Effective and Simple Winter Health Hacks Decoded For Frequent Business Travellers


Effective and Simple Winter Health Hacks Decoded For Frequent Business Travellers


Effective and Simple Winter Health Hacks Decoded For Frequent Business Travellers


Effective and Simple Winter Health Hacks Decoded For Frequent Business Travellers

Travelling for work in winters?

While it is a struggle for everyone in winters to come out of comfortable blankets and head to work, those who are bound to travel due to their job have higher chances of sacrificing their health. From being in a confined place for hours during travel to having no control over the food and drinks one would consume during travelling or staying at resorts or hotels across the world.

Maintaining a healthy balance is difficult as the winter season approaches and the people begin to get infected with viruses. The cold and dry weather conditions lead to various diseases causing viruses to transmit faster which one is more likely to get while travelling. With constant travel and reduced time for self-care, one gets reduced immunity that affects how they are going to react to the viruses.

Sleep, being one of the major factors being compromised, most frequent travellers tend to get a sleep deprivation affecting the mental and physical health, many such factors are outlined below along with hacks for travellers to stay healthy in winters:


Homemade food is not a preferred option for some but a luxury for business travellers who tend to stay away from home for most days of the week or even months. While one gets to explore new food and dishes in places they are travelling to, the challenge is to keep the nutrient levels in control. Travelling means having access to all kinds of food in hotels including cookies and holiday delight especially during winters.

One thing one can do is not to be killed by their guilt and enjoy the delights but keep it balanced with the fruits rich in nutrients like bananas which provide potassium, fibre, energy and vitamin B6 to the body. Fruits rich in antioxidants are the real hack this winter where one can consume apples, papaya, and beetroot to stay healthy in winters.


Morning flights at 4, travelling to the airport, taking flight and non-stop meetings are the routine to the business travellers. The most important part of the whole routine is sleep that is compromised, travelling constantly can make the sleep routine disrupted, the struggle to sleep anywhere and anywhere begins as the body wants time to relax and reboot.

Adjusting sleeping pattern is essential depending on the different time zones; one might be travelling to ensure that feels better and can adapt quickly when they reach the destination. Avoiding jet lag during travelling can be executed by ensuring a comfortable seat at an early scheduled flight and carrying a blanket can be the simple hacks for business travellers while travelling.


The winter season can be difficult for people with Asthma as frequent travelling also implies being in constant contact with germs and pollution. Being an important part of the job, travel is inevitable for some and it is essential to have a proper back up to keep the health intact while working.

Covering the mouth and nose at all times while outside along with frequent hand washing are the few things one should follow as they suffer from the diseases like Asthma to avoid the high risks of respiratory infections and allergies. Wearing proper warmers, shoes, goggles, socks, gloves and woollen shawls are very important along with ensuring that one does not increase the baggage weight.


Dry Skin is a common problem in winters and the major reason is low humidity. The dry air can cause the water in the skin to evaporate more quickly. This makes the skin feel dry and tight and makes it look flaky which one would not prefer as they will be travelling to destinations for meeting and want to presentable.

Business travellers need to stay healthy in winters and deliver the same productivity in winters as well which is only possible when they have moisture and good skin. Avoiding hot water baths in winter and making sure that the water is lukewarm is important. Using natural oils to moisture the skin is preferred over petroleum jelly as they do not get absorbed in the skin and can cause the skin to further Detroit. Using a good SPF sunscreen that suits the skin type is a simple yet effective hack for business travellers in winters.


A winter checklist can help avoid last-minute sudden tension to drive in as one is prepared. From clothes to food hacks mentioned above, one can also make sure that they are travel-ready while keeping their health in check.

  • Versatile clothing, a simple and yet easy hack to keep the travel baggage light yet winter-ready. The first thing to check off the list is to buy fabrics like merino wool which is known to naturally absorb sweat and odour along with being lightweight.
  • Neutral Colour: Buying neutral colour sweaters is an easy hack as they are easily foldable, lightweight and can be teamed up with different items to create different looks making them perfect item for winters.
  • Multi-functional items: Unique items like Sarong can be brought as it is all-in-one solution accessory for winters as it can be used as a scarf, skirt, head tie, beach blanket, towel, cover-up or even double up as a hand-shift bag.

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