Technology which is revolutionizing the Indian Education Industry

Technology which is revolutionizing the Indian Education Industry
2 min read

Technology which is revolutionizing the Indian Education Industry

"Dream Bigger, Do Bigger" – This saying fits perfectly if we talk about PinnacleWorks which launched "SuperBot – An AI Driven Smart Conversational Platform", in the year 2018. Having 7+ years of experience, with the forte lying in dealing in Education Industry, SuperBot was initially launched to cater the counseling needs of various Educational Organizations including Universities, Schools and Colleges, etc. With the initial vision to eradicate the problems associated with the ongoing manual counseling process including 24×7 availability loss of queries at the time of heavy traffic and higher cost involved in attending those queries, SuperBot was launched as India's First AI Counseling Agent. At the time of launch while a number of organizations were skeptical about its effectiveness, BBD Educational Group became the first to launch it on their website followed by MIET Group, Don Bosco Group, DIT University, REVA University. And within the duration of 6 months only it had served more than 3 million queries while capturing 10,000+ leads.

But on one side wherein the organizations using it were happy with the responses received, on the other side the creators were still unsatisfied as the level of smartness and features they were expecting was the tip of an iceberg and was yet to be achieved. Thus, where the count of the organizations trusting SuperBot as their Counseling Agent kept on increasing and is currently 50+ across India, including big names like ICFAI Business School, UPES, Parul University, Apeejay Stya University, Jagannath University, AISECT Group, etc., SuperBot also kept on becoming smarter day by day.

Within the span of one year it became advanced and capable of doing things which it was intially unable to do! From auto follow up with the potential leads to scheduling campus visit,to displaying notices and Online Payment Integrations it became capable of doing all the counseling related tasks during the conversation itself!

Currently, though it is still improving and learning it has already served 10 Million+ chats while attending to concurrent queries from 1,000+ users simultaneously.

After receiving such an overwhelming and positive response, the company has now widened the verticals it deals in. It has launched SuperBot for Coaching Institutes as well wherein it will be acting as a support cum counseling agent.

Also, since healthcare forms one of the major sectors of Indian Industry, wherein Hospitals holds the major share, SuperBot for HealthCare has also been launched. Though built using the same technology and infrastructure which majorly includes Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning the way SuperBot functions for Hospitals is different. Apart from attending queries and capturing visitor details, it is also capable of telling the Doctor's Schedule for a particular day, reminder about the upcoming appointment, resceduling of the appointments, providing location specific information in case if the hospital has branches at various locations,etc.

"We know we are chasing something which is the truth of the near future and are therefore positive about achieving it. We have also beta-launched SuperBot Communications which is an AI-driven conversational platform capable of having smart dialogues with humans over telephony channels." – Sarvagya Mishra, Director – PinnacleWorks

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