

As the brand new decade has initiated, in 2020, we must acknowledge that healthcare has remodelled and changes in the past decades including their services and the ways they approach the target audience. Many healthcare practices, hospitals, health plans, and other organizations make serious shifts in the way they approach marketing.

The point of healthcare PR is to have a team in any agency or in-house is the voice of the company responsible for delivering timely key messages using a variety of different media and developing a strategy to ensure that they are executed well. Over the past decade, doctors were extremely hesitant to call any healthcare organization a "business", today PR is at the centre of the marketing strategy for the healthcare industry. While the budgets are big, the goals are even bigger which is to raise the profile of the client's brands and services.

The healthcare business is rising as the new technology trends are rising and each day a new product launching in the market, the aggressive advertising techniques and speedy acquisitions, combined with the changing behaviour of "consumers" have to be acknowledged and PR teams have the part to play here as they continue to check everything listed in a typical list of duties on a healthcare PR's job:

  • Ensuring good media relations with health editors on relevant publications including the leading newspapers, magazines, trade journals, radio, TV and, increasingly, online.
  • Writing and sending press releases
  • Working closely alongside the advertising team to ensure the brand message is consistently sent to the target audience.
  • Communicating the key messages internally so everyone in the company from the medical sales team to the senior managers is in sync and can understand the 'vision'.
  • Recruiting and briefing the key opinion leaders, celebrities, authors and spokespeople in the relevant field to share the company's healthcare message.
  • Managing the issues to protect a client's reputation.


In the healthcare PR, various roles are played by different individuals in a team to ensure the best services offered to the healthcare brands they are representing. While traditional healthcare PR required people to have who entered the profession with a background in sales and marketing, today, digital marketing can also be included in this skill requirement as the most of the PR activities include approaching the prospective clients who are available online via social media channels, blogs, etc.

Whatever the background and qualifications, one will need to be a very strong writer, along with being creative and brimming with ideas, self-assured, expressive and versatile enough to pitch plans to a portfolio of different clients, strategic so that they can put together a plan and budget for each idea and be organised as the industry requires everything to be time-sensitive, so they need to deliver projects on time.

Being friendly won't hurt anyone as the PR agents have to get the work done at the end of the day and an ability to charm the client so they feel confident enough to trust and share in your vision.


 Well, what can be said as the key buzzword on everyone's lips since 1985 as John Deere published its first agricultural magazine for customers, content marketing is a key part of the marketing strategy for raising boost brand awareness is the oldest trick in the book; however, social media has put a finer point on how important it is to have a strategy around content.

Blog posts, case study/trend analysis, data-driven content, discussion forums, ebooks, educational game/quiz, e-newsletters, instructional articles/guides, technical report interpretation, podcasts, print newsletters, research reports, videos, virtual conferences, webinar/webcast, website, and white papers are the common ways through which one can boost a brand's message using Content Marketing.

Today, healthcare brand is not looking to communicate with their audience using a celebrity and macro-influencers with followings of millions, but they are looking to engage them using micro-influencers who have a following of 5k to 25 k to boost their brand image.

Healthcare marketers have acknowledged the rising trends of social media and embraced the medium where they have motivated the professionals using social media to share factual information and to inform the public of important health issues which also positions them as a valuable source of information and strengthens your relationship with patients.


Business leaders across different industries tend to look at PR as a key ingredient to ensure that their brand is receiving the attention it requires to be showcasing its existence in the market. Today, the most essential part of the business, especially in the healthcare industry, is to ensure that the audience has the right image of the brand in the highly competitive scenario.

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