

Have you ever used IKEA application to decorate your home or played Pokemon Go or used one of the Snapchat filters? Is yes then you have already experienced Augmented Reality (AR). Well, what you have experienced is just a tip on the iceberg the real revolution yet to happen. This technology is rapidly evolving to change how we learn, connect and work.

Apple CEO Tim Cook states that "AR will happen, it will happen in a big way, and we will wonder when it does, how we ever lived without it. Like we speculate how we live without our phone today."

What is Augmented Reality?

The word "Augmented" was derived from the word "augment" which means to enhance. As technology is advancing the space between Reality and Virtual Reality is narrowing. AR helps to enhance the reality with digital transformation to make a more engaging experience of the real-world surroundings.

According to Google Augmented Reality is – "A technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view."

When we talk about technology advancement in the tourism industry, AR hits at the top of the list as both of them are created for one another. Well, what do a traveller or tourist does? Travelling, watching new places and grasping every piece of information about the destination.  Augmented Reality is meant to change how and what we see around us as it enhances our experience while you are travelling and exploring new places. So AR is a perfect tool for tourism. It adds new value and opens new opportunities for both the tourist and the tourism industry. In this article, we will share with you the top 5 ideas of how to use augmented reality in tourism.

  1. Guide your customers

Information is what people can't live without. It is the fuel for our impressions and our emotions, especially while travelling. Of course, some adventurers prefer to wander around with no particular aim peeking into every alley and corner in their search of something interesting. But when one wants a beer, they want it now and not after two hours of walking around the unknown city.

AR will allow a traveller to search whatever they want to be it a bar, a restaurant, a famous bridge, a historic sight. Once the tourist opens their camera to a certain sign or pictures the application will automatically provide all the possible information available regarding that. This is what Google Lenses is doing and as this technology is advancing everything is in a Smartphone now.

  1. Helping tourist to find the way

Now that you have decided a place to visit, it's time to answer the question of how to get there. While some have an uncanny sense of direction that will lead them exactly where they need, the unfortunate majority relies on maps in their smartphones.

Augmented reality can greatly improve people's experience with maps, making them better and more convenient. Your customers will be grateful when they get to use an interactive, fun-to-use, and helpful way to navigate.

  1. Educate your customers

Tell them more about your place. Show them extra information about the city. Let them dive into the depth of history and science. Everyone feels grateful when they are told any interesting stories.

People who like museums will be delighted to watch exhibits come alive. Augmented reality can easily animate a T-Rex or make a Moai tell where it's from. AR applications open a window into the past.  It is also possible to tell the story of Taj Mahal or show how it all started several thousand years ago. Augmented reality has unlimited potential and options to share information to the world.

  1. Break the communication barrier

Yes, English is one of the most common languages in the world. But experienced tourists know that there are places where an English-speaking person is as rare as a unicorn. By introducing the tourists you can help them to translate every letter into English or the language they understand. An augmented reality app can help people to understand signs and notes, improving their travelling experience.

  1. Improve your customers' experience

The aim should be to make it easier, more interesting and better. If you change something in your service that in any way improves your customer's engagement than it will be noted and remembered for a long time.

Augmented reality is a memorable thing. It can be applied to any stage of a person's interaction with the company: acquaintance, choice, usage. It brings extra excitement and evokes good emotions, which benefits the brand image overall. Use of AR technology in the tourism sector will convince any customer that your firm is the one they need.

Bottom Line

The advantage of augmented reality solutions in tourism are unlimited and can serve any firm. It will help you to enhance your customer experience, make your company an innovative one and if you adopt it soon then you will also get the first-mover advantage. You will see the difference once you use it.

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