

Be a cheat! No, not literally in life with morals, keep that part intact, just with food. Reap some benefits from the well-planned cheat meals that you can have this republic day without hampering your diet, serve yourself a delectable plate of eats while keeping your health in place.

If you are from a hardcore Indian household, you already know the Republic Day drill, wake up and watch the parade while you gorge on some homemade special scrumptious food.

This day brings so many childhood memories flashing to your eyes, it comes with the dawn of hope, inspiration, culture, new possibilities, a better tomorrow, and so much more, why not make good use of it.

The CEO Magazine suggests all the health freaks out there to relax, sit back and give your uptight no carbohydrates diet a break, but keeping in mind the limit, we won't suggest you go greasy.

If you are new to following a strict food schedule, this list that we are going to share with you will be a blessing in disguise, but if you are someone who has been on various diets for long, you already know the struggle.

Here are a few healthy cheat meals for you that you can savour and enjoy on this Republic day without having to worry about crashing your diet;


If you're anything like a person who likes to ensure having fulfilling breakfast, it always will be a big deal for you. For starters you can have staple healthy options like fruits, vegetables, eggs, boiled chicken, toasts, etc. but if you want to add some extra taste to your breakfast, try pancakes.

Pancakes, French toasts or waffles are not unhealthy options for a wholesome breakfast if you avoid adding syrups, chocolate paste, or butter to it.

This option will only take your diet south if you couple it with the latter ones. A few steps taken towards a tiny change will make your breakfast healthier and tastier to eat without you having to be guilty of any cheating.


Of course, pizza is unhealthy and total junk, but not if you prepare it at home from scratch. And this homemade delight can be great for a cheat day meal; all you need to know are the right healthy ingredients to add.

Use fresh vegetables, least amount of olive oil, wheat flour base, a little cheese for taste and there you are with your fresh yummy meal.

The crust in this cheat meal has always been the biggest factor of calories, once you have replaced it with a healthy option, you are good to go. Keep the crust thin and don't overload it with cheese, and the republic day will be all filled with good food and parade.


Make yourself a nice healthy slider with some staple dressings and veggies. And your slider not necessarily needs to be about fat and red meat; you can add vegetable patties boiled chicken, greens, fresh salads, etc.

Avoid adding mayonnaise and creams to you slider; settle for ranch sauce or sweet onions, maybe a little southwest would be okay for taste.

Replace your fries with sweet potato and aerated drinks with some fresh juices or shakes. And there you have a complete healthy happy meal that would taste good and not even add calories.


These babies may not be the healthiest option but you can definitely mix them up with something to make them one. What better than some wheat bread sandwiches and air or olive oil brushed to fry nuggets? Nothing I tell you.

Use some good onions, tomatoes, and pickles, slide a few nuggets, grill eat and you are done. Another way to have your nuggets is to grind them with flour or dry bread and roast it, they turn into these golden crispiest patties that would make for an amazing snack with your bowl of salad, do try.


If you live in India, you'd know we love our 'Roti', and if you don't you can settle for a replacement for it, flatbreads. You can easily make rolls filled with freshly diced onions and roasted chicken mince served with hot sauce, it's delicious.

You also have vegetarian options to fill like cottage cheese and cabbage or tofu and capsicum mix, you can mix and match and make a roll of your choice and taste.

Eating healthy food should not be forced; it will work for long only if it has been taken up by choice. It's a journey that you decide to take and make changes in your lifestyle accordingly for a better tomorrow.

On this Republic Day make sure you cheat on your diet with savoury but healthy food and enjoy the patriotism filled parade with a wholesome meal.

Happy Republic Day!

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