5 Healthcare Brands That Are Most Trusted By Women In India


5 Healthcare Brands That Are Most Trusted By Women In India


5 Healthcare Brands That Are Most Trusted By Women In India


5 Healthcare Brands That Are Most Trusted By Women In India

With their busy schedules and hardly any time to themselves, women are continuously on their toes as they play their multi-tasking roles of being a daughter, sister, mom, wife, and daughter-in-law.

Women are prone to various mental and physical conditions due to the schedule they follow. In the last decade, women health conditions are not only being addressed but also various healthcare brands have entered the market to help women manage their health better.

The stressful schedules, unbalanced diet and lack of sleep takes a toll on woman's body. Besides this, women are not regular with their checkups which lead to various serious conditions left undiscovered and ignored until they become life-threatening.

The most common health conditions that women face today are heart conditions, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis, depression, and several others.

Today in the era of the internet, various healthcare brands are using new technology to help provide women better health services:

  1. Practo: Be a home-maker or a CEO, women have a diverse set of roles they need to perform in a day and health checkups usually do not count as a part of their priority lists. The problems women faces are usually ignored by themselves and their family members. But with Practo, women can take care of their health without changing their schedule. Practo is a one-stop solution for any medical queries one can have. From Booking an appointment with doctor to chatting with experts, ordering medicines and even booking tests and check-ups, every service can be availed sitting at home with just one click. This application help overcome the most important issue women face today, i.e. the lack of time and it is becoming a trusted healthcare assistance app.

  2. Clue: Clue is a female health app developed by the Berlin-based Technology Company BioWink GmbH. Periods or the menstruation is one of the essential parts of a women's life. Most of the women in India face numerous problems when it comes to tracking their menstruation cycles. Again, the busy and the stressful environment makes it difficult to keep a record of the menstruation cycles. The number of women with unwanted pregnancies in India is increasing each year. A period tracking application like Clue is hence essential as it helps women record their menstruation cycle and avoid any surprises or unwanted situations.

  3. Headspace: A women's duty is not limited by any time limits or office working hours (like 9 to 5), they work round the clock and are constantly in stress. Stress, anxiety, and depression are the most prevalent health conditions women face today. Headspace is an American healthcare brand providing guided medication resources online. The brand launched the first version of its app in 2012, which is now updated and is amongst the most trusted healthcare applications used in India. The headspace app encourages its users to complete and master a level of meditation at each level. The application offers ten minute long sessions in an audio format which is effective and efficient to help women relieve their mental stress.

  4. Niramai: Breast cancer is the most life-threatening disease causing deaths in women. Niramai is a Bengaluru based start-up that is using artificial intelligence to fight breast cancer with pain-free screening. While women in India are under constant threat of breast cancer, most of them are afraid of the painful breast cancer screening. This reason is being eliminated with the help of the latest AI technology and Niramai is a platform that launching this technology in India. The Niramai screening device helps in the detection of breast cancer at an early stage is possible. The healthcare brand uses AI to detect tumors five times smaller than what a clinical exam can catch. To develop a low cost and reliable diagnostic method, the start-up uses machine learning and big data analytics over thermography images. This leading healthcare brand is a perfect collaboration between healthcare and technology to fight cancer.

  5. LiveHealth- Maintaining reports is also a part of healthcare that makes people avoid their health. Livehealth is a Pune based start-up that works as a management information system (MIS) for healthcare providers. From booking home collections to receiving reports and making payments through the app, the Livehealth application offers seamless patient experience. The application has an integrated payment system along with a feedback system to deliver a digital and connected experience to its customers and become one of the most trusted healthcare brands.


Especially in India, awareness and knowledge about women health conditions are now being recognized and solutions are offered to treat these conditions.

Be it depression or breast cancer, with the latest technological innovations, various healthcare brands are becoming the most trusted choice by Indian women.

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