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Fast, easy and free, what is the information source we are talking about?

You guess it right. Blogs, which are defined as chronologically recording information, have become the new career and business opportunity. Be it lifestyle, technology, sports, entertainment, politics, language, skill-building, you name the genre and you can find hundreds and thousands of blogs online.

Like you have ended up on this page looking for your answers, today, in every area, be it news, entertainment, business, blogs are trending source of information and those who create them are called bloggers.

And as digitalization continues to steer the changes it is, more and more population is turning to the online platforms to seek information. But, with the sweeping changes in the society and rumbling shifts in digitalization, blogs are being replaced with video blogs or vlogs. So, are blogs still relevant? If they are, is blogging for me?

Well, you can be an industry expert sharing your experiences and knowledge or people just expressing their passion and talent through words and you will become bloggers.

As great as it seems, with the freedom of being your boss, flexible schedules and control over what you want to express, there comes responsibility.

What about becoming a professional blogger in 2020?

We are happy that you know that the term professional blogging exists as some seem to only put it as a part-time profession. In your endeavour to make blogging as a profession, here are some questions you might want ponder to answer the above question:

Do you enjoy writing?

Blogging is essential expressing through words. Hence, if you are good at write or you even practice writing normally. It may shift from pen and paper to keyboard, but the skill of crafting something read-worthy will help you decide if you want to become a professional blogger in 2020.

What is motivating you?

Is it money or a topic you want to share your views on. Well, both are fair motivating factors, because choosing a profession is as much about bread winning as it is about being able to follow your passion. But, having said that, it should be your passion that guides you, not only money.

What is the central voice of your website?

As I mentioned, it should something you are passionate about that you can choose to write about and share your views on through your blogs. You can start with the basics and make sure that your audience grows with you as you deliver some of the most confusing topics in the

simplest, fastest and easiest way possible. That is what people seek from blogs.

Are you a good communicator?

Even if you are not, blogs are a great way to express as people will be reading your views and not judging you on basis of your looks or speech-like in Vlogging.

But, it does not mean that you are someone who has scattered thoughts. Remember to be the best professional blogger or a pro blogger, you would require some basic communication skills that you can work with.

Are you disciplined?

Blogging demands consistency, and this can be a game-changer. Blogs are a way to connect with people who are seeking information.

It is upon you to decide whether you want to post daily, weekly, on certain time intervals, but once you decide that, you have to stick to that and maintain a flow that comes from discipline.

Hence, this question, do you have time?

Now, to become a professional, you need time to research and deliver. And this is non-negotiable parts to retain the quality of the content you deliver. So, decide if you want to become a professional blogger or you want to start it as a part-time profession.

Are you willing to be in the spotlight?

When you are sharing your views in public, you are subject to both fans and critics. So, you have to be thick-skinned because it's not much fun when one receives negative comments or feedback.

Are you willing to learn?

Self- improvement has been a secular religion of human beings vene before digitalization. It is a critical reason behind the great discoveries and innovations.

It is essential to be humble and adapt to changes. Learn to learn because blogging is an area where everyone knows something but no one knows everything. Learn from those new and those experienced and create your unique outlook and content.


Only if you are true to yourself and what you truly want to become, will you be able to become a successful blogger.

If you believe you are or can be someone passionate to research, be disciplined in their writing and explore every aspect of this wide world and its varied aspects, and express it in your uniquely engaging content, the sky is the limit for you.

Answer the questions and discover yourself!

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