In a talk with the one-man-army behind the inception of Anexion Transformation, Dr Ajay Shrivastav


In a talk with the one-man-army behind the inception of Anexion Transformation, Dr Ajay Shrivastav

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In a talk with the one-man-army behind the inception of Anexion Transformation, Dr Ajay Shrivastav 


In a talk with the one-man-army behind the inception of Anexion Transformation, Dr Ajay Shrivastav 

Presence of loopholes in the current situation yields a new crop of entrepreneurs. Finance can be the lifeline of a business, but it's the human resource that runs the business.

Integrating employee learning and managing the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the organization's people and refining and developing their potential takes an organization to new heights.

This altogether, termed as Learning & Organizational Development (L&OD) assists an organization to nurture a learning culture, focused on motivating, engaging, and educating a high-performing workforce. This is where Anexion Transformation fits in perfectly.

Anexion Transformation

Anexion Transformation

Incorporated with a vow to deliver constant mastery while revamping the L&OD space, Anexion's bedrock was laid back in 2012 to drive businesses towards healthy and productive campus.

Cherishing a strong presence across 20 industries and a treasure to more than 75 leading organizations, it looks like the brand has been there for centuries.

What has been the secret formula behind this consultant magnet's journey? The answer lays within the enthusiasm and hard work of Dr Ajay Shrivastav, a man who fostered a dream and nurtured it with immense passion.

Dr Shrivastav was surfing on the heights of his career when he realized the criticality of establishing a Learning & Organizational Development pioneer.

During his stint at TATA Teleservices, the organization decided to stop outsourcing business and started to focus on the in-house operations.

This move gave him an entrepreneurial drive to lay the foundation of a management consulting firm that would primarily focus on leadership development, management development, and executive coaching and the vision got channelized into Anexion Transformation.

To gain more, we sat down with the leader. Here are the edited excerpts.

How does Anexion sit within the entrepreneurial ecosystem of India today?

In the fast-growing Indian economy, development of human capital has still not received its righteous space. The process lacks investment, mindset and long-term approach towards human capital development in today's scenario.

Creation of Anexion was an outcome of the cumulative experience in this profession and a deep belief that we as human beings are home to infinite potential.

We as a team wanted to refine the same for organizations and their people. India is currently moving towards a righteous place-top three economies of the World and the current entrepreneurial ecosystem will play a pivotal role in this Indian Diaspora.

How the company has maintained its momentum?

Over our journey of the last six years, we have had associated with more than 75 organizations and represented over 20 industries. The secret sauce behind this overwhelming success is a team of highly competent consultants.

We have found that rigor and depth is the key in the L&OD arena which stands flooded with quacks.

Throw some light over the clientele of Anexion.

Our client base ranges from Large to Medium Enterprises. We work on the philosophy of partnering with our clients rather than associating as a service provider.

With such a fast-growing team, how do you make sure everybody stays motivated and how do you support the corporate culture?

Frankly speaking, our team is thoughtfully picked and groomed, so rather than I am thinking about their engagement and motivation, they keep me on toes.

What have been the landmarks of this journey?

Definitely my team and my clients.

What are the big milestones you are looking to achieve in 2018 and beyond?

Other than incremental growth over last years and our continued recognition on various industry platforms, we are seeing 2018 as a great year for us to consolidate our position as a launch pad to 10X growth in next five years.

The future: finally, what's next for the company?

We are gung-ho about the future of the Indian Economy in general and L&OD industry in particular. With every client and every intervention, our belief in outdoing our own standards is getting anchored.

Future Fortune Club belongs to more Indian organizations. This will happen on the rock-solid foundation of fine quality of human capital, and we would be the proud SHAPERS.

Our plan is very simple – Invest in self-development, create a value-based solution and show positive ROI to the clients.

How do you learn in your life and what is your biggest dream?

Though the real lessons are taught by life, we all non-compromisingly acquire new and relevant learning. Each employee/associate goes through learning programs from only the best in class.

What was your journey like to get where you are?

Being associated with diverse organizations during this journey so far has been immensely enriching. Today, when we look at our achievement, the feeling of accomplishment fills us.

Tell me how you've approached change.

As it is rightly said, "Even Change has Changed – No longer it is linear, No longer it is additive, in current times it is abrupt, it is disruptive, it is discontinuous". We embrace every change that brings value on the table.

What was the most difficult lesson you have learned as an entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurship is all about self-propulsion and it takes a lot of willpower and courage to propel during difficult times.

Dynamic Leadership

Dr Ajay Shrivastav – Principal Consultant

A veteran L&OD professional with over three decades of experience of magnificently running various functions and businesses, Fellow in Strategic OD, Strategy Consultant and Professional Certified Coach.

Mr Abraham George – Senior Consultant

Passionate L&OD professional known for his lasting impressions he leaves while developing people, Life Coach, Achievement Motivator and PRO Assessment and Development Centre Assessor.

Mr Ram Yadav – Senior Consultant and Operations Head

Rigorously trained L&D professional, known for his proven track record of designing and delivering L&D projects that lead to desired business results.

Mr Peter Rebello – Senior Consultant

Master Facilitator of Experiential Learning and Outbound Training Programs Specialist

Mr Rajesh Mohanty – Director-Digital Marketing

A thorough marketer in digital platforms and an avid creative designer

A piece of advice for the young entrepreneurs…

Economy and Industry are advancing and so are the expectations. The only piece of advice is to be clear-headed and stay focused. In every market, there is a space and in every space, there is a market.

Entrepreneurs venturing into this domain should invest in self-development which can enable them to create value for the clients; the market will always welcome them.

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