

For quite several years the recruiters have successfully been in control of the complete process of hiring holding the industry on a static. The process was straight, you post a vacancy on an advertisement, take multiple interviews, identify and shortlist the candidates, negotiate a bit and done.

But the scenario took a 'Tokyo Drift' in the mid-90s when online job portals were introduced in the picture while the recruitment process was on the parallel idling. Earlier the hiring processes were sold in packages and they were priced at quite a lot, the crude system at infancy was sucking out a decent capital.

With the advent of advanced technology in the early 2000s, more advancement came in the favour of the candidates and many recruiters from the industry realized that selling the process at such high rates is not going to help in the long run, hence came the change. And fast forward to the present scenario, the industry has massively transformed and scene changes at a major level. Several trends have taken over the industry in the recent few years; here are a few to take a tour of;

Technical skills: Even if you feel that there is no shortage of skills in your industry, don't assume that t won't ever happen. The pace at which the technology has advanced in the past years, data analytics, big data, and IoT is being embraced by all. A survey has estimated that in the future the workforce will be assigned to more than 50% of jobs that do not even exist in the current scenario. So turn into a specialist and keep abreast with the changes and the upcoming trends.

The Workforce: The internet has bought a revolution in the mindset of the candidate and the employee. People today are no more just interested in the payroll that the company has on offer; they are looking for a lot more in terms of additional perks. Just a satisfactory job description does not weave the magic anymore; a decent salary package also has become an age-old trend. If your company is looking to make an offer to a deserving candidate, there is a high chance they would be willing to know what else your company can offer. The best thing to do is to make way for new recruitment strategies and understand the best ways to sell the vacancy to a potential candidate.

The candidate: It's not just about just the recruitment anymore; the candidate has become a larger part of the picture as well. The focus has shifted from what the company wanted to what the company and the candidate both want. The one who applied for your job is well aware of this process now and keeps the demands accordingly. If the recruitment process you handle is not enough efficient, or your behaviour is lousy towards the candidate or you're not actively willing to participate in the process with the applicant, it will impact your success rate immensely and you will start to lose the faith of the applicant. There is a chance that the candidate might also leave feedback for your services over the websites that provide these company feedbacks and you would not want to spoil the image of your company. So, before you lose the faith of your candidates overnight, turn more focused on their needs. Train your staff accordingly and help them understand the value of this focus.

Team Work: The battle of recruitment cannot be fought alone; you would need a skillful team for that. It's a terrible idea to manage the entire process on your own, it will only hassle the situation and chances are you might miss out on the important details. After facing major pitfalls, many flourishing brands have realized how it is a bad idea to try becoming a jack of all trades and master of none. To avoid early fallouts, you can opt for collaborative hiring, which today has become the norm for hiring teams to come together and work.

The role of the recruiter today has dived into a complete shape shift. Short term approaches have gone out of the window and now it's more about a larger perspective and a long term relationship. Today recruiters cannot just provide a candidate and move on from the responsibility, they offer several refinement skills, training, and more. Today recruiters collaborate with companies to provide a candidate with long-lasting employee tenure and skilled and talented assets.

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