Active Living: A Guide to Breaking Free From Sedentary Lifestyle for Optimal Health

TCM Health

Active Living: A Guide to Breaking Free From Sedentary Lifestyle for Optimal Health

Shweta Singh

You would be surprised to know that one out of every four adults falls short of meeting the globally recommended levels of physical activity. This is concerning because a sedentary lifestyle, as defined by the Sedentary Behavior Research Network (SBRN), involves engaging in any waking behaviour that expends less than 1.5 metabolic equivalents while in a sitting, reclining, or lying posture. This inactive lifestyle is associated with various health risks, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, weight gain, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and an increased likelihood of all-cause mortality. Simply put, a sedentary lifestyle is characterised by insufficient physical activity, involving extended periods of sitting or lying down throughout the day.

Breaking Down Prolonged Inactivity

The general recommendation is to limit continuous sedentary behaviour to no more than 60 minutes at a time. To counteract extended periods of inactivity, focus on increasing the frequency of movement throughout the day. As a simple strategy, aim for three to six minutes of activity at the end of every hour. Consider setting an alarm to remind yourself to stand up, take a short walk, or perform some sit-to-stand exercises from your chair. These brief exercises help interrupt prolonged sitting and promote better blood circulation.

Signs of Insufficient Movement

Unsure whether your activity level is too sedentary? Here are significant indicators that you might not be moving enough for optimal mental and physical health, signalling the need to increase your physical activity:

Falling Short of Global Health Recommendations

If you fall short of the World Health Organization's guidelines, which recommend either 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, coupled with two days of strength training, it suggests a sedentary lifestyle. Failing to meet these benchmarks indicates insufficient movement. The solution involves gradually increasing your exercise capacity until you reach and surpass these recommended thresholds.

Spending More Than Half Your Waking Hours Inactive

Consider this perspective: If you find that more than half of your waking hours are characterised by inactivity—sitting, reclining, and not moving—it's a noteworthy indicator that warrants attention. To gauge this, subtract your sleeping hours from the total 24 hours in a day. If over 50 per cent of the remaining time is spent in a sedentary state, it becomes essential to explore ways to introduce more movement into your routine. Simple changes like walking to the grocery store or parking your car one block away from your office can be effective in fostering a more active lifestyle.

Constant Fatigue

Constant fatigue has various causes, including stress, diet, and hormonal imbalances. A sedentary lifestyle significantly contributes to persistent tiredness, intensifying with prolonged inactivity. This fatigue results from rapid "deconditioning" of the body's heart, lungs, and muscles. Encouragingly, research suggests a solution in movement. A study found that just 20 minutes of low- or medium-intensity exercise three times a week for six weeks led to a 20% increase in energy levels for those experiencing persistent fatigue. You don't need intense workouts for rejuvenating benefits—regular, moderate exercise can make a significant difference.

Weight and Metabolism Changes

Sedentary habits affect weight and metabolism. Caloric balance is disrupted as inactivity lowers energy expenditure, leading to fat storage. A sedentary lifestyle reduces metabolism, causing a decreased calorie burn at rest. This compromised blood flow and metabolism can contribute to diabetes, heart attacks, and stroke. If signs of inactivity emerge, prioritise increased movement before considering calorie intake reductions.

Feeling Winded

Feeling consistently out of breath can indicate the impact of prolonged inactivity on your heart. Shallow breathing during periods of inactivity deprives the heart of essential oxygen, contributing to its deconditioning. This lack of movement can result in quicker breathlessness and palpitations, potentially worsening heart function over time.

Health Risks Amplified by Sedentary Habits

Sedentary habits escalate mortality and heart disease risks. Each extra hour of daily TV correlates with a higher cardiovascular disease risk. Sitting for at least 10 hours daily, compared to less than five, heightens heart attack risk. Inactivity triggers an overactive sympathetic nervous system, raising stress hormones and inflammatory markers, and intensifying cardiovascular risks.

Age complicates recovery from a sedentary state; counter it with consistent workouts over 8-10 weeks. Start with 10 minutes of walking every other day, progressing to 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise five days a week for improved overall health.

Prioritising Sleep and Mental Health

Prioritise sleep for overall well-being. Insufficient sleep (below 7-9 hours) leads to metabolism issues, weakened immunity, and increased mortality risk. Prolonged inactivity, exceeding 11 hours, worsens sleep quality and quantity, contributing to insomnia. Adhering to national activity guidelines significantly enhances sleep quality, reducing the likelihood of excessive daytime sleepiness by 95%. Make regular physical activity a priority for more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Addressing Cognitive Decline

Combat cognitive decline by addressing a sedentary lifestyle. Studies link inactivity to poor mental health, increasing depression risk. Exercise's serotonin release boosts mood. Simultaneously tackle mental health and inactivity through mindfulness. Recognise sedentary habits, opt for activity, and enhance well-being. Mindfulness, endorsed by experts, combats stress and anxiety, promoting a healthy fitness-mental health connection. Merge mindfulness with physical activity for heightened mood and stress reduction.

Weakened Memory

It's essential to recognise that prolonged inactivity not only affects our bodies but also our brains. Hours spent sitting can lead to a decrease in the thickness of the medial temporal lobe, impacting memory. Incorporating aerobic fitness, such as treadmill walking, not only enhances this brain area but also helps address age-related cognitive issues like dementia.

Even a modest increase in physical activity significantly enhances health and well-being. Start small and maintain consistency, focusing on achievable goals to break the sedentary habit and promote lasting positive changes.

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