

Running a fruitful company demands extremely self-motivated businessman and his ability to wear multiple hats throughout each day. Although the payoffs of entrepreneurship can be huge, from business touching new heights, yet the real price is paid by entrepreneurs by disregarding health concerns which add to a lot of stress.

People find a businessman's life glamorous and king-size. Setting your schedule, implementing your own rules, hassle-free work, flexible working hours can be incredibly alluring and inviting.

They are idolized as role models. However, being an entrepreneur is not worth the candle. These determined figures may be fighting an internal battle within.

Thanking some genius minds of our society, a person suffering from depression is gazed by us as a mental retard. Depression, it comes in many forms and under the veil of embarrassment making it difficult to talk about on a broader platform.

Depression can come in any form; it doesn't always connect with sadness, the choices, working schedule, demand to perform better than the rest, replacing their self-worth with company's net worth and the longing to stand out from the crowd can place a tariff on the psychological well-being of entrepreneurs at a higher risk rate.

It seeps into our lives slowly and silently

Depression doesn't knock your door before infiltrating into one's life. The mantra "time is money" has lost its true meaning in today's era. In a certain degree, businessmen work such long hours that they devote minimal time to sleep, leisure, exercise, and other activities that help in warding off depression. 

The main symptoms associated with depression include social isolation, disturbed sleep, agitation, overthinking, constant weight changes and much more. Mistaking these signs with stress, we let depression overcome us and the situation gets worse.

This internal demon can take away your life!!

Battling with emotional distress, loneliness and thoughts of harming oneself may also lead to giving up on your life with suicidal thoughts. We all are familiar with the list of famous people ending up their lives miserably.

That urge of extreme fame, fortune, and success don't safeguard anyone from mental health issues. Failures in business which results in losing their identity, monetary issues, hectic schedule and travel, constantly worrying about business turn down one's thoughts very dark, making you easy prey to pull out your life.

Turn down depression before it eats you- A proactive approach

It's important to reconsider the key to happiness in one's life.

Emotional difficulties aren't a sign of weakness or mental issues. Rather it denotes that the entrepreneurial lifestyle often lends itself to reduced resilience against mental health issues.

Take a proactive approach to prevent emotional problems when you can. Spend more time and energy chasing and maintaining good health. Do what makes you happy and fall in love with yourself once again.

Doctors say that physical exercise is the most effective weapon while battling against depression. So, it's high time to strap on a pair of running shoes, or the lawn tennis racket lying somewhere in your storeroom.

Spare time for your friends, family, pamper yourself. It takes nothing but can make you feel refreshed and happy once again. Enjoy the little moments of life. Capture the beautiful moments of life so you can relive them again anytime anywhere.

It's important to attach your self-esteem with your accomplishments as it can whack away thoughts of worthlessness bubbling inside your mind.

Laugh Laugh Laugh, as much as you can, it not only makes your thoughts positive, it makes you look younger a little longer than others.

Research has shown that formal practices of meditation and prayer can halve the risk of depression.

These tiny bundled daily life inclusions are enough to put your internal struggle at rest and making you understand your self-worth above professional performance.

For the entrepreneurs, we care.

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