket player, legendary Shivnarine Chanderpaul, during a charity match in Massachusetts, USA.


Rooting from India's middle-class background, Yash Veeragoni fancied a common dream of studying abroad like any other individual in Indian. And even though he showcased various qualities of a leader growing up, the realisation of his purpose as a leader unearthed during his struggles as a Master's student in the USA.

Unaware of unpredicted battles and triumphs awaiting him, Yash travelled to California, USA to pursue his Masters' on a student visa. His journey as a student studying abroad took an unpleasant turn when he, along with hundreds of fellow students, was asked to leave the country by DHS (Department of Homeland Security) following the unprecedented university shutdown.

In such a tense situation, Yash Veeragoni mustered his courage and displayed his unwavering optimism and problem solver nature, classics for a serial entrepreneur. He started walking the path to find options to continue his studies.

What followed his journey was enquiring with other universities and attorneys on international student policies and regaining his student status, finishing his masters, and helping his fellow students with the knowledge he gained.

While reflecting on his Master's journey, Yash was incited to create a safe and trustworthy platform that served solutions for something bigger than himself. Keeping in mind the other students travelling from India, he turned his adversity and learnings into a venture, Fly High Consultants Pvt. Ltd. stressing the motive of 'Dream High, We Make You Fly'.


An entrepreneurial journey is packaged with challenges, which in Yash's case, appeared to be the dynamic nature of overseas education guidelines and policies. However, with his immense knowledge, expertise, and reach, Yash is poised to surmount this challenge with the constant awareness of the changing policies.

Given huge list of universities and colleges around the world, one of the most critical challenges that emerge in front of students aspiring to study abroad, is the selection of a university.

Yash simplifies this process and eliminates the hustle for students with his keen knowledge of students' academic profile and the requirements of the university to suggest the best-suited universities and career forward.


Dedicated to elevating students' morals, skills, and aptitude during the end-to-end process, the inspiring leader defines success as "seeing students having clarity and confidence in the process." He shared, "Students step in with ambiguity and sometimes with no knowledge.

I ensure that each student who connects with me; goes back home with hope, clarity, and confidence. The guidance, I provide, sheds light on the various choices and options they can choose from according to their dreams and potential."

He asserted, "For, Fly High Consultants Pvt. Ltd., we, as a brand, have already catered to thousands of students and maintained a successful visa success rate from last decade.

And now, within a few months of our expansion, we have approximately hundreds of students going through the process and expecting it to multiply in no time. We are proud of our visa success rate and grateful for the students who believed in us."


For more than a decade, Yash has been strategically leading teams and harnessing success through the prominent values of continuous learning, continuous availability, accountability, and trust.

The team floats through the challenge of staying relevant by being well-updated with policies of countries around the world. They engage in constant research on various options for students with regards to their career and universities.

In the dictionary of Yash Veeragoni led teams across the world, continuous availability and accountability are keywords that nurture their value of trust and the long-term relationship with students.

The consultancy-student relationship is known to be continued throughout a student's education abroad and eventually during their jobs as employees or leaders.


A visionary like himself, Yash is constantly evolving his roles through ventures in various industries. In his vital leadership role, Yash Veeragoni is focused on acing the end-to-end services in the consulting industry with seamless operations from initial coaching to settling abroad. He is also pioneering in the H1B visas and Green cards for USA applicants.


The story of Yash's success is written with the ink of his passion for giving back to society. Surrendering his highly paid job as a Clinical Data Scientist at WIRB Copernicus Group to provide undivided attention to students and processing is a life-altering decision he took to pursue his life mantra of giving back.

In his busy schedule administering several roles, Yash treasures to find the time to counsel students and parents. Having a personal insight in a student's experience studying abroad along with acquired knowledge and expertise as a consultant, the trailblazer reinforces the deep-rooted vision from the onset of his decade long career.

Another important early life experience in Yash Veeragoni's journey was the struggle to find the road to pursuing education abroad rooting from a middle-class Indian family. Today, he acts as a strong support system for underprivileged children.

The leader, in association with the AASA foundation, has adopted a few children rooting from India's rural areas and is actively supporting their growth and sponsoring their education.


"India is a human capital-rich country where each one of us has our 'success worthy ideas. However, there are very few people who are unhesitant to 'focus' and dedicate their energy to realize their dreams. In a nutshell, ambition along with dedicated preparation, focus, and time management is the key to success."-Yash Veeragoni.

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