ChatGPT Vs Gemini

TCM Review

ChatGPT Vs Gemini: A Clash of AI Chatbots

Shweta Singh

In 2024, Google introduced a new AI chatbot named Gemini, formerly known as Bard, aiming to challenge ChatGPT's dominance in the chatbot world.

Gemini was launched in early 2023 after OpenAI's LLM-powered chat interface set the bar high. Many people are left wondering: is Gemini as good as ChatGPT?

Let’s find out...

Gemini Vs. ChatGPT: A Summary

Internet Access: Bard/Gemini had internet access from the start, while ChatGPT initially relied only on training data but later integrated with Bing for external information.

Language Models: Both platforms use sophisticated large language models (LLMs) but offer slightly different user experiences. ChatGPT focuses on conversational interactions, while Gemini prioritises information processing and task automation.

Technical Aspects: While both models are powerful, their effectiveness depends on factors like calibration, training, and presentation.

Information Retrieval: Gemini excels in integrating online information into responses, while ChatGPT sometimes relies solely on training data.

Multi-Modal Capabilities: Gemini was inherently multi-modal, while ChatGPT gained this capability with the upgrade to GPT-4. Gemini generates images using Imagen 2, while ChatGPT uses DALL-E for image generation.

Code Understanding: Both platforms can understand and write code, but ChatGPT is preferred for providing clear guidance and suggestions.

Google Gemini or OpenAI ChatGPT? Which AI Assistant Should You Choose?

Choosing between Google Gemini and OpenAI ChatGPT for your AI assistant needs can be a big decision. These are two powerful tools that can help you with tasks and make your life easier. But which one should you pick? It depends on what you want to do and what features are important to you. Let's take a closer look at both to help you decide.

Is Gemini Advanced better than GPT-4?

As technology advances, the emergence of more advanced artificial intelligence models like Gemini Advanced and GPT-4 raises intriguing questions about which one offers superior capabilities. Comparing these two on various parameters will help us make informed decisions regarding their utilisation in different contexts.

Internet Access

Bard had the advantage of accessing the internet right from the start, thanks to its integration with Google's search technology. In contrast, the initial version of ChatGPT was limited to the information it learned during training. 

However, OpenAI later updated ChatGPT to connect with Microsoft's Bing, allowing it to access external information as well. Despite this connectivity improvement, many still believe that ChatGPT is more versatile and useful for various language processing tasks.

Now, Google is making a big move by renaming Bard with the name of the language model powering it. They're also offering access to its Advanced service through a subscription, priced competitively to take on ChatGPT directly. 

So, is Google ready to challenge the top spot? Let's take a closer look at both platforms, pointing out the key differences to help you decide which one suits your needs better.

Language Models

It's important to recognise that both Gemini and ChatGPT rely on extremely sophisticated large language models (LLMs), which are more advanced than any publicly available models in the past. 

It's essential to understand that ChatGPT serves as the interface for users to interact with the underlying language model, which could be either GPT4 for paying users of ChatGPT Pro or GPT3.5 for free users.

In Google's setup, the interface is known as Gemini (formerly Bard), and it serves as a means to communicate with the language model. Interestingly, the language model itself is also named Gemini, or Gemini Ultra for users subscribing to the Gemini Advanced service.

It's important to note that while both are referred to as chatbots, they offer slightly different user experiences. 

Technical Aspects

ChatGPT is geared towards facilitating conversations and assisting in problem-solving through natural conversation, akin to chatting with an expert on a topic. On the other hand, Gemini appears to be focused on processing information and automating tasks to streamline user workflows, ultimately saving time and effort.

From a technical standpoint, the potency of LLM models is typically gauged by the number of parameters (trainable values) in the neural network. While reports suggest that GPT-4's networks boast around a trillion parameters, concrete details regarding the number of parameters utilised by Gemini remain unknown. 

However, the specific numerical value may not be crucial; what truly matters is understanding that both models are exceptionally powerful.

The Result:

After extensively using both platforms for various conversations across different topics, it's evident to me that ChatGPT remains the more powerful chat interface, primarily due to the strength of GPT-4. However, Gemini is steadily closing the gap!

Retrieving Information

One advantage of Gemini is its default approach of considering all available information, including the internet, Google's extensive knowledge graph, and its training data. 

In contrast, ChatGPT sometimes relies solely on its training data to answer questions, which can result in outdated information. However, you can prompt ChatGPT to search the web for the latest data. Despite this, Gemini has demonstrated that this additional step is often unnecessary.

Gemini demonstrates slightly greater proficiency than ChatGPT in online searching and integrating found information into its responses. 

When ChatGPT does search online for information, its responses can sometimes lack dynamism. It appears to answer questions or provide responses based on a single web search and a single information source, rather than conducting a thorough analysis of all available information to arrive at a conclusion.

This is an area where Gemini slightly outperforms its competitor.

But that's not all. When it comes to intelligently analysing the information it has been trained on to craft a response, ChatGPT still emerges as the winner.

The Result:

This one is a tie. Gemini excels in formulating answers from online text, while ChatGPT shines in handling queries without internet access.

Multi-Modal Capabilities

Multi-modal AIs can process multiple types of data. Early versions of ChatGPT were limited to reading and generating text. However, with the upgrade to GPT-4, OpenAI enabled ChatGPT to process visual and audio data, making it multi-modal. In contrast, Gemini was inherently multi-modal from the beginning, although not all its features were initially activated.

ChatGPT generates images using the DALL-E model, developed by OpenAI, while Gemini relies on Google's Imagen 2 engine. Both are highly potent and capable of producing impressive results. However, in my experience, ChatGPT tends to be more consistent in generating images that closely align with my expectations when comparing them based on the same prompt.

Another distinction observed by others is that Imagen 2 and Gemini are slightly superior at generating photorealistic, highly detailed images. In contrast, ChatGPT excels in managing spatial relationships between objects in its images and demonstrates proficiency in creatively interpreting prompts.

Computer Codes

Both ChatGPT and Gemini possess the capability to comprehend and write computer code across a wide array of programming languages. However, there are slight variances in their methodologies.

ChatGPT's exceptional conversational skills provide it with notable advantages in this domain. If you're uncertain about your code's purpose or the optimal integration methods, ChatGPT excels in providing clear and helpful guidance, along with offering suggestions and tips.

The Result:

I'll give this round to ChatGPT once more. While Gemini excels in creating photorealistic images, ChatGPT prevails in generating images that closely align with the user's prompts. Additionally, Gemini demonstrates slight superiority in creating technical code, but it doesn't match ChatGPT as a conversational interface for building and experimenting.

ChatGPT Vs. Gemini: Who Wins?

So, which one is the best? Well, neither is perfect. Both Gemini and ChatGPT still have their flaws, such as occasional inaccuracies and hallucinations. For instance, Gemini once incorrectly stated that OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 doesn't use diffusion model technology, while ChatGPT mistakenly claimed that Gemini is incapable of generating images.

However, if we had to choose just one to subscribe to, we would lean towards ChatGPT Pro for now. There are a couple of caveats, though. If you're deeply embedded in Google's ecosystem, you might be drawn to Gemini's integration with Gmail and Google Docs. Likewise, if you're an experienced coder and coding is your primary focus, it's worth exploring Gemini (though also consider Microsoft's Co-Pilot).

For tasks like writing, document creation, summarising, general image generation, and learning through conversations, ChatGPT currently holds the edge.

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