Video Interview Methods and Types


Advantages in the Modern Era


Video Interview Methods and Types: Advantages in the Modern Era


Video Interview Methods and Types: Advantages in the Modern Era

Video interview is becoming popular these days. The major factor behind this is its ability to save the time and money involved in traditional interview methods like in-person interviews; remove geographic constraints; automate person screening; and enhance the quality of data in different systems.

Video interviews (Skype, Google Hangouts) are a great alternative to traditional and telephone interviews.

The best part is that you can actually see each other; it adds a certain level of importance and professionalism to the 'call' and removes the temptation for either party to multi-task or lose focus.

Unlike personal interviews, with the help of a video interview, you can easily create the communication with the person at his convenient time and place with no stress,.

Although we cannot deny from this fact that people still face few issues to those that plague the telephone interview. Background distractions could occur, other calls could come through, the bad signal can badly distort the conversation and, as you can both see each other, there is no hiding from the.

Types of Video Interviews

There are two major types in video interviews, first is synchronous and the second one is asynchronous.

Synchronous interviews are conducted live; under this process, conversation is over the internet with both the interviewee and the candidate in attendance and are often used as an alternative to an in-person interview.

Asynchronous video interview is completely different in concept. It is recorded by the job seeker at a time convenient to them. Typically, the applicant gives the answer of questions that are displayed by the platform.

Besides, video interviews are categories as per the ways they are recorded. We all are aware of the traditional video interview, where a person has been selected before-hand and video questions are pre-recorded. 

The other two types of publishing video interviews and embedded video interviews are not so popular but they are getting known by people with time. Here is a brief explanation about the difference between these three concepts;

Traditional Video Interview

Traditional video interviews follow the initial screening of the candidates. And, it is the most common recorded video interview type. Most video interview providers have such an option.

This is a perfect option for your everyday recruiting and becomes a time saver when you have over ten people.

There is no limit for the maximum number of candidates, but a good practice with larger candidate pools is to interview about one-third of your applicants using recorded video interviews.

Public Video Interview

Under this type of video interview, one creates a publishes video interview and publishes its link on different sites. In practice, this is mainly used in large recruiting campaigns, mainly when recruiting millennial, but of course, this does not mean that it could not be used elsewhere.

Public video interviews are best for those who are active in social media; there you already hold a vast base of possible audience.

Embedded Video Interview

Embedded video interview is what it sounds like; a video interview, which is embedded to another page. With an embedded video interview, people create one message. '

Video interviews are getting great popularity among businesses of various sizes. They are especially useful in the hiring process and provide an improved experience for both interviewer and job seeker. They save time and resources and also streamline the hiring process.

These days, video rises to the top of the marketing tactic list and it is shaping the future of marketing, sales and customer service.

While different industries are utilizing the video interview and adding benefits in their businesses, business magazines are not left behind. Many publication houses are taking video interviews of businessmen and keeping their message on the table and portraying the framework of their company among people. It is an effective and organic way of marketing.

Recently, The CEO magazine interviewed Ishaan Khanna, the CEO of LifeCell. LifeCell is the world's first private stem cell bank; it has a network spread over 200 service centers on the home ground and footprints in GCC countries. This farm has been in the industry for more than 25 years but, still few people know about it.

This video interview with one of the best business magazines in India will help Ishaan to expand its network and connect with people from all classes.

Reading a good business magazine in print form is an excellent choice, no doubt. But sometimes, people do not have time or are not interested in reading two to the four-page article, here video interview comes as a solution.

So this all about video interview, its types, expansion, and advantages. As you begin creating videos, you will be able to notice a key difference between video script and your typical business blog post.

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