

Regardless of the turbulent journey, the Indian education system has survived, the scenarios have undergone a massive transformation, and for good.

The change had been in procrastination for long, but today with the pacing up scenario, we are looking at a more facilitating picture where the teachers will become more of a guiding light.

With technology making the inroads in the realm of education, it has gradually engaged the present generation is an active process of learning to eventually reduce the burden on the teachers to repetitively teach the same thing.


  • E-learning: In India by 2021, it has been predicted that the online education market will amplify by eight folds and witness massive growth. There are several e-learning firms that are coming up every day and are offering readily available solutions to problems, doubts and a plethora of competitive exams.

  • Learn all the time: This trend will not just break the shackles of the four walls of the classroom but also give students the facility to study at their fancy whenever and wherever they want. The learning will continue after school as well, from the comfort of the house or even while travelling.

    There would be more options to explore the areas of interest and the conventional scenario would not be of a hindrance. There would not be a need to wait to clarify doubts until the student meets the teacher the next day, the clarification would just be a click away.

  • Group studies: Collaborating with other students will get easier after technology coming in the picture, in a fixed routine of a classroom; it does get difficult for the kids to mingle with each other. Technology will help open new doors to group studies, mingling with each other, discussing innovative and creative ideas, implementation of new ways to study, helping each other and dedicate time to team efforts, further refining the skills of working in harmony and coexistence.

  • Customized learning: The potential of technology and education together is immense. Artificial Intelligence has the potential to customize the route for learning based on their research. It will find your assignments, tests, study material, and more without you even having to look for it. This manner of personalization will help the student to set their own pace of studying and personalize effectively.


Taking up rote learning to enhance the learning skills, if done correctly, rote learning is a good way of remembering lessons. I the coming years, a lot of concentration and time will be dedicated to hands-on learning, rather than just mugging up theories.

Done right, rote learning will become the experimental learning manner through which students will be prepared for acquiring skills on subjects that may be outside of their forte and help them ace it.


In a lot of countries today, the concept of coding is introduced to the kids in the early years of school, to get them familiar with the importance of it. In today's world where everything is tech-savvy, it is looked upon as a necessary concept to learn.

The kid isn't taught the complex details but is on the surface level taught the basics through many exciting activities and games. 

Coding nut just prepares the kids for the challenging skills the 21st century is going to boast about in the coming years, but it also will help them refine their skills of communication, creativity, critical thinking, collaborating, etc. in the primal stages.

The e-learning methods, facilities, and content have seen a rise in the past few years and it does not look like stopping anytime soon. The process of involving students in more and more technologically bent projects has been a major part of the process for improved and effective outcomes to increase.

There are set parameters nowadays to assess the right nature of content to be posted online for the perusal of students. The government bodies have also started to take an active interest in such initiatives and have proved of great help.

Hence, this can be comprehended with the situation in the current scenario that in the coming few years, the education sector will witness an improved setup with an environment that will prove beneficial for the teachers, students and the overall growth scenario of all.

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